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A multi-perspective knowledge-driven approach for analysis of the demand side of the Open Government Data portal

Článekpeer-reviewedaccepted version (postprint)
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Open data are freely available and can be used by every stakeholder for its own purposes. However, the practice demonstrates that it is important to ensure that the source from which they are available is usable and facilitates the re-use of data to the widest possible range of stakeholders. This task is carried out by open government data (OGD) portals. Therefore, this study proposes a multi-perspective approach where an OGD portal is analyzed from (1) citizens’ perspective, (2) users’ perspective, (3) experts’ perspective, and (4) state of the art. By considering these perspectives, we can define how to improve the portal in question by focusing on its demand side. In view of the complexity of the analysis, we look for ways to simplify it by reusing data and knowledge on the subject, thereby proposing a knowledge-driven analysis that supports the idea under OGD – their reuse. Latvian open data portal is used as an example demonstrating how this analysis should be carried out, validating the proposed approach at the same time. We are aiming to find (1) the level of the citizens’ awareness of the portal existence and its quality by means of the simple survey, (2) the key challenges that may negatively affect users’ experience identified in the course of the usability analysis carried out by both users and experts, (3) combine these results with those already known from the external sources. These data serve as an input, while the output is the assessment of the current situation allowing defining corrective actions. Since the debates on the Latvian OGD portal serving as the use-case appear more frequently, this study also brings significant benefit at national level.

Rozsah stran

p. 101622



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Zdrojový dokument

Government Information Quarterly, volume 38, issue: 4

Vydavatelská verze


Přístup k e-verzi

Článek ve verzi „accepted“ bude přístupný od 07.10.2023.

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Klíčová slova

open government data, open data portal, quality, stakeholder, knowledge-driven analysis, multi-perspective approach, open government data, open data portál, kvalita, zúčastněná strana, analýza založená na znalostech, vícehlediskový přístup



