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BuNENA-DNDA57 combined energetic plasticizer for modified cast double base propellants

ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished


Modification of cast double base propellants is somewhat of an art form. Obtaining a final propellant grain that has the right balance between energetic liquids and solid ingredients with the desired properties requires great effort. Four formulations of a modified cast double base propellant with different RDX contents have been prepared. A combination of BuNENA and DNDA57 energetic plasticizers has been used to overcome the problems that occur with a high nitroglycerin content. The effect of the RDX content on the burning behaviour, activation energies, and sensitivity to impact has been studied. Burning rate measurements have been performed using a closed bomb SV-2 to investigate the burning behaviour under a wide range of operating pressures. DTA and DSC thermal analysis were conducted to evaluate the thermal behaviour of the prepared modified double base propellants. The results showed that the formulation with only the combined plasticizer has the highest burning rate and activation energy and the lowest sensitivity to impact.

Rozsah stran

p. 485-500



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Zdrojový dokument

Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, volume 15, issue: 3

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open access

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

Modified cast double base propellant, burning rate, thermal analysis, BuNENA, DNDA57, Nasakované TPH, rychlost hoření, termická analýza, BuNENA, DNDA57



