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Structure-acidity-IR spectra correlations for p-substituted N-phenylsulfonylbenzamides

ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished


The wavenumbers of the IR absorption bands of the C=O, S=O and N-H stretching vibrations for a series of p-substituted N-phenylsulfonylbenzamides were measured in trichloromethane. The bond orders, Mulliken charges, charge densities and heats of formation were calculated using the PM3 method. Fifty significant mutual mono parameter (MP) and six dual parameter (DP) correlations were found for the IR spectral, theoretical structural data, substituent constants and previously reported dissociation constants in five polar organic solvents. The transmission of the substituent effects has been discussed and the solvent effect on the slopes of some linear correlations was evaluated using different solvent parameters. The results showed that the factors describing the electronic structure and controlling the dissociation equilibrium and the IR spectra properties of p-substituted N-phenylsulfonylbenzamides must be the same.

Rozsah stran

p. 213-222



Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam


Zdrojový dokument

Molecules. 2004, vol. 9, issue 4

Vydavatelská verze

Přístup k e-verzi

open access

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Přístup k tištěné verzi

Klíčová slova

substituted N-phenylsulfonylbenzamides, IR spectral data, PM3 calculations, MP and DP correlations, substituent and solvent effect



