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Amino acid metabolism in human embryos

Článekpeer-reviewedpublished version

Datum publikování


Vedoucí práce


Název časopisu

Název svazku



The aim of this study was to find some relationship between amino acid metabolism and the embryo morphokinetic parameters studied via time-lapse analysis. Study included 48 human embryo samples and their culture media. Two groups of embryos were identified: embryos reached the 8-cell stage on day 3 (n=34) and embryos failed to develop at any point during the incubation (n=14). Amino acids levels were measured on day 3 of embryo development; using time-lapse analysis, the precise timing of embryo cleavage, synchrony of division, grade of fragmentation etc. were established. No statistically significant differences between dividing and arresting embryos were observed in terms of amino acids production/consumption and turnover. Amino acids which were part of the culture medium did not exhibit any statistically significant correlation with kinetic parameters with the exception of the grade of fragmentation on day 3; there were negative correlation with glutamate, and positive with glutamine, glycine and taurine. In some dividing and in some arresting embryos appeared new amino acids which strongly correlated with each other, with methionine, but not with any other amino acid that is a regular part of the culture medium.

Rozsah stran

p. 823-832



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


Zdrojový dokument

Physiological Research, volume 65, issue: 5

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open access

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Klíčová slova

amino acids, time-lapse analysis, culture medium, human embryo metabolism, aminokyseliny, time-lapse analýza, kultivační médium, metabolismus lidského embrya



