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Sensitive voltammetric method for the fast analysis of the antioxidant pyrogallol using a boron-doped diamond electrode in biofuels.

ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished


A sensitive voltammetric method for the determination of pyrogallol (PY) was developed employing a boron-doped diamond electrode (BDDE). The composition of the supporting electrolyte was investigated during the development of the methodology. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) under the optimized experimental conditions was applied for PY determination with a limit of detection and limit of quantification of 0.85 and 2.82 lmol L-1, respectively. These values are satisfactory for application to real samples. The usability of this method for the quantification of pyrogallol was in range from 2.82 to 296.00 lmol L-1. Finally, the developed method was successfully used for the analysis of real samples of bio diesel produced from rapeseed oil and its blend with diesel fuel. Samples of biodiesel and biodiesel blends were analyzed directly in an electrochemical cell, while samples with very low concentrations of PY in biodiesel were extracted with water using the proposed simple and fast process.

Rozsah stran

p. 1047-1054



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


SGS_2017_002/Metody a postupy environmentálního inženýrství a hodnotového managementu

Zdrojový dokument

Chemical Papers, volume 71, issue: 6

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Klíčová slova

Antioxidant, Voltammetry, Pyrogallol, Biofuels, Boron-doped diamond electrode, Antioxidant, Voltamerie, Pyrogalol, Bionafta, Borem dopovaná diamantová elektroda



