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Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/34535


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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    The Importance of Interchange Terminals between Public Transport Subsystems on the Outskirts of City: Case Study Pardubice
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2023) Baran, Filip; Heřmánková, Andrea
    The paper focuses on the issue of public transport interchanges on the outskirts of city. Public transport terminals located on the outskirts of cities serve to create nodal points of transport connecting regional and city subsystems of public transport. The construction of new terminals in the existing transport network requires a detailed analysis of the operational concept of all modes of transport to be served by the terminal. In the city of Pardubice (Czech Republic), a new public transport terminal is being considered in the northwest part of the city outside the walking distance from the city centre. Two sites are proposed (Rosice nad Labem and Semtín) adjacent to the railway stations. The Rosice nad Labem site has a better connection to rail transport (2 lines; both long-distance, and regional segment), but no connection to urban public transport. The Semtín site, on the other hand, has a connection to the trolleybus backbone of the urban public transport, but there is only one railway line and only regional segment. It is therefore necessary to assess the situation comprehensively and choose the more suitable from the given locations. The key is to assess the sensibility of interregional transfers to urban transport to reach destinations within the city. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the suitability of the location of considered public transport terminal in the northwest part of the city of Pardubice. The evaluation will be based on traffic assignment methods taking part of four step transport demand modelling.
  • Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    BEV Energy Consumption Estimation for Route Planning
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Mašek, Zdeněk; Závodník, Michal
    The issue of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is a hot topic in 2023, and one that has a lot of crossover beyond academia. Although BEVs are significantly more energy efficient than vehicles with conventional internal combustion engines [1], the operational range of EV is still considered as one of the main limitations of this technology. Because of this, BEVs need to be able to estimate as accurately as possible the energy consumption of driving and the associated operational range limitation. This paper focuses on the design of an algorithm for detailed simulation of BEV driving in order to determine the total power consumption for typical routes in Central European conditions. The paper presents the BEV driving simulation algorithm and simulation results for typical routes. Furthermore, a comparison of the simulation results with data measured in real world driving of a BEV in real traffic is made. The results show that the total energy consumption of the journey can be estimated before the start of the journey using the presented algorithm with a standard mean deviation of up to 10%. The presented algorithm can serve as one of the determining elements of a comprehensive solution for finding the most suitable driving route and adds the energy aspect of route selection optimization to existing algorithms.
  • Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    THD Analysis of Converter Power Station 25 kV 50 Hz
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Cerman, Ladislav; Sadílek, Ondřej; Hebelka, Vlastimil
    The article deals with the waveform total harmonic distortion (THD) analysis at the multi-level inverter output under selected conditions. The simulations results take into account the influence of the inverter topology, the number of inverter levels and the phase shift in the individual branches of single-phase multi-level inverters, the switching frequency and the type of PWM. The inverter simulation also considers specific traffic situations with a subsequent evaluation of the investigated quantities influence. The analysis aim can be summarized in finding the ideal configuration of the output inverter from the THD point of view.
  • Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    (VTS pri Žilinskej univerzite, 2023) Hába, Aleš; Jarolín, Zdeněk
    Příspěvek je zaměřen na problémy vyskytující se při průjezdu historických dvounápravových tramvají obloukem velmi malého poloměru (18÷20 m) v podmínkách brněnského tramvajového provozu. V úvodní části je popsáno postavení dvojkolí i celého podvozku či pojezdu v oblouku malého poloměru a s tím spojené důsledky týkající se opotřebení koleje. Hlavní část příspěvku se zaměřuje na rozbor vzájemného vztahu dvojkolí – kolej, který je prezentován formou příčných a podélných řezů kontaktní rovinou, a to jak pro historické dvounápravové tramvaje, tak i pro aktuálně běžně provozované tramvaje. Uvažovány jsou přitom dva různé jmenovité tvary příčných profilů hlav kolejnic (NT1R10 a NT3). V závěrečné části je pak provedena diskuze nad možným řešením analyzovaných problémů souvisejících s provozem historických dvounápravových tramvají.
  • Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    A Smart Parking System Using Surveillance Cameras and Fuzzy Logic: A Case Study at Pardubice University's Campus
    (Elsevier Science BV, 2023) Elomiya, Akram; Křupka, Jiří; Jovčić, Stefan
    This paper introduces a novel methodology for optimizing parking recommendations on the campus of Pardubice University, aimed at enhancing the management of existing parking areas. The model takes into account factors such as distance, travel time, parking spot availability, and user preferences, leveraging data processed via the Google Maps API and Open-CV. Fuzzy logic is employed within the model to deal with imprecise concepts, providing adaptability. Performance evaluations yielded an impressive accuracy of 92%, attesting to its viability for real-world implementation. This research significantly advances smart parking solutions, showing promise for reductions in wasted time, alleviated traffic congestion, and improved parking efficiency.
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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Effectiveness of CFRP Repair on Shear-Damaged Substandard Captive Columns
    (Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023) Yurdakul, Özgür; Tunaboyu, Onur; Avsar, Ozgur
    The formation of captive columns is inevitable, especially in the boundary columns of the RC frames due to partial infill walls with the presence of openings. Such captive columns attract an excessive amount of shear forces causing brittle shear failure before attaining the flexural capacity of the column. A substandard RC frame with shear-damaged captive columns was repaired with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs). Then the effectiveness of the applied structural repairing scheme with CFRP sheets was investigated through several response quantities of the tested RC frame. Flexural behaviour dominated the overall response of the bare frame (i.e., without infill wall) through the development of plastic hinges at the column ends. In the second specimen, a partial infill wall with a strip window opening was constructed to enforce the captive column defect. The captive columns were severely damaged by the formation of excessive shear cracks causing a brittle type of behaviour. The second test specimen having excessive shear-damaged columns was then repaired by wrapping the damaged columns with the CFRPs. The partial infill wall was removed from the repaired second specimen not to cause any captive column defect. After repeating the test on the repaired specimen, the former lateral load capacity of the damaged columns was exceeded without experiencing any shear failure. More importantly, the displacement capacity of the repaired specimen was increased considerably by wrapping the damaged columns with CFRPs.
  • Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Numerical Modeling of CFRP-Repaired Beam Failed in Shear
    (Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023) Yurdakul, Özgür; Tunaboyu, Onur; Řoutil, Ladislav; Avsar, Ozgur
    The numerical model of the pre-damaged reinforced concrete (RC) beam repaired by carbon fiber-reinforced polymer sheets (CFRPs) is generated in this study. The shear critical beam was first tested up to failure under monotonic loading in a four-point bending test in three different stages by repairing the damaged specimen after each failure. Due to spatial variability of the concrete mechanical properties, an uneven distribution of crack pattern concentrated on one side was observed in a symmetrically manufactured specimen. The excessive shear crack, which inclined at about 45° to the beam axis on one side of the beam near the support, was successfully repaired by the CFRPs. The repair action against the premature shear failure on one side of the beam recovered the load-carrying capacity of the as-built beam. The formation of excessive shear cracks was transferred to the unrepaired side in the second stage of the loading after the first repair. After repairing the other side of the beam by the same process, the concrete crushing, when the limiting strain of the concrete was reached under compression, characterized the overall failure mode in the third stage of loading. The numerical model adequately reproduced the nonlinear response of all repair processes on the pre-damaged beam. The experimental responses of twice-repaired specimens in terms of crack patterns and capacities were well-matched with simulated responses in the finite element environment.
  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Fragility functions for fiber-reinforced polymers strengthened reinforced concrete beam-column joints
    (Elsevier Science, 2023) Yurdakul, Özgür; Del Vecchio, Ciro; Di Ludovico, Marco; Avsar, Ozgur; Prota, Andrea
    Post-earthquake field inspections have outlined the poor seismic performance of non-conforming reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column joints (BCJs) of existing RC buildings. Experimental and analytical studies have demonstrated that the application of externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) is an efficient and cost-effective strengthening technique to improve the seismic performance of deficient BCJs. However, seismic losses for FRP-strengthened BCJs at different damage states (DSs) are currently not quantified. A potential seismic damage assessment tool is critical to obtain reliable estimations of the effects of FRP strengthening on reducing the expected damage and losses in existing buildings. Therefore, experimental-based fragility functions for FRP-strengthened corner and exterior BCJs at different limit states are proposed in this study. Experimental tests on 70 corner and 28 exterior FRP-strengthened BCJs are first collected. Then, DSs with increasing severity (i.e., light, moderate, and heavy) are defined according to widely recognized studies. These DSs are quantified on the basis of inter-story drift ratios (IDRs). After retrofitting, IDR-based fragility functions are generated for strengthened BCJs classified in terms of failure mode and achieved ductility level. The proposed functions are also compared with fragility functions available for non-conforming and conforming joints obtained from the literature. Finally, an application of the proposed fragility functions within a performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) framework for quantifying expected losses (ELs) and the benefits of FRP strengthening of BCJs is showed.
  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Effectiveness of structural walls in improving the serviceability of a seismically-retrofitted RC building
    (Springer, 2023) Simsek, Ahmet; Yurdakul, Özgür; Duran, Burak; Tunaboyu, Onur; Yildirim, Suat; Avsar, Ozgur
    A moderate earthquake with a magnitude M-w of 6.8 hit the Elazig Province of Turkey on January 24(th), 2020, causing fatalities and structural damage/failure. Following the earthquake, a field reconnaissance was conducted at the Administration and Operation Campus of Karakaya Dam, which is 19 km from the earthquake epicenter. The exhibited performances in two side-by-side nominally identical reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with the same material properties and soil conditions differed significantly. The main reason lies in the preventive action taken before the earthquake in one of the buildings. The building retrofitted with additional structural walls had a slight/no damage level. However, the non-retrofitted building suffered severe damage due to large cracks in numerous infill walls, some of which were exposed to partial collapse. That makes the non-retrofitted building unserviceable, requiring evacuation after the earthquake. The field-observed building damage was compared with the seismic performances acquired from their refined numerical models for the recorded ground motions. The photographic documentation exposing the entire performance and damage level in non-retrofitted and retrofitted buildings was quantified by static pushover and nonlinear response history analyses. The post-earthquake performance of nonstructural members in retrofitted and non-retrofitted buildings was simulated with reasonable accuracy.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Vehicle Market Analysis of Drivers' Preferences in Terms of the Propulsion Systems: The Czech Case Study
    (MDPI, 2023) Dudziak, Agnieszka; Caban, Jacek; Stopka, Ondrej; Stoma, Monika; Sejkorová, Marie; Stopkova, Maria
    The automotive sector has been experiencing a rapid development in recent times. Modern trends aim at the progress of so-called sustainable, eco-friendly vehicles, in many cases associated with advanced technologies and assistance systems. It is increasingly common to see cars with electric, hybrid, gas or hydrogen propulsion systems. Such approaches can create a transformation of manufacturing processes towards the growth of new types and fields of technologies and systems in the automotive industry. The manuscript discusses the subject of vehicles with various types of power supply, i.e., propulsion system. The investigation was executed with different respondent groups whereby the analysis was performed predominantly by using two merging criteria such as place of residence and gender of respondents. Following the research conducted, we state that given a variety of variables, the majority of the respondents are convinced that, prospectively, electric and hybrid vehicles in all probability will be the prevailing types of vehicles occurring on the roads of the Czech Republic. However, it is also important to analyze the situation of the current access to energy resources for manufacturing of both kinds of vehicles and, above all, their utilization. Thus, the preferences of drivers are key issues, but it is also necessary to take into consideration the production capacity and investment profitability regarding the purchase of vehicles with modern types of propulsion system.