Different approaches for preparation of AuNPs-based conjugates as a signal-generating unit for electrochemical biosensors

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dc.contributor.author Murasová, Pavla
dc.contributor.author Kovářová, Aneta
dc.contributor.author Srbová, Jana
dc.contributor.author Bílková, Zuzana
dc.date.accessioned 2018-10-10T12:04:32Z
dc.date.available 2018-10-10T12:04:32Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-7560-167-4
dc.identifier.issn 1211-5541
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10195/71963
dc.description.abstract With the advent of micro- and nanotechnology, major advances and breakthroughs have taken place in many areas, such as biotechnology, medicine, pharmacy or material industry. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with their unique optical and physical properties as well as biocompatibility have already proved themselves to be powerful tool in biological applications. In this work, AuNPs were selected as a potential electrochemically active label. With the aim to use them as an electrochemical active tag, two types of AuNPs were tested and suitable protocols for their functionalization were optimized. Non-functionalized AuNPs were modified with thiolated DNA oligonucleotides using Au-S bond. Such conjugates could be potentionally used as a DNA probe. Functionalized AuNPs containing carboxyl groups were also modified, but with specific antibodies. In this case, the goal was to optimize suitable protocol for effective modification performed with carbodiimide crosslinker enabling direct and covalent immobilization. Finally, quality of AuNPs-IgG was defined by experiments via detection of bacterial cells in model samples. en
dc.format p. 109 -118
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pardubice en
dc.relation.ispartof Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series A, Faculty of Chemical Technology. 24/2018 en
dc.rights open access en
dc.subject gold nanoparticles en
dc.subject bioconjugation en
dc.subject label en
dc.subject immunosensor en
dc.title Different approaches for preparation of AuNPs-based conjugates as a signal-generating unit for electrochemical biosensors en
dc.type Article en
dc.peerreviewed yes en
dc.publicationstatus published en

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