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Selection of Suitable PageRank Calculation for Analysis of Differences Between Expected and Observed Probability of Accesses to Web Pages

Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint
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We describe various approaches how to calculate the value of PageRank in this paper. There are few methods how to calculate the PageRank, from the basic historical one to more enhanced versions. Most of them are using the original value of the damping factor. We describe the experiment we realised using our method for analysing differences between expected and observed probability of accesses to web pages of the selected portal. We used five slightly different methods for PageRank estimation using both the original value of damping factor and the value calculated from data in the web server log file. We assumed and confirmed that the estimation/calculation of the damping factor would have a significant impact on the estimation of the PageRank. We also wrongly assumed that the estimation/calculation of the damping factor would have a significant impact on the number of suspicious pages. We also compared the computational complexity of used PageRank methods, and the most effective method seems to be a method with the estimated value of the damping factor.

Rozsah stran

p. 139-150



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


GA16-19590S/Analýza témat a sentimentu vícenásobných textových zdrojů pro finanční rozhodování

Zdrojový dokument

Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence

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Název akce

12th International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, MIWAI 2018 (18.11.2018 - 20.11.2018, Hanoj)



Studijní obor

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Signatura tištěné verze

Umístění tištěné verze

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Klíčová slova

Web usage mining, Web structure mining, PageRank, Damping factor, Support, Observed visit rate, Expected visit rate



