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Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky / Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Stálý URI pro tuto komunituhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/3847

Práce obhájené před rokem 2008 jsou uloženy pouze v kolekci Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce


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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Design of Data Access Architecture Using ORM Framework
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Majerík, Filip; Borkovcová, Monika
    Nowadays, various Object-relational mapping frameworks are becoming a key part of computer system architecture. These frameworks provide developers with relatively easy manipulation of data stored in various database systems, even without knowledge of complex database systems. In this article, we have focused on leveraging the benefits of implementing an ORM framework while minimizing the impact on software performance. The design of an intelligent data intermediate layer is described within this paper. This provides optimized communication between the application layer and subsequently the ORM Framework. At the same time, attempts have been made to extend the layer with an additional caching layer, which however proved to be unhelpful for simple SQL queries.
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    ECG Hearbeat Classification Based on Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks
    (Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023) Rozinek, Ondřej; Doležel, Petr
    Clinical applications require automating ECG signal processing and classification. This paper investigates the impact of multiscale input filtering techniques and feature map blocks on the performance of CNN models for ECG classification. We conducted an ablation study using the AbnormalHeartbeat dataset, with 606 instances of ECG time series divided into five classes. We compared five multiscale input filtering techniques and four multiscale feature map blocks against a base model and non-multiscale input. Results showed that the combination of mean filter for multiscale input and residual connections for multiscale block achieved the highest accuracy of 64.47%. Residual connections were consistently effective across different filtering techniques, highlighting their potential to enhance CNN model performance for ECG classification. These findings can guide the design of future CNN models for ECG classification tasks, with further experimentation needed for optimal combinations in specific applications.
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    Theorems for Boyd-Wong Contraction Mappings on Similarity Spaces
    (MDPI, 2023) Rozinek, Ondřej; Borkovcová, Monika
    In this article, we introduce novel fixed point results for Boyd-Wong-type contraction mappings within the framework of similarity spaces, which have broad practical applications. The development of these results extends the classical theory of Boyd-Wong contractions by exploiting the unique structure and properties of similarity spaces. We provide an in-depth examination of the derived contractions, establishing conditions under which fixed points exist and are unique. In the latter part of the paper, we illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed results with representative examples.
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    Road to Repair (R2R): An Afrocentric Sensor-Based Solution to Enhanced Road Maintenance
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Jordan, Darryn Anton; Paine, Stephen; Mishra, Amit Kumar; Pidanič, Jan
    Potholes are one of the most important issues in African road-networks. They pose a major threat to mobility and, with time, cause accelerated degradation of the underlying road infrastructure as well as extensive vehicle damage. To address the need for improved infrastructure management, an advanced data gathering solution is required. This paper presents one such solution. The pothole detection, classification and logging (PDCL) system is under active development by Sensorit (Pty) Ltd in collaboration with the University of Cape Town (UCT) Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG). This system represents the initial step in Sensorit's modular approach to producing fully autonomous vehicles for African markets. In this paper, an overview of the PDCL system is presented and early results are shown. The efficacy of the system's unique combination of active infrared stereo vision and mmWave frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar sensors is explored. Under various experimental conditions, range-Doppler maps (RDMs) produced by the radar were unable to provide meaningful pothole detections. In contrast, processed depth maps produced by the stereo vision system are demonstrated to successfully detect even shallow potholes.
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    Optimization of signals and compression filters for MIMO radars with asymmetric output signal waveforms
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Bezoušek, Pavel; Karamazov, Simeon; Mařík, Tomáš
    This article deals with the design of signals and compression filters with asymmetric responses for MIMO radars using pulses longer than the maximum reflected signal return time. It helps to achieve extreme suppression of close transmitted signal to the receiver crosstalk with smaller demands on the other parameters. In this paper the problem description in more details simultaneously with the mathematical apparatus of its solution are presented and the results of this approach application are demonstrated using a mathematical model.
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    The variable-inertia modified computed-torque control of robot manipulators
    (Springer, 2023) Cvejn, Jan
    This paper describes a modification of the computed-torque method of motion control of robot manipulators, which utilizes inner feedback to partially decouple the inertial effects of individual links, but at the same time it minimizes the influence of the inner feedback component of the control input. In this way, it is possible to increase the control efficiency for a given magnitude of the control signals, which are also more easily kept within saturation limits. It is shown that uniform asymptotical stability of the control error during reference trajectory tracking can be ensured by choosing sufficiently high controller gains, and that the region of attraction can be made arbitrarily large. For the situations when some robot model parameters are not known precisely, an adaptive extension of the algorithm preserving asymptotical stability of the control error is proposed.
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    Development of an Intelligent Racking System for early Detection of Abnormal Conditions
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Dobrovolný, Martin; Fikejz, Jan; Roleček, Jiří
    This paper deals with the design and application of intelligent sensors for monitoring the condition of racking systems. The article briefly describes the current state of the available solutions, which are, however, unsatisfactory for customers. The paper presents the concept and architecture of the proposed solution and the communication links between the components. The solution is based mainly on accelerometer sensors and an evaluation system. Part of the project preparations included the preliminary measurement of accelerometric accelerations during impacts to racking systems. The research and application work will be carried out within the MIT OP TAK project "SmartRack - Research and development of intelligent racking systems for early detection of non-standard conditions", which will be solved at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Pardubice in the years 2023-2025.
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    Comparison of Geospatial Trajectory Clustering and Feature Trajectory Clustering for Public Transportation Trip Data
    (Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023) Cogollos Adrian, Hector; Baruque Zanon, Bruno; Porras Alfonso, Santiago; Doležel, Petr
    One of the techniques for the analysis of travel patterns on a public transport network is the clustering of the users movements, in order to identify movement patterns. This paper analyses and compares two different methodologies for public transport trajectory clustering: feature clustering and geospatial trajectory clustering. The results of clustering trip features, such as origin, destination, or distance, are compared against the clustering of travelled trajectories by their geospatial characteristics. Algorithms based on density and hierarchical clustering are compared for both methodologies. In geospatial clustering, different metrics to measure distances between trajectories are included in the comparison. Results are evaluated by analysing their quality through the silhouette coefficient and graphical representations of the clusters on the map. The results show that geospatial trajectory clustering offers better quality than feature trajectory clustering. Also, in the case of long and complete trajectories, density clustering using edit distance with real penalty distance outperforms other combinations.
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    Automated Construction of Mesoscopic Railway Infrastructure Models Supporting Station Throat Capacity Assessment
    (2023) Veselý, Petr; Kavička, Antonín; Krýže, Pavel
    Assessment of the traffic capacity of a rail infrastructure involved within railway stations is one of the basic components of the rail transport planning process. An important part of the rail infrastructure in the stations is station throat, which typically comprises many switches and track crossings. Station throat acts as operating bottleneck that frequently has the largest impact on the station’s traffic capacity. The capacity of a station throat is often conveniently assessed based on the use of mesoscopic computer simulation. This requires (among other things) a suitable submodel of the throat infrastructure to be set up. This article presents innovative algorithms for the automated creation of mesoscopic target model of station throat based on consecutive transformations of an initial (intuitive) microscopic model. Compared to the hitherto used manual process, the automated procedure accelerates the construction of the target station throat model and eliminates its structural errors. The applied research method is based both on the original design of the target mathematical model graph (a vertex-weighted directed graph) for the representation of the station throat infrastructure and on the design and verification of innovative graph algorithms that perform multiple aggregation transformations of this model in order to perform its maximum admissible topological simplification. The results of the research conducted have helped to enhance and efficiently use the station throat capacity assessment methodology. The use of the algorithms is demonstrated in a case study concerning station throats within a minor railway station in the Czech Republic.
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    Generalized first-principle model of magnetic levitation
    (2023) Dušek, František; Tuček, Jiří; Novotný, Aleš; Honc, Daniel
    Since its first demonstration more than a half century ago, magnetic levitation (MagLev) has gained eminent scientific attention from both the fundamental and applied points of view. In essence, MagLev shows highly nonlinear dynamics, described with nonlinear differential equations. Thus, in order to exploit the MagLev phenomenon, both mathematical models and control algorithms must be constructed. Frequently authors use simplifications of the model, and in doing so, limit the application of the MagLev model around a nominal operating point. In these simplified cases, the MagLev models may contain parameters that are not represented by proper physical quantities. Thus, in this work, we revised the issue of MagLev modelling from the first-principle approach. More specifically, we theoretically derived expressions for the interaction between the magnetic fields of the solenoid and a small magnetic object. The behaviour of the inductance on a distance from the solenoid was then described. The suggested MagLev modelling concept was verified experimentally, confirming the validity and correctness of the proposed MagLev mathematical model. The results presented here could thus be regarded as highly beneficial for formulating more complex MagLev designs exploitable in the field of model predictive control of the position of a levitating object.