Digitální knihovnaUPCE

Stylistic Analysis of Selected Lyrics of Talking Heads

Bakalářská práce

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Univerzita Pardubice


The work deals with the analysis of the chosen song lyrics of Talking Heads band from the stylistic and pragmatic points of view. The first part of the thesis includes theoretical background and mentions the terms' definitions and the specific aspects of the discussed linguistic branches. The opening chapter briefly covers the used methodology, as well as the historical background of Talking Heads band. The following chapters contain the definitions of the terms which are used in the thesis and they also describe different points of view on important tools used in the research: context and discourse. Moreover, it includes the detailed description of the deixis phenomenon and its use in delivering a message of an utterance which is also an important subject of this paper. The theoretical background also includes the chapter that is fully devoted to specifications of song lyrics. The practical part is devoted to the analysis of the chosen lyrics using the tools which are covered in the theoretical part. It examines the role of the use of deictic expressions in the lyrics. The final part briefly summarizes the theoretical aspects of the thesis and the practical part's results and defines the conclusion to which the author has come while working on this paper.

Rozsah stran

61 s.


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Studijní obor

Anglický jazyk pro odbornou praxi

Studijní program


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Umístění tištěné verze

Univerzitní knihovna (studovna)

Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

písňové texty, stylistika, pragmatika, deixe, diskurs context, styl, ton, song lyrics, stylistics, pragmatics, deixis, discourse, context, style, tone



