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Publikační činnost akademických pracovníků DFJP / DFJP Research Outputs

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/34535


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  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Smart city and urban logistics - research trends and challenges: systematic literature review
    (2023) Chocholáč, Jan; Kučera, Tomáš; Sommerauerová, Dana; Hruška, Roman; Machalík, Stanislav; Křupka, Jiří; Hyršlová, Jaroslava
    The paper presents a systematic quantitative and qualitative literature review and classification of the last decades resources for a comprehensive and coherent view of smart city and urban logistics research trends and challenges. The review fully respects a six-step systematic literature review guideline and covers ninety-nine peer-reviewed articles from Web of Science Core Collection database. The review focuses on the following aspects: a perspective state-of-art journal, methods, content, keywords, references, and citations. The relevant articles for subsequent detailed analysis were identified between 2014 and 2020. The analysis has brought the following result: more than one third of the articles was published in 2020, the most articles were published in the Sustainability, and the modelling method was prevailed.
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    Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Design of the City Logistics Simulation Model Using PTV VISSIM Software
    (Elsevier Science BV, 2021) Kučera, Tomáš; Chocholáč, Jan
    Transport modelling and simulation have an irreplaceable role in transport infrastructure planning and in city logistics. Designing road networks and crossroads, analyzing traffic situations to eliminate congestion, reducing vehicle delays and increasing road safety are the subject of many scientific work. Most of them are based on the creation and analysis of microscopic models. PTV VISSIM microscopic traffic flow modelling software is mainly used to model traffic flows of a selected agglomeration to achieve a sustainable urban traffic system and a sustainable city logistics. It is possible with PTV VISSIM software to explore new management tools for logistics planning suitable for achieving the concept of the sustainable city logistics. PTV VISSIM software allows to simulate real city traffic, design efficient traffic management strategies, and test different constructions of all types of intersections. The aim of this paper is to design of the simulation model using PTV VISSIM software in the context of traffic infrastructure planning in a particular area of a significant intersection in the city of Pardubice in the Czech Republic. The possible impacts of the rebuilding of the intersection and the impact of these measures on road traffic flow in city logistics in the surrounding area will be discussed.
  • Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint (accepted version)
    Proposal of Suitable Control System and Measure in Internal Logistic Process
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2021) Kučera, Tomáš; Švadlenková Groulová, Veronika
    In order to choose the right procedure for optimizing production processes, it is necessary to get acquainted with the issues of logistics, logistic operations and modern logistic methods. Today, the term logistics is used in all companies and industries. The automotive industry is one of the fields in which special emphasis is placed on understanding proper logistics and all its sectors. Its understanding and penetration into the depth of its essence is key to succeeding in the market in leadership positions and leads to gaining new customers, retaining existing customers, saving time and thus increasing the company's financial stability in the existing market. The article addresses the issue of reducing errors at the beginning of the production of individual bus parts and proposes the introduction of new control systems for employees. The aim of the article is to propose a suitable system and measure in the internal logistic process in a manufacturing company. The article is based on research of world literature, in-depth interviews with top managers in a manufacturing company, detailed analysis of internal data of a manufacturing company and analysis of the working environment of employees.
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    Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Smart City Approach in Logistics and Transport in the Czech Republic
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2021) Kučera, Tomáš; Makovec, Michal
    The ever-increasing rate of urbanization and population growth in cities requires cities to provide quality transport services, create new transport infrastructure, quality logistics and maintain the overall standard of living in the city. As the population grows, so does the demand for transport and logistics, as does transport itself, including its negative effects. The negative effects of traffic in the city are mainly traffic congestion, air quality pollution by exhaust gases or vibrations and noise. Addressing the increase in traffic and logistics, especially in the city centre, can be very challenging due to lack of space. The problems that arise due to the growing population density of cities can be solved by a relatively new idea of smart city. Smart city represents the solution of these problems using modern computer technologies and acquired data. The aim of the article is an insight into the smart city approach in logistics and transport in the Czech Republic. The article uses resources from publicly accessible databases, such as Scopus database, Web of Science database and other sources of information in the context of smart city approach in transport and logistics.
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    Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Use of RFID Technology in the Logistic Process of Distribution with the Support of a Dynamic Simulation Software Tool
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2021) Hruška, Roman; Chocholáč, Jan; Kučera, Tomáš
    In recent years, the volume of parcels sold electronically has increased significantly. The current pandemic period has amplified this, as the volume of e-shop transactions has grown even more. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictive measures, most stone shops are closed in the Czech Republic. Customers most often use e-shops to buy goods. As a result, the volume of parcel transport, which is provided by parcel carriers, is increasing to finish customers. Improving distribution logistics and the entire logistic system are constantly under pressure in the context of existing competition, maintaining the declared level of customer service and increasing volume of parcels. One way to streamline the logistic distribution process is to use RFID technology as one of the automatic identification technologies. The aim of the article is to create the proposal for the use of RFID technology in the distribution process of parcels in order to make it more effective. Simulation software the Witness Horizon will used to achieve the aim. The software uses the dynamic simulation to evaluate the benefits of using RFID technology before its implementation.
  • Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Automatic identification technologies within distribution logistics from the perspective of efficiency of the identification process
    (Melandrium, 2019) Chocholáč, Jan; Hruška, Roman; Kučera, Tomáš; Machalík, Stanislav; Hyršlová, Jaroslava
    This article deals with the use of automatic identification technologies within distribution logistics. Effective set up distribution logistics makes a significant contribution to improving the customer service of companies. Nowadays, when the importance of e-commerce is growing, it is necessary to efficiently set up logistics processes and use appropriate technologies. The “last mile” distribution is essential from the perspective of distribution logistics. It is the last stage in the distribution of consignments to the final customer from the distribution centres. In terms of automatic identification technologies barcodes are mainly used currently, but also quick response codes are increasingly popular. However, there are other automatic identification technologies, such as radio frequency identification technology. Radio frequency identification technology enables to get real, accurate, and timely data that is needed for effective distribution. The aim of this article is to compare selected parameters of the efficiency of the automatic identification process of consignments within distribution logistics. Experimental testing of selected automatic identification technologies was carried out in a specialized laboratory of automatic identification.
  • Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Selection of Handling Equipment in Warehouse Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2020) Kučera, Tomáš
    The handling equipment are more modern and companies pay more attention to the safety of the warehousing operator every day. Every company which is using handling equipment is constantly renewing them for this reason. Handling equipment are used for professional relocation, loading and directing of material in production, warehousing and cycle. The handling equipment form a whole for a certain area of transport handling, including organization. The aim of this article is the selection of handling equipment in the warehouse using multi-criteria decision-making. Choosing the right handling equipment in warehouse is based on the number of pallets, the position behind the steering wheel, the battery, speed, load capacity and manoeuvrability. Multi-criteria decision-making is a scientific discipline of operational research that deals with the analysis of decision-making situations in which decision-making variants are assessed not only by one but by several conflicting criteria. The article uses the weighted sum method, where alternatives are assigned numbers according to the order of individual characteristics, the highest sequence number has the highest alternative number.
  • Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Calculation of Personnel Logistics Costs of Warehousing
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2020) Kučera, Tomáš
    Logistics and especially warehousing plays an important role in everyday work and is becoming one of the main factors of differentiation in the market. This is closely related to the calculation of logistics costs. The issue of personnel costs in logistics plays an important role at present time. The aim of logistics cost management is to reduce personnel costs and increase the competitiveness of logistics service providers. Finding effective methods in the process of calculating business personnel logistics costs is very difficult today, but it is a topical issue in the field of management of the logistics costs. A significant part of the logistic tasks are carried out by logistics service providers, these businesses play a key role in operating selected logistic industries more efficiently. The aim of this article is to assemble the calculation of personnel logistics costs of warehousing in a logistics service provider with regard management of logistics. The article is based on research of the world literature, in-depth interviews with senior managers, an analysis of internal data of the logistics service provider and a snapshot of the day. The article shows as a case study how to better calculate the personnel logistics costs in a selected logistics service provider.
  • Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Strategy of Selected Cities of the Czech Republic in the Field of Transport from the Perspective of City Logistics: Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2020) Sommerauerová, Dana; Kučera, Tomáš; Chocholáč, Jan
    The issue of city logistics is very current topic not only from the point of view of city dwellers, but also from the perspective of state administration and self-government and other stakeholders. Transport and transport management are the key pillars of the city logistics system. Cities regularly develop strategies and strategic documents in the field of transport. The Czech Republic is administratively divided into fourteen regions with twelve regional capitals and the capital city Prague. Each city develops transport strategies and related strategic documents. The aim of the article is to analyse strategies of these cities of the Czech Republic in the field of transport from the perspective of city logistics. The method of content analysis was used to analyse strategic documents of selected cities and the method of qualitative comparative analysis was used to analyse and compare the strategic documents of selected cities.
  • Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Modelling of Selected Logistic Process in Logistic Centre Using Dynamic Simulation
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2020) Hruška, Roman; Kučera, Tomáš; Chocholáč, Jan
    Today's turbulent and highly competitive market environment forces companies to continually improve and streamline their processes. One of the management and planning tools is modelling and dynamic simulation of business processes. It allows to model selected processes and simulate various proposed changes in processes in order to determine if these changes will improve the current situation. Logistic centres are one of the most important points of the logistic infrastructure, as they are usually supplied with different modes of transport. There are many logistic processes in logistic centres that need to be constantly monitored, analysed and improved. The logistic process of sorting consignments for further distribution is modelled and dynamically simulated using Witness Horizon Manufacturing Performance Edition software within this article. The aim of this paper is to improve the logistic process of consignments sorting using modelling and dynamic simulation.