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Electrochemical dissolution of steel as a typical catalyst for electro-Fenton oxidation

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Although traditional Fenton reaction is known for a long time, it is still a perspective method for removal of pollution from wastewater. Applications of electro-Fenton oxidation are commonly used in wastewater treatment. These methods are classified into groups—electrochemical advanced oxidation processes. Typical catalysts for these technologies are Fe2+ ions. Comparison between two material types of steel was investigated in this paper. Alloy steel Cr–Ni and non-alloy steel were used as a source of Fe2+ ions as catalyst for electro-Fenton oxidation. Electrochemical dissolution was chosen as a method of catalyst dosage. Various parameters were tested depending on the type of material of alloy and non-alloy steel at a time. Corrosion properties were also experimentally tested of both materials of steel anodes. Electrochemically dissolved Fe2+ and Fe3+ sludge could be very well removed from treated water by the sedimentation process. At first the solutions were adjusted, then loosely precipitated, and at the end sedimented. Residual concentrations of iron in the solutions determined by UV/VIS spectrophotometry were in compliance with the threshold limits stated by the government regulation.

Rozsah stran

p. 935-941



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


Zdrojový dokument

Monatshefte fur Chemie, volume 147, issue: 5

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Klíčová slova

Fenton reaction, Corrosion, Alloys, Metals, Electrochemistry, Fentonova reakce, koroze, slitiny, elektrochemie



