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Identification Elements Symmetry in Teaching Informatics in Czech Secondary School during the Covid-19 Outbreak from the Perspective of Students

Článekpeer-reviewedpublished version
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This article describes the research results aimed at distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic and closing schools and its symmetry with the classical state in terms of time, difficulty, and the mental and physical condition of students. An important aspect is therefore to maintain the symmetry of attitudes to teaching in face-to-face form and distance form. In terms of the eight-year gymnasium in the Czech Republic, students' attitudes to the teaching subject informatics were investigated. The main research questions in our study dealt with whether students felt equally balanced regarding the amount of tasks and time taken for home preparation during the Covid-19 outbreak compared with the time before the quarantine and their condition (both mental and physical) during the Covid-19 outbreak. The research was conducted using an anonymous questionnaire, which was answered by 110 out of 180 students. According to the results, it is evident that students felt that during the distance education, there are more tasks compared to face-to-face ones. Students also claimed to spend more time learning at distance education than at school. On the other hand, they agreed that the self-education schedule is suitable for them. In terms of the questionnaire, their condition (both mental and physical) was also evaluated, which was slightly above the average.

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Zdrojový dokument

Symmetry, volume 12, issue: 11

Vydavatelská verze


Přístup k e-verzi

open access (CC BY 4.0)

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Klíčová slova

covid-19, pandemic, online learning, distance learning, online assignments, pandemie covid 19, online learning, distance learning, online úkoly





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Except where otherwised noted, this item's license is described as open access (CC BY 4.0)