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Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/34541


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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Theorems for Boyd-Wong Contraction Mappings on Similarity Spaces
    (MDPI, 2023) Rozinek, Ondřej; Borkovcová, Monika
    In this article, we introduce novel fixed point results for Boyd-Wong-type contraction mappings within the framework of similarity spaces, which have broad practical applications. The development of these results extends the classical theory of Boyd-Wong contractions by exploiting the unique structure and properties of similarity spaces. We provide an in-depth examination of the derived contractions, establishing conditions under which fixed points exist and are unique. In the latter part of the paper, we illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed results with representative examples.
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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Indicators of Sustainable Production in Chemical Enterprises
    (AMCA, spol. s r.o., 2023) Vávra, Jan; Vrbická, Tereza
    The growing pressure of the public on the sustainable behavior of companies is causing changes in the product portfolio as well as changes in production processes in all industries. The ongoing digitization of business processes facilitates production, helps monitor production processes, and ensures high quality and competitiveness. Chemical production companies are also adapting to the transformation of the industry and, even concerning the rising prices of resources, they are trying to produce sustainably. The sustainability of production and products needs to be monitored through appropriate indicators. Their use and utilization were mapped by qualitative research in a selected chemical company. The dimensions of sustainability were identified according to the triple-bottom-line concept and the key indicators of production sustainability evaluation were verified in them.
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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Social media and online behaviour among high school and university students
    (Slezská univerzita v Opavě, 2023) Kantorová, Kateřina; Klepek, Martin
    The purpose of this paper is to describe the behavior of young people in the social media environment. The method chosen for data collection was a questionnaire survey on a representative sample of 1,706 valid respondents from Czech Republic. We used chi-square, analysis of variance, and factor analysis to explain relationships in data. Besides social media popularity ranking, our results showed that the more time respondents spend on the internet, the more social media brands they use. We also inspected the applicability of duplication of a purchase law in the social media context. Data showed that popular modes of communication among students include photos and texts followed by a video. Additionally, we found a similar use of social media among students and their parents. Last, with the use of exploratory factor analysis, we concluded that social media varies according to the content users go to it for, which carries implications for marketing communication strategy.
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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    The Importance of Interchange Terminals between Public Transport Subsystems on the Outskirts of City: Case Study Pardubice
    (Kaunas University of Technology, 2023) Baran, Filip; Heřmánková, Andrea
    The paper focuses on the issue of public transport interchanges on the outskirts of city. Public transport terminals located on the outskirts of cities serve to create nodal points of transport connecting regional and city subsystems of public transport. The construction of new terminals in the existing transport network requires a detailed analysis of the operational concept of all modes of transport to be served by the terminal. In the city of Pardubice (Czech Republic), a new public transport terminal is being considered in the northwest part of the city outside the walking distance from the city centre. Two sites are proposed (Rosice nad Labem and Semtín) adjacent to the railway stations. The Rosice nad Labem site has a better connection to rail transport (2 lines; both long-distance, and regional segment), but no connection to urban public transport. The Semtín site, on the other hand, has a connection to the trolleybus backbone of the urban public transport, but there is only one railway line and only regional segment. It is therefore necessary to assess the situation comprehensively and choose the more suitable from the given locations. The key is to assess the sensibility of interregional transfers to urban transport to reach destinations within the city. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the suitability of the location of considered public transport terminal in the northwest part of the city of Pardubice. The evaluation will be based on traffic assignment methods taking part of four step transport demand modelling.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Perception, Self, and Zen: On Iris Murdoch and the Taming of Simone Weil
    (MDPI, 2023) Caprioglio Panizza, Silvia
    How do we see the world aright? This question is central to Iris Murdoch's philosophy as well as to that of her great source of inspiration, Simone Weil. For both of them, not only our action, but the very quality of our being depends on the ability to see things as they are, where vision is both a metaphor for immediate understanding and a literal expression of the requirement to train our perception so as to get rid of illusions. For both, too, the method to achieve this goal is attention. For both, finally, attention requires a dethronement of the self, considered as the source of illusion. In this paper I investigate what moral perception means for each of these philosophers and how it operates through attention and its relationship with the self. I will show that, despite many striking similarities, Murdoch's project does not equal 'Weil minus God', but offers a different concept of the self, a different understanding of its removal, and therefore a different picture of attention and moral perception. In evaluating both views, I will gesture towards a third way represented by Zen Buddhism, which both philosophers variously consider but do not embrace.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Jak se hodnotí kvalita historikovy vědecké práce (Evaluace výsledků české historické vědy podle Metodiky17+ za léta 2016-2020)
    (2023) Vorel, Petr
    Studie se zabývá genezí procesů hodnocení výsledků vědy a výzkumu v oblasti historie v České republice. Shrnuje základní problémy související se vztahem hodnocení výsledků základního a aplikovaného výzkumu a financování jednotlivých pracovišť. Pozornost věnuje současnému stavu, tj. průběhu a výsledkům hodnocení podle Metodiky 17+ za uplynulé pětileté období (2016-2020), definuje hlavní slabiny tohoto systému a vysvětluje, proč jsou bibliometrické nástroje pro historii (a další humanitní obory) v praxi nepoužitelné a proč se s nimi v národním hodnocení vědy a výzkumu v těchto oborech vůbec nepočítá. Uvádí diskusní témata související s právě probíhající úpravou celého systému hodnocení tak, aby více zohledňoval oborová specifika jednotlivých vědních oblastí.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Život evangeličky v Čechách na konci 18. století: obraz ženy v korespondenci tolerančních luterských kazatelů ze Slovenska
    (2023) Stoklasová, Hana
    Příspěvek se pokouší na základě analýzy korespondence luterských kazatelů, kteří přišli do Čech ze Slovenska po vydání Tolerančního patentu, zmapovat postavení a každodenní život žen v evangelických komunitách na sklonku 18. století. V korespondenci byl reflektován především život žen, které obklopovaly kazatele (manželky, matky, sestry), ale také život ostatních příslušnic evangelických sborů. Dopisy zachycují různé aspekty každodenního života ženy, především rodinný život, vztah k dětem, vztah k manželovi, kontakty s příbuznými či běžné denní povinnosti v domácnosti. Jsou však také dokladem toho, jaký postoj měli k ženám muži, kteří o nich psali, a jak sami charakterizovali jejich postavení a život.
  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    The Watershed of 1840: The Rise of International Insecurity and the Origins of Italian Moderate Nationalism
    (2023) Šedivý, Miroslav
    In 1840 the international crises and territorially limited armed conflicts in Europe and overseas gave rise to or at least fueled feelings of deep mistrust, pessimism, and fear among a considerable number of Europeans toward the unsettled international situation, provoking across Europe a transnational debate about stability and justice in international affairs and the prospect for peace, all of which were usually seen as very insecure. This widespread and intensive public reaction to what was regarded as external threats if not to the general peace then at least to the security of European countries continued beyond 1840. Through the presentation and analysis of the response in the bourgeois public sphere to international insecurity in the example of the origins of moderate Italian nationalism, this essay reveals the strong influence of international affairs on how Europeans viewed justice and security in the mid nineteenth century.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Výchovné štýly v rodinách zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia
    (2023) Škoviera, Albín; Veselá, Eliška
    Príspevok sa zameriava na tri oblasti: charakteristiku súčasnej rodiny, kategorizáciu výchovných štýlov a zhody/ rozdiely v preferenciách výchovných štýlov v bežných rodinách a v rodinách zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Road to Repair (R2R): An Afrocentric Sensor-Based Solution to Enhanced Road Maintenance
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Jordan, Darryn Anton; Paine, Stephen; Mishra, Amit Kumar; Pidanič, Jan
    Potholes are one of the most important issues in African road-networks. They pose a major threat to mobility and, with time, cause accelerated degradation of the underlying road infrastructure as well as extensive vehicle damage. To address the need for improved infrastructure management, an advanced data gathering solution is required. This paper presents one such solution. The pothole detection, classification and logging (PDCL) system is under active development by Sensorit (Pty) Ltd in collaboration with the University of Cape Town (UCT) Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG). This system represents the initial step in Sensorit's modular approach to producing fully autonomous vehicles for African markets. In this paper, an overview of the PDCL system is presented and early results are shown. The efficacy of the system's unique combination of active infrared stereo vision and mmWave frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar sensors is explored. Under various experimental conditions, range-Doppler maps (RDMs) produced by the radar were unable to provide meaningful pothole detections. In contrast, processed depth maps produced by the stereo vision system are demonstrated to successfully detect even shallow potholes.