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A Novel Approach for Quality of Life Evaluation: Rule-Based Expert System


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This article presents a completely novel and innovative approach for quality of life evaluation—the usage of expert systems. The use of an expert system to evaluate the degree of quality of life is a research project, based entirely on a qualitative method, which aims at helping in understanding of how in an era of great changes residents from different countries live and work in diverse economic organizations, and how they would rate their work and life. In this article the architectural framework of an expert system in the social area domain is presented; the design and the development process of the system are also described. The designed system is intended for the evaluation of quality of life. The development of expert system for quality of life evaluation is a new information technology derived from artificial intelligent research. The novel expert system contains knowledge about sets of factors and indicators, which may be used for quality of life measure (equal protection by the law; freedom from discrimination; right to be treated equally without regard to gender, race, language, religion, political beliefs; and etc.) and works with them. The knowledge for the expert system was acquired from domain experts, texts, and other related sources. The tasks of the presented expert system are: to interact, to access knowledge, to make logical decisions, to result in conclusions, and to interpret its conclusions.

Rozsah stran

p. 709-722



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


EE2.3.30.0021/Posílení excelentních týmů výzkumu a vývoje na Univerzitě Pardubice

Zdrojový dokument

Social Indicators Research, volume 128, issue: 2

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Pouze v rámci univerzity

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

Evaluation, Quality of life, Knowledge representation, Knowledge base, Expert systems, Hopdnocení, kvalita života, reprezentace znalostí, báze znalostí, expertní systém



