Digitální knihovnaUPCE

Modern Media: A Source of Motivation in Learning English

Diplomová práceOmezený přístup

Datum publikování


Vedoucí práce

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Univerzita Pardubice


The thesis is concerned with modern media and their motivational potential in learning English language in both inside and outside of school environment. It is thematically divided into four main chapters; the learner, motivation, modern media and research. The first chapter, the learner, deals with aspects affecting an individual, specifically focusing on the influences from the inside together with aspects of learning and acquisition of languages. The second chapter explores the motivation, from its first concepts and theories up to current trends with special focus on language learning and motivational strategies used in English classroom. The third chapter analyses the concept of modern media, divides them into three main sections which are analysed in greater detail with special focus on their possible application in learning and learning a language in general. The final chapter is the practical research which analyses points of view on modern media, their motivational potential and possible application in language learning and it aims to explore and verify the motivational aspects described in theory. The research is divided into four parts, first focuses on the current application of modern media and their effect in English classroom, second is the students' point of view and their attitudes towards them, third focuses on the teacher and the fourth part takes into account the point of view outside the school environment with the "advanced learner" and their experience with modern media.

Rozsah stran

100 s.


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Pouze v rámci univerzity

Název akce


Studijní obor

Učitelství anglického jazyka

Studijní program

Učitelství pro základní školy

Signatura tištěné verze


Umístění tištěné verze

Univerzitní knihovna (studovna)

Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

Anglický jazyk, žáci, individuální rozdíly, učení, osvojování, motivace, teorie motivace, motivační strategie, moderní média, nová média, film, televize, seriály, hudba, videohry, internet, sociální sítě, učitelé, interaktivní tabule, English language, learner, individual differences, learning, acquisition, motivation, theories of motivation, motivational strategies, modern media, new media, film, TV, series, music, video games, Internet, social networking, teachers, interactive whiteboard



