Carbon paste electrode modified with thiourea-functionalized resin for determination of lead

Zobrazit minimální záznam Mikysek, Tomas Švancara, Ivan Bǎnicǎ, Anna Bǎnicǎ, Florinel-Gabriel Vytřas, Karel 2020-04-23T09:19:34Z 2020-04-23T09:19:34Z 2009
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-7395-239-6
dc.identifier.issn 1211-5541
dc.description.abstract In this contribution, a carbon paste electrode modified with thiourea-functionalised resin is described in terms of its electroanalytical characterisation and applicability to the determination of Pb2+ ions. Commercial macroporous resin, QuadraPure(TM)TU, added to the carbon paste mixture in an amount of 30% (v/v), contains thiourea residual groups being able of effectively complexing the Pb2+ ions. When using the SWV mode in combination with open-circuit accumulation, intermediate electrolytic reduction, and subsequent anodic stripping step, the resultant signal for lead could be calibrated within a very wide concentration range of 5–25 000 μg L−1 Pb2+, with a limit of detection (3 sigma) of about 1 μg L−1, and without serious interferences from other heavy metal ions as confirmed in special studies. Practical usefulness of the method has been tested on selected water samples and the respective results verified by means of recovery rates, certified reference material, and ICP-MS reference determinations. cze
dc.format p. 5–27
dc.language.iso en cze
dc.publisher University of Pardubice cze
dc.relation.ispartof Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series A, Faculty of Chemical Technology. 15/2009 en
dc.rights open access en
dc.title Carbon paste electrode modified with thiourea-functionalized resin for determination of lead cze
dc.type Article cze
dc.peerreviewed yes en
dc.publicationstatus publisher's version en

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