Digitální knihovnaUPCE

Slave narratives: Life of a female slave

Bakalářská práce

Datum publikování


Vedoucí práce

Název časopisu

Název svazku


Univerzita Pardubice


This bachelor thesis analyzes slave narratives of African American women in the United States during the 19th century. Its goal is to examine aspects of female slaves' lives depicted in Harriet A. Jacobs's Incidents in a Life of a Slave Girl, and Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley's Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House. The thesis details family lives, slave marriages, focuses on motherhood and the sorrows of mothers separated from their children, and the influence of religion on slaves' lives as they were portrayed in those selected works. Also, it draws attention to the suffering and torturing, including whippings, beatings, sexual abuse as well as emotional torment, enslaved women had to endure while they were in bondage. Furthermore, the thesis deals with issues concerning gaining freedom and with authors' lives after that.

Rozsah stran

52 s.


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bez omezení

Název akce


Studijní obor

Anglický jazyk - specializace v pedagogice

Studijní program

Specializace v pedagogice

Signatura tištěné verze

Umístění tištěné verze

Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

Afro-Americans, female slave, slave abuse, slave narrative, slavery, Afroameričané, otrokyně, zneužívání otroků, příběhy otroků, otroctví



