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Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/34535


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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Gender Differences in Transport Behaviour Patterns
    (2023) Lejsková, Pavla; Pojkarová, Kateřina; Kudláčková, Nina; Becková, Helena; Čubranić-Dobrodolac, Marjana
    Gender equality is a topical issue that also concerns the transport sector. Gender-neutral transport systems may not be equally suitable for each gender and thus fail to meet their mobility requirements. Therefore, there is a need to study the transport behaviour of men and women and use the findings to further develop transport systems. This article focuses on gender differences in transport behaviour patterns. To obtain the necessary data, a survey was conducted through a structured personal questionnaire. The results were then processed using selected statistical methods. The results of the survey show that the differences are mainly in the means of transport used or the purposes of the trips. On the other hand, as for the criteria that influence the selection of a mode of travel, time is equally important for both women and men, followed by the purpose of the journey and the availability of transport. The survey thus confirmed that there are significant differences in the transport behaviour of men and women.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Návrhy řešení organizace turistické dopravy ve vybrané oblasti
    (2022) Heřmánková, Andrea
    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou turistické dopravy. Konkrétně je zaměřen na organizaci turistické dopravy na území Národního parku a Chráněné krajinné oblasti Šumava. Zde je velkým problémem nárůst poptávky po dopravě zejména v tzv. letní turistické sezóně od poloviny června do poloviny září. Příspěvek předkládá konkrétní technologický postup řešení a návrhy na zmírnění negativních dopadů turistické dopravy na vybraném území Šumavy.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    (2022) Pojkarová, Kateřina; Anchutkina, Yaroslava; Baťová, Klára
    V dopravě, spojích nebo jakékoli jiné oblasti lidé často činí rozhodnutí, která nejsou racionální. Jedním z vlivů, který to způsobuje, je nabídka něčeho zdarma. Tento článek se zaměřil na zkoumání tohoto vlivu mezi různými generacemi. Snahou bylo zjistit, jestli mladší generace reagují odlišným způsobem než generace starší. Významný rozdíl se neprokázal, při zkoumání tohoto problému se však ukázal (a potvrdil) jiný jev, a to vliv formulace nabídky se slovem „zdarma“ na rozhodování spotřebitelů.
  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedarticle proof
    Mitigating Climate Change Effects of Urban Transportation Using a Type-2 Neutrosophic MEREC-MARCOS Model
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2022) Simic, Vladimir; Gokasar, Ilgin; Deveci, Muhammet; Švadlenka, Libor
    Climate change is the foremost environmental problem that negatively affects the lives of people. Sustainable policies offer an opportunity to mitigate climate change effects of urban transportation. Four sustainable policies are presented to alter the propagation speed of climate change. However, there is a major gap regarding the prioritization of the sustainable policies in advantage order, which is an important problem for all municipalities. Therefore, this study introduces a two-stage model that hybridizes the method based on the removal effects of criteria (MEREC) and measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) method into a unique framework under the type-2 neutrosophic number (T2NN) environment. In the first stage, the T2NN-MEREC determines the objective importance of the criteria. In the second stage, the T2NN-MARCOS method ranks the sustainable policies. Our practical findings indicate that land-use planning is the best sustainable policy for mitigating climate change effects of urban transportation. By applying this solution, municipalities may generate an extra budget from low emission zones and limited traffic zones in the short-term run. The introduced T2NN-MEREC-MARCOS model could be used as decision support for authorities while mitigating climate change effects of not only urban transportation but also other human activities.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Framework for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations in the Context of Road Freight Transport for the Automotive Industry
    (2021) Chocholáč, Jan; Hruška, Roman; Machalík, Stanislav; Sommerauerová, Dana; Šohajek, Petr
    The topic of greenhouse gas emissions calculations in the context of freight transport is very current. This topic is very interesting for many stakeholders, such as companies, suppliers, employees, customers, residents, etc. The automotive industry is a major producer of greenhouse gas emissions from logistic processes. Due to this fact, it is necessary to search for and create frameworks for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in this sector. The requirements for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from road freight transport in the automotive industry were identified using semi-structured interviews. Available emission freight calculators were analyzed using the content and comparative analysis. The proposed frameworks for greenhouse gas emissions calculations in the context of road freight transport of material and finished manufactured passenger cars for the automotive industry were applied in the form of an interpretative case study. The main result of the article is the proposal of the frameworks for greenhouse gas (carbon and sulfur dioxide) emissions calculations in the context of road freight transport of the material and finished manufactured passenger cars for the automotive industry. The proposed frameworks were applied and verified. The use of the proposed frameworks can be expected in logistic planning and decision-making.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Customized Approach to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations in Railway Freight Transport
    (2021) Chocholáč, Jan; Hruška, Roman; Machalík, Stanislav; Sommerauerová, Dana; Křupka, Jiří
    The topic of global warming is and will continue to be a crucial topic of this millennium. Freight transport, as a producer of greenhouse gas (hereinafter GHG) emissions, makes a significant contribution to the greenhouse effect. Large supply chains and large volumes of freight transport, which imply the production of significant volumes of GHG emissions, characterize the automotive industry (hereinafter AI). Thanks to these premises, it is necessary to seek and develop tools for reducing the volume of GHG emissions produced from the logistic activities of the AI, while maintaining the required level of logistic services. The assumptions for the calcu-lation of GHG emissions from railway freight transport (hereinafter RFT) in the AI were identi-fied through the use of semi-structured interviewing. Available railway freight GHG emission calculators were identified and analyzed from the perspective of suitability for the AI using a comparative content analysis. The main result of this manuscript is the proposal of a fully cus-tomized approach to GHG emission calculations in RFT for the AI. This approach was proposed, applied, and verified in the form of an interpretative case study. The use of this approach can be expected in support of logistic planning and decision making.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Integrované taktové jízdní řády - část I
    (2021) Hlinovský, Jakub
    Tento odborný článek seznámí čtenáře sprvopočátky zavedení Integrovaných taktových jízdních řádů a samozřejmě taky se základními pojmy, které se používají při jejich tvorbě.Článek se rovněž bude zmiňovat o matematických výpočtechpro zavádění zastávkových vlaků súplnou dosažitelností míst zastavení.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Selection of the Transport Mode Using the AHP Method within Distribution Logistics of Motor Fuels
    (2021) Hruška, Roman; Kmetík, Matej; Chocholáč, Jan
    To remain competitive and respond to rapidly changing markets, we need to increase flexibility in today's global marketplace. In this respect, the selection of the appropriate mode of transport is one of the most important functions to be performed by logistics. The selection of the appropriate mode of transport is a multi-criteria problem involving both quantitative and qualitative criteria. This paper deals with the selection of the mode of transport using the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP). AHP is a method of decomposing a complex un-structured situation into simpler components to create a hierarchical system problem. This paper describes a general model of selection of transport mode using AHP including its application to a manufacturing company that selects the appropriate mode of transport from three potential transport modes. The aim of this paper is to create a useful decision support tool for selection of the transport mode using the AHP method within distribution logistics of motor fuels. This tool helps companies to make the right decision on the choice of transport mode by taking into account different importance of the different criteria that influence the decision-making process.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Motivational preferences within job positions are different: empirical study from the Czech transport and logistics enterprises
    (2020) Ližbetinová, Lenka; Hitka, Miloš; Soušek, Radovan; Caha, Zdeněk
    The aim of the article is to determine the basic differences that motivate the employees in the sector of transport and logistics in various job positions in the Czech Republic. The article is based on a questionnaire for a research sample of 2363 respondents, which was carried out in the course of the years of 2018 and 2019. The basic descriptive statistics of analysis of variance (ANOVA) – the Tukey HSD Test has been used for the processing of the data. The results show the significant differences in terms of the career and relationship motivational preferences of managers in contrast to the lower preference in the case of the employees at lower hierarchical levels. The presented results of the article are usable for a base for further research apart for their practical use for the creation and modification of motivational programs of the businesses operating in the sector of transport and logistics.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Keeping Talents in the Transport and Logistics Enterprises: Case Study from the Czech Republic
    (Budapest tech, 2020) Lizbetinova, Lenka; Nedeliakova, Eva; Soušek, Radovan; Gregus, Michal
    The aim of the article is to identify the motivation preferences of Czech managers on critical management positions of transport and logistics enterprises and to determine the method for the effective setting of the motivation factors in the interest of keeping them in an enterprise. The article is based on research outcomes from transport and logistics enterprises where the focus is on managers identified as talents by the enterprises. Research was conducted in 2018 in the Czech Republic using a questionnaire. In research, 154 managers were interviewed. Data were processed using basic descriptive statistics. The proposed effective setting of motivational elements is based on the use of a method for determining an appropriate variant - AHP multicriteria decision making method. The results of the article can serve to help entrepreneurs not only in the field of transport and logistics services. Other enterprises also have the potential to gain a strong system not only to retain their talents in society, but also to create satisfaction and commitment to the enterprises. The presented way of setting motivation factors is universally applicable to any sector and regional location.