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Analytical capabilites of integrated corporate reporting

Článekpeer-reviewedpublished version


The analysis of integrated corporate reporting relevance, the usefulness of disclosing financial and non-financial indicators, that are essential in the reporting to assess business performance and create a value chain, is the subject of study. The authors found that the leading indicators of economic activity of interest to external and internal users of the reporting information are related to the investment attractiveness of the company, its sustainable development, efficiency, and profitability. Therefore, to analyze value creation efficiency, it is necessary to expand the range of assessment with the following cost factors: organization, customers, society, natural environment, innovation, risks, and corporate management. should be classified into the following groups related to the company’s performance: income-generating (possibility of growth, competitiveness, cost of capital, risks) and expense-generating (labor costs, transaction losses, cost of capital, risk management). In this paper, the authors suggest a model for an objective assessment of the company’s ability to create added value, given the management segments (economic, environmental, social) and various forms of capital, which allows determining the company’s business advantages, directions for maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks for each capital used and reducing the information gap between financial and non-financial information, as well as improving business transparency.

Rozsah stran

p. 919-929



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Zdrojový dokument

Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, volume 9, issue: 3

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open access

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

integrated corporate reporting, information, interested users, analytical capabilities, model, integrovaný podnikový reporting, informace, zainteresovaní uživatelé, analytické schopnosti, model



