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Corrosion - inhibiting properties of molybdenum-containing pigments in coatings

ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint

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Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Purpose - This paper aims to synthesise anticorrosion pigments containing molybdenum for paints intended for corrosion protection of metals. Design/methodology/approach - The anticorrosion pigments were prepared by high-temperature solid-state synthesis from the appropriate oxides, carbonates and calcium metasilicate. Stoichiometric molybdates and core-shell molybdates with a non-isometric particle shape containing Ca, Sr, Zn, Mg and Fe were synthesised. The pigments were examined by X-ray diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy. Paints based on an epoxy resin and containing the substances at a pigment volume concentration of 10 volume per cent were prepared. The paints were subjected to physico-mechanical tests and to tests in corrosion atmospheres. The corrosion test results were compared to those of the paint with a commercial pigment, which is used in many industrial applications. Findings - The molybdate structure of each pigment prepared was elucidated. The core-shell molybdates exhibit a non-isometric particle shape. The pigments prepared were found to impart a very good anticorrosion efficiency to the paints. A high anticorrosion efficiency was found with the pigments Fe-2(MoO4)(3) and Fe-2(MoO4)(3)/CaSiO3 and with Mg and Zn molybdates. Practical implications -The pigments can be used for the formulation of paints intended for the corrosion protection of metals. The pigments also improve the paints' physical properties. Originality/value - The use of the pigments in anticorrosion paints for the protection of metals is new. The benefits include the use and the procedure of synthesis of the anticorrosion pigments which are free from heavy metals and are acceptable from the aspect of environmental protection. Moreover, the core-shell molybdates, whose high efficiency is comparable to that of the stoichiometric molybdates, have lower molybdenum contents.

Rozsah stran

p. 14-28



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Zdrojový dokument

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, volume 63, issue: 1

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open access

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

Corrosion, Inhibitors, Materials, Coatings and linings, koroze, inhibitory, materiály, povlaky a síťování



