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The Implementation of Digital Ergonomics Modeling to Design a Human-Friendly Working Process in a Postal Branch

Článekpeer-reviewedpublished version

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Vedoucí práce


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Název svazku



In today’s business world, there are two very important health issues that the employees in the service sector are faced with: Spinal disease, especially in the lower back, and carpal tunnel syndrome. These are well-known musculoskeletal disorders. To preserve the health of its employees and prevent professional illnesses, and to thus maximize their efficiency, companies must use knowledge from the field of ergonomics. This study aims to examine the work-related health problems that the workers in transportation companies are faced with. As a case study, a postal company from Serbia is considered, with particular attention paid to the counter clerks. The research was carried out in one branch of the postal operator. All six postal clerks working at the considered branch were subjects of the study. The workers were observed visually by the researchers and recorded while performing their job tasks. Based on the analysis of their movements and body positions, the evaluation of their level of risk exposure was determined using the Ergo Fellow software, specifically with five packages within this program (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, Rapid Entire Body Assessment, Ovako working posture analysis system, Moore and Garg, and Suzanne Rodgers). As a result of the implemented tools, the analysts are in a position to conclude what should be changed in the work organization.

Rozsah stran

p. 1-13



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


Zdrojový dokument

Applied Science - Basel, volume 10, issue: 24

Vydavatelská verze


Přístup k e-verzi

open access (CC BY 4.0)

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

ergonomics, occupational health, Ergo Fellow, job assessment, postal company, ergonomie, ochrana zdraví při práci, Ergo Fellow, hodnocení práce, poštovní společnost





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Except where otherwised noted, this item's license is described as open access (CC BY 4.0)