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Position paper on olfactory dysfunction

ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished

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International Rhinologic Society


Background: Olfactory dysfunction is an increasingly recognised condition, associated with reduced quality of life and major health outcomes such as neurodegeneration and death. However, translational research in this field is limited by heterogeneity in methodological approach, including definitions of impairment, improvement and appropriate assessment techniques. Accordingly, effective treatments for smell loss are limited. In an effort to encourage high quality and comparable work in this field, among others, we propose the following ideas and recommendations. Whilst the full set of recommendations are outlined in the main document, points include the following: Patients with suspected olfactory loss should undergo a full examination of the head and neck, including rigid nasal endoscopy with small diameter endoscopes. Subjective olfactory assessment should not be undertaken in isolation, given its poor reliability. Psychophysical assessment tools used in clinical and research settings should include reliable and validated tests of odour threshold, and/or one of odour identification or discrimination. Comprehensive chemosensory assessment should include gustatory screening. Smell training can be helpful in patients with olfactory loss of several aetiologies. Conclusions: We hope the current manuscript will encourage clinicians and researchers to adopt a common language, and in so doing, increase the methodological quality, consistency and generalisability of work in this field.

Rozsah stran

p. 1-30



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


Zdrojový dokument

Rhinology, volume 54, issue: Supplement 25

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Klíčová slova

endoscopic sinus surgery, smell identification test, of-pennsylvania smell, upper respiratory-tract, event-related potentials, intranasal trigeminal function, parkinsons-disease patients, chronic rhinosinusitis, odor identification, nasal polyposis, nosní polypy, poruchy čichu, endonazální vyšetření



