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Relationship Between Sorption Characteristic and Selected Functional Properties of Chemically Modified Waxy Maize Starches

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The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of chemical modification of waxy maize starch on its sorption, pasting properties, and in vitro digestibility, and to investigate the relationships among tested properties. The research materials were octenyl succinate, acetylated, oxidized, and acetylated‐oxidized starches. Starch acetylation and octenyl succinylation decreased amount of moisture content adsorbed above 0.4 water activity. For all tested starches, the bound adsorption predominates over free adsorption. Esterification with octenyl succinic or acetic anhydrides increased pastes hot paste and final viscosities. The rapidly digestible starch content decreased after performed modifications of waxy maize starch. Correlation analysis showed that peak viscosity and breakdown parameter of starch pastes were largely dependent on the properties of sorbed water. Ratio of free to bound water (F/B) at different water activities correlated with the setback values and contents of slowly digestible and resistant starch fractions.

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Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, volume 43, issue: 7

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Klíčová slova

Maize starch, moisture sorption, digestibility, pasting, kukuřičný škrob, sorpce vlhkosti, travitelnost, textura



