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06/2010 Theatrum historiae

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38290


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  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Poutníci a jejich peníze na cestě do Říma. Zamyšlení nad edicí Il Libro del pellegrino (Siena, 1382–1446)
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Zaoral, Roman
    The pilgrim book (Il Libro del pellegrino) of the hospital of Our Lady della Scala in Siena from 1382–1446 represents an accurately guided document on monetary deposits in one of the most important church institutions in Siena. A large-scale set of specie registered in this book is an interesting witness to the movement of money in circulation in late medieval Europe. Seven pilgrims from the lands of the Bohemian Crown are mentioned in the entries from 1384–1433: two come from Bohemia, four from Moravia and one from Silesia. Further two other pilgrims with an ambiguous geographic assignment seem to be considered. The book, however, does not register all pilgrims who visited Siena on the way to Rome. It mentions only those who deposited their cash in the hospital with the intention to withdraw it on the way back. The writer compares registered deposits with amounts intended for the pilgrimage to Rome (4–5 pounds of Prague groschens in the lower middle class and 8–10 pounds in the higher middle class) which have been entered into the memorable city book of Olomouc dated back to 1430–1492. He distinguishes sums intended to the way back (1,5–8 pounds) from petty cash (within the range of 4–35 Prague groschens) which could suffice for just few days. At average speed of 40 km per day it is possible to suppose that the journey from the Czech lands to Rome (about 1 300 km) could last about 37–38 days with 5–6 days of rest. At average expense of 3 Prague groschens per day which roughly corresponds with the most common summer daily wage of a journeyman, a pilgrim was able to manage for about 85 days with 4 pounds of Prague groschens, it was enough for a return journey and for about ten days´ stay in Rome. If he took 5 pounds with him he could stay in Italy for one month. A double amount of 8–10 pounds presumably served as a nest-egg for the case of illness or of accident. In better case it could provide travel luxury. Contrary of the testimonies it is not possible to judge from deposits of the social status of their bearers. Money of pilgrims predominantly consisted of gold coins contained in more than 70 % of all registered deposits. Larger amounts were mostly deposited by those pilgrims who were coming from the far-away regions and by old priests who started on a journey with all their belongings in conviction not to come back any more. That is a case of Florian of Kočov, chaplain in Volyně (South Bohemia), who gave 20 florins into custody of friars in Siena. The entries in the pilgrim book of Siena document that Florentine florins, Venetian ducats and Hungarian florins belonged to the most frequent gold specie in Italy that time, Prague and Flemish groschens occurred most often among silver coins. From the given data which mention a value of money very sporadically it is, however, not possible to make even an approximate estimation of the sum total of money which flew into the hospital. We can just suppose that the sum total of 2 500 florins which represent the value of all 328 deposits registered by 1410 did not get entire to the hospital treasury because many deposits have been withdrawn in the meantime. Just a part of them remained after those pilgrims who died in the hospital and whose deposits have never been withdrawn. Nevertheless, it was still a relatively large amount which was continuously becoming a hospital ownership.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Peníze a peněžní početní jednotky v 16. století
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Vorel, Petr
    The author defines the term “monetary calculation unit” in the economic context of the Early Modern Times and explains why, until the 16th century, this virtual concept was of exceptional importance. The specific use of monetary calculation units in the economic system of the time is explained taking as an example a unique preserved Hamburg exchange-rate table dating from 1595. The article then systematically summarises the development of monetary calculation units and their usage in Bohemia from the end of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century. The study also features examples of period summaries of the payment power of foreign coins dating from the 1570s and concise tabular summaries of Bohemian monetary calculation units and their equivalents in the physical coins minted between 1469 and 1619.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Ukončení poručenské správy nezletilých osob v raně novověkém městském prostředí
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Slavíčková, Pavla
    According to municipal law of the Early Modern Period a tutelage of an orphanusually ended in two ways: when the orphan reached the full-age or died before. Less frequent reason for ending a tutelage was depriving the tutor of his duties because of faults in the administration of orphans´ heritage. In the case that a widow-woman happens to be the tutor of the children, we speak about tutela anomala. This kind of tutelage was usually ended after her new marriage. In that case usually, at least in practice, either an adult son of the family or widow's new husband became the tutor. The duty of every tutor, with the exception of the so called powerful-father tutor, was to render accounts to the orphan at the end of the tutelage and, in the case of his fault, to pay deficiency. After that the orphan becomes a full-fledged owner of the iherited property. In practice, however, the process of getting the money back to the full-aged child, whether it had been placed on deposit at the townhall or at the tutors', usually protracted for many years. Thelaw was also concerned with money lent at interest during the period of tutelage. The full-aged orphan could not take his/her property all at once, but in installments, into which the loan was divided. The tutor did not profit unless the child, or all the children, have died, in that case the tutor was entitled to the third part of the orphan's heritage. According to the law tutor is not entitled to any remuneration, the performance of this duty was therefore probably primarily a matter of personal honor and self-presentation.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Profesoři Hermenegild a Karel Škorpilové působící v Bulharsku
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Skružný, Ludvík
    Карел Шкорпил (1859-1944) живее в България 62 години. Там допринася за развитието на българската образователна система, на науката, археологията, музей- ното дело и българо – чехословашките културни отношения. От 1926 г. е почетен консул на Чехословакия в Варна. Почти пет десетилетия Карел Шкорпил пътува по България и събира материали, не само за древната история, но и за нейният фолклор, интересува се от архитектура, не само християнската и тази на местните, но и от тази на османските завоеватели; спасява застрашени паметници от времето на „игото” и възникването на модерният български народ. Събраните материали излага в музей- ни стаи, възникващи в гимназиите, където тези стаи въздействат на учащите се мла- дежи. И през войната провежда изследвания, снима, измерва паметници, оправя и допълва военни карти на България и на окупираните земи в съседните държави. Шест десетилетия мисли над тежките въпроси, свързани с историята на България и балканските държави, проследява стари търговски и военни пътища, включително и тези, по които до Варна е стигнала армията на Владислав III. Ягело, за да извоюва там решаваща за християнският свят и Европа битка, на 10.11.1444. Съсредоточава се върху нумизматиката, сфрагистиката, палеографията, историческа демография, геог- рафията и иконографията. Благодарение на знанието на тези помощни исторически науки е можел по-вярно да реши историческите въпроси, и да покаже доказателства, че Плиска е по-старият, от Велики Преслав, център на държавата. Заключенията от своите проучвания публикува на страниците на различни списания.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Dva příběhy z kriminálního podsvětí – padělatelé peněz na hradě Žampachu a přepadání Židů v roce 1542
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Šebek, František
    On around June 20th 1542, near Chlumec nad Cidlinou (at that time the estate of Jan of Pernštejn) two suspects were arrested: Jan Krška and the tavern-keeper Pavel of Nový Hrádek (district of Náchod). When interrogated on the rack, both confessed to having been involved in an attack on a convoy of Jews who, at the order of the Bohemian Landtag and King Ferdinand I, were being forced to leave the country. Jan Krška confessed to other crimes, including involvement in the counterfeiting of money at Žampach Castle (district of Ústí nad Orlicí). Owing to the severity of this crime the case was passed on to Jan of Pernštejn’s estate officials in Pardubice. There, when questioned on the rack, a statement was wrung out of a tavern-keeper from Starý Ples (district of Hradec Králové), Jiří Vodička, who had been arrested as an accomplice on the basis of the confessions made by the aforementioned criminals. On July 10th 1542 Jan Krška and Jiří Vodička, convicted of counterfeiting money, were burnt at the stake in Pardubice; Pavel of Nový Hrádek was hung for his offences. The main person behind the counterfeiting workshop, the smith Jan of Žampach, was then arrested. On July 20th he was interrogated on the rack in the royal town of Vysoké Mýto (district of Ústí nad Orlicí) and was also burnt there on the same day. The statements of all four criminals were transcribed in the Achtbuch kept in Pardubice. The study analyses the statement records and attempts to reconstruct the work of the counterfeiting workshop at Žampach Castle as well as the circumstances surrounding the raid on the Jews. The counterfeiting workshop operated from 1537 to 1538, possibly between 1536 and 1539, in the cellars of the then unoccupied Žampach Castle. The smith Jan was assisted by the journeyman Jan Smolík and the aforementioned Jan Krška, who also distributed the counterfeit money further afield. Other partners in crime (the tavern-keeper Vodička and others) supplied the counterfeiters with sheet copper and copper pots, which were generally stolen. In the workshop they minted Görlitz black money, Viennese money (½ kreutzer) and the Austrian groschen (3 kreutzers). These forgeries were exchanged for real money at the ratio of 2 : 1. When questioned, they gave the names of 24 people to whom they had passed on counterfeit money, in some cases on several occasions. We can only make a hypothetical estimate of how much money was counterfeited at the workshop at Žampach, but we assume they minted roughly 10-20 thousand coins. The testimony of Jiří Vodička also implies that there was a workshop counterfeiting small coins in the village of Úhlejov (district of Jičín), which can be dated approximately to 1510-1530; the tavern-keeper Vodička also met distributors of small counterfeit Polish coins. From the statements of Jan Krška, Jiří Vodička and Pavel of Nový Hrádek we can reconstruct two attacks on convoys of Jews who, in June 1542, after being expelled from Bohemia, were travelling to Silesia and on to Poland. Both attacks were made by a group of 50-60 bandits (the statements list the names of almost 35 people from 15 localities). The core of the group consisted of the inhabitants of villages and towns on the road leading from Dobruška to Nový Hrádek below Frymburk and then on to Olešnice in the Orlické Mountains (Adlergebirge) and from there to Homol in Kłodzko (Poland). The bandits first attacked below Homol, where the Polskie Wrota pass begins on its route inland towards Kłodzko. The core of the same group, probably emboldened by the success of the assault at Homol, held up another convoy of Jews on their way to a more remote destination deep within Eastern Bohemia. The meeting point was at Jiří Vodička’s tavern in Starý Ples. The attack took place on or just before June 20th 1542 on Chloumek Hill in the cadastre of Habřina (district of Hradec Králové). This assault was evidently not as successful, as it was at least partially dispersed by the armed escort of the Jewish convey, as can be seen from the fate of Jan Krška and Pavel of Nový Hrádek, who were captured while on the run somewhere near Chlumec nad Cidlinou. This reconstruction greatly enhances our knowledge of the unsettled events surrounding the exodus of the Jews from Bohemia in 1542.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Barbora Markéta Eliášová: Nippon druhým domovem. První česká samostatná cestovatelka, její život a literární dílo
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Rázková, Bohumila
    The work is dedicated to the first Czech independent traveler Barbora Markéta Eliášová. The author tries to describe her fruitful and interesting life. As an orphan and poor village child, she made her dream come true and she became a teacher. After that she decided to concentrate to go and search for the luck far away in Japan. She found a second home there and she came back really very glad. Those journeys to Japan were prolonged with thirteen-moths traveling trip via Java, Bali, Australia and South Africa. Upon the experiences she had, she also wrote several travel books. The author is introducing the travel books from her fourth journey to Japan, as well as the overview of her literary work, newspapers articles, magazine articles and belles letters for youth that she worked on after her active traveling years until she died.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    „…bylo by strašně kruté, nechat nás v bryndě uprostřed nezaplacených pohledávek.“ Role peněz v počátcích avantgardních scén
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Rauchová, Jitka
    Der Beitrag widmet sich der ökonomischen Situation der avantgardistischen Theaterszenen die in der zweiten Hälfte der 20iger Jahre in Prag entstanden sind. Konkret werden die Szenen Umělecké studio (Kunststudio), Osvobozené divadlo (Befreites Theater), divadlo Dada (Theater Dada) und Moderní studio (Modernes Studio) behandelt. Aus der Korrespondenz, den persönlichen Erinnerungen der Schauspieler und Regisseure oder auch aus den buchhalterischen Unterlagen und Werbeblättern sind die Schwierigkeiten des Betreibens einer neuen Szene zu rekonstruieren. Zu beachten ist aber auch die Entwicklung moderner Präsentationen und die sich stets verbessernden arbeitsrechtlichen Beziehungen, die sich von einem Amateurtheater zu einer professionellen Szene entwickelten. Reflektiert wurde aber auch die private Situation der einzelnen Akteure. Aus ökonomischer Sicht haben sich die Vorstellungen der Mitglieder der avantgardistischen Szenen, die sich ein breites Publikum für ihr künstlerisch anspruchsvolles Repertoire gewünscht haben, als unrealistisch erwiesen. Deshalb mussten die meisten Szenen ihre finanzielle Sicherung bei privaten Mäzenen suchen oder ihre eigenen künstlerischen Ansprüche senken.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Monety pośmiertne Piastów legnicko-brzeskich
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Pienkowski, Robert
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Člověk a dluhy. Příklad šlechtice z 15. století. Osobnost Voka V. z Holštejna
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Papajík, David
    The author of this study follows the fate of the aristocrat Vok the Fifth of Holštejn, which is corroborated by written records dating back to between 1420 and 1466. The aim of the work is to show how it was possible to fall into the bankruptcy trap in the first half of the 15th century. While Vok’s father of the same name had relatively extensive property in Moravia, Vok the Fifth lost practically all of it during his lifetime. His entire life was dogged by permanent, endless debts. The author comes up with the likely hypothesis that the bankruptcy of Vok the Fifth of Holštejn was caused by the Hussite Wars, or rather the debts he accumulated during the course of these wars. If this theory is correct, it would make Vok the Fifth one example of a noble who, instead of getting rich through Hussitism, was financially ruined.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Peněžní deníky „druhého pohlaví“ ve druhé polovině „dlouhého“ 19. století
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Lenderová, Milena
    The structure of expenses depended on the amount of money the husband brought into the family. This money was not always enough – something which was true not only of the 19th century. Women always worked side by side with their husbands and contributed to the family income. They also generally managed the housekeeping money. In the 19th century the basic expenses were on rent, money for food, fuel for heating, school fees, and essential outlay on medical treatment, clothing, and clothing maintenance. They had to think about old age, sudden death, or misfortunes that could occur with their property: this was when insurance first originated. We can get an insight into the structure of expenses of individual families primarily from sources of a personal nature, such as wills, memoirs, personal diaries and private correspondence, although especially from household money diaries, which most women kept. Only a few of these have been preserved, although enough to allow us to say that consumption was not only determined by social status and the financial resources of the family, but also by where they lived. The consumption habits of urban families differed from those of rural families; much less food was bought in villages. Buying habits were influenced by the season of the year, with autumn in particular costing more. People shopped differently on weekdays, differently on Fridays and other fasting days, and differently on Sundays: people shopped on a daily basis, and foods, with the exception of long-lasting goods, were not stocked up on: milk, meat, bread and vegetables needed to be bought every day. Expenses on fancy goods, such as southern fruit, luxury smoked meats or chocolate, were rare. From the end of the 19th century women began to become involved on the labour market.