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Publikační činnost akademických pracovníků DFJP / DFJP Research Outputs

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/34535


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  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Smart city and urban logistics - research trends and challenges: systematic literature review
    (2023) Chocholáč, Jan; Kučera, Tomáš; Sommerauerová, Dana; Hruška, Roman; Machalík, Stanislav; Křupka, Jiří; Hyršlová, Jaroslava
    The paper presents a systematic quantitative and qualitative literature review and classification of the last decades resources for a comprehensive and coherent view of smart city and urban logistics research trends and challenges. The review fully respects a six-step systematic literature review guideline and covers ninety-nine peer-reviewed articles from Web of Science Core Collection database. The review focuses on the following aspects: a perspective state-of-art journal, methods, content, keywords, references, and citations. The relevant articles for subsequent detailed analysis were identified between 2014 and 2020. The analysis has brought the following result: more than one third of the articles was published in 2020, the most articles were published in the Sustainability, and the modelling method was prevailed.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished version
    Service quality of the urban public transport companies and sustainable city logistics
    (2019) Chocholáč, Jan; Sommerauerová, Dana; Hyršlová, Jaroslava; Kučera, Tomáš; Hruška, Roman; Machalík, Stanislav
    The issue of sustainable city logistics has steadily been developed over the last decades. Urban public transport companies can make a significant contribution to the concept of sustainable city logistics. The customers’ perception and satisfaction regarding urban public transport companies can be associated with the increased use of their services. The preference for urban public transport reduces the use of individual car transport, which is linked to the environmental pillar of sustainability. For the customers, the level of the provided service is very important. The article is focused on the evaluation of the outcomes from the primary research concerning the service quality performed by the urban public transport companies in the Hradec-Pardubice residential agglomeration. The goal lies in identifying gaps in service quality. The method used in this article is representative primary research. The primary research was carried out in the form of structured personal interviews with a representative sample of respondents. Selected statistical methods were used to evaluate the data. The results are discussed in the context of published research studies. Research in this article found that respondents are more satisfied with the quality of services performed by the urban public transport companies, but the perception of individual service quality factors varies from one user group to another. The research also confirms a different perceptions regarding customer care and comfort by different age groups of respondents. The article implies that public transport companies should pay attention to setting fare prices for different groups of passengers.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Application of the Activity-Based Costing to the Logistics Cost Calculation for Warehousing in the Automotive Industry
    (University of Žilina, 2019) Kučera, Tomáš
    Activity-based costing is one of the procedures that proved to be very suitable for the financial management of warehouse activities in the automotive industry. Accurate and up-to-date data enables managers to properly plan and manage all the warehousing related activities in the automotive industry. In the activity-based costing approach, overheads costs are allocated in relation to specific logistics activities of the company. The aim of the article is the application of activity-based costing to the logistics cost calculation for warehousing in the automotive industry. The article focuses on the practical application of activity-based costing to the logistics cost calculation for warehousing in the automotive industry to a particular logistics service provider. It highlights the positive and negative use of this method in the practical case study, which is one of the major qualitative scientific methods. The resulting effect of using the activity-based costing method should be to refine the information that is used for the decision-making problems of the top management of the logistics service provider.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Freight transport emissions calculators as a tool of sustainable logistic planning
    (University of Žilina, 2019) Chocholáč, Jan; Hyršlová, Jaroslava; Kučera, Tomáš; Machalík, Stanislav; Hruška, Roman
    The freight transport performance is growing. The transport sector is also one of the largest producers of emissions. This must be reflected not only by production companies but also by other stakeholders. The issue of transport emissions is particularly important for city residents, so today the concept of sustainable city logistics is emphasized. Companies should deal with the amount of produced emissions. The use of emission calculators would support operational, tactical and strategic business decision-making. The aim of this article is to analyse the approaches used in available free calculators of emission arising from the freight transport. The focus was on the transport modes that calculators include, input data, output data and methodologies used to calculate emissions. The method of systematic review was used to search analysed freight transport emissions calculators. The method of content analysis was used to analyse inputs, outputs and freight transport emissions calculator’s methodologies. The method of qualitative comparative analysis was used to analyse and compare the freight transport emissions calculators.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    (2017) Kučera, Tomáš; Hyršlová, Jaroslava
    Kalkulace logistických nákladů se stala skutečnou výzvou v oblasti logistiky a řízení dodavatelsko-odběratelského řetězce. Značná část logistických výkonů je realizována poskytovateli logistických služeb, tyto podniky hrají klíčovou roli při efektivnějším provozování vybraných průmyslových odvětví. Poskytovatelé logistických služeb si musí být vědomi hlavních provozních faktorů logistických procesů. Tyto procesy by měly být monitorovány a vyhodnocovány prostřednictvím manažerských informačních systémů. V tomto článku bude analyzováno pojetí a význam logistických nákladů a dále budou rozebrány metody kalkulací logistických nákladů u poskytovatelů logistických služeb. Článek vychází z rešerše světové literatury, především ze zdrojů databáze Web of Science.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Innovation of the Process of Inventorying of the Selected Transport Units: Case Study in the Automotive Industry
    (2017) Chocholáč, Jan; Boháčová, Ladislava; Kučera, Tomáš; Sommerauerová, Dana
    In the current situation, highly competitive time when the emphasis is on shortening delivery schedules, streamlining the production cycle and, ultimately, reducing the total cost businesses are forced to optimizations and innovations. The article deals with the inventory of the selected transport units in warehouses. The inventory is currently being carried out through manual labor of employees. This paper proposes a possible implementation of new and innovative approach to inventory control, with the help of an automated inventory realized by the drones.