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The use of simulation modelling for determining the capacity of railway lines in the Czech conditions

ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version


Simulation modelling is one way to determine the capacity of railway lines. The specialized software tool OpenTrack was used for simulation. The aim of this paper was to find out whether the OpenTrack simulation software can be used for the calculation of headway, and to compare the results with the methodology of the Railway Infrastructure Administration (SŽDC). Using the software tool, a detailed transport network model can be created including all its important characteristics. The simulation follows the movements and behaviour of trains with predefined parameters on the modelled railway line. OpenTrack allows for monitoring a range of parameters including not only train delays, train conflicts and train traffic flow, but also for instance train energy performance and headways. During the first stage of work with OpenTrack, a simulation model was created, not reflecting any existing infrastructure but including parameters typical of railway lines in the Czech Republic, such as the configuration of gridirons, length of station tracks, size of block sections, etc. This model was subsequently used for the simulation of type train set journeys, and a headway calculator was used for the calculation of headway values. These values were compared with the methodology used by the Railway Infrastructure Administration. The paper is concluded by the comparison of the above mentioned approaches.

Rozsah stran

p. 224-231



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


EF17_049/0008394/Spolupráce Univerzity Pardubice a aplikační sféry v aplikačně orientovaném výzkumu lokačních, detekčních a simulačních systémů pro dopravní a přepravní procesy (PosiTrans)

Zdrojový dokument

Open Engineering, volume 10, issue: 1

Vydavatelská verze


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open access (CC BY 4.0)

Název akce


Studijní obor

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

simulation, capacity, modelling, railway lines, simulace, kapacita, modelování, železniční trať





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Except where otherwised noted, this item's license is described as open access (CC BY 4.0)