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Application of Case Based Reasoning in Public Administration

Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint

Datum publikování


Vedoucí práce


Název časopisu

Název svazku


Univerzita Pardubice


European Union (EU) member countries are expected to have acquis communautaire public administration and to fulfil all criteria adopted by European Council in Copenhagen, Madrid and Luxembourg. There are different tools and frameworks to help states achieve these criteria, such as Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities (RFSC) and Quality of Public Administration: A Toolbox for Practitioners. Most of these frameworks and tools provide a guideline for countries to public administration and other purposes. Even though most cities of the EU member countries have different capacities, different cities could face the same problem at the same or different point in time. What is proposed in this paper is the use of case-based reasoning (CBR) to share experience among cities in solving a specific public administration problem; that is solving a problem of one city based on past experience of other cities. To identify the best solution in the case base similar to a problem at hand text parser and fuzzy aggregation method, Choquet fuzzy integral method, was used.

Rozsah stran

p. 74-81


Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


SGS_2016_023/Ekonomický a sociální rozvoj v soukromém a veřejném sektoru

Zdrojový dokument

Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference Public Administration 2016

Vydavatelská verze

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open access

Název akce

Veřejná správa 2016 (22.09.2016 - 22.09.2016)



Studijní obor

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

Acquis Communautaire, Case-Based Reasoning, Choquet Fuzzy Integral, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Strategic Plannin, Case-Based Reasoning, Choquet fuzzy integrál, vícekriteriální rozhodování, strategické plánování



