2017/39 Scientific papers, Series D
Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/66923
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Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Váha parametru TOPSIS techniky a jeho vplyv na hodnotenie obcí v Slovenskej republike(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Vavrek, RomanEfficient use of funds is the current challenge for operators both private and public sectors. In Slovakia the management of municipalities is governed only by law, that the main and only criterion considers the indebtedness of the village. The goal of the paper is to offer an alternative view of the legal assessment of the economic communities in the form of a comprehensive assessment of management of the municipality. Post characterizes TOPSIS technique as a suitable alternative for a comprehensive assessment of the management of municipalities in 2014, and this technique is applied to a set of villages in the Prešov Region (663) at two levels - at the same and adapted monitored indicators. Within the article the best management of municipalities according to selected criteria is ranked. The results of applications are further statistical examined to identify the impact of the indicators, as well as identification of observed correlation.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Výskum a vývoj na Slovensku, v Dánsku a Fínsku z pohľadu stratégie Európa 2020(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Tkáč, Michal; Duľová Spišáková, Emília; Gontkovičová, BarboraCurrently, research, development and innovation is one of five areas that form the basis of the strategy Europe 2020. One of the basic indicators of evaluation of the R&D level in country is an indicator reflecting the share of gross domestic expenditure on R&D in the country's GDP. This indicator is used to monitor the achievement of the objective of the strategy, which is the EU to increase spending on R&D in 2020 to 3% of GDP. Therefore, the article deals with the issue of R&D in selected countries formulated in the strategy Europe 2020 in terms of the amount of expenditure incurred the above activities, the structure of expenditure to the GDP of countries and other partial indicators, which indicate differences in the R&D areas between analyzed and compared countries. Part of the contribution will predict the expected development of the indicator expressing the share of expenditure on R&D in GDP of countries in order to determine whether the targets set for each country are achievable by 2020.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Veřejné výdaje na výzkum a vývoj a jejich vztah s ekonomickým růstem v Česku, Dánsku a Slovensku(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Szarowská, Irena; Žůrková, DominikaThis article deals with a public support of reseach and development (R&D), as R&D is of a crucial importance in creation of knowledge, products and technologies. Literature offers support for varied relationship between R&D expenditure and economic growth – positive, negative and zero. Therefore, the goal of the article is to verify the relationship between public R&D expenditures and economic growth in the Czechia, Denmark and Slovakia in the period 1995–2013. Empirical evidence is based on data collected from Eurostat database. Johansen cointegration test is applied for analysing the long-term relationship and the Error correction model is added for short-term dynamics. Results of estimations confirmed the positive long-term relationship between Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D (GERD) and economic growth in Denmark and Slovakia. Anyway, testing public R&D expenditure by sectors of providing verified cointegration for one sector in all countries at least. Concretely, the long-term relationship was proven for all sectors in Denmark, for government, private non-profit and higher education sectors in Slovakia and for government sector in the Czechia.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup A comparison of efficiency of hospitals in the individual regions of the Czech Republic(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Staňková, Pavla; Papadaki, ŠárkaThe main goal of this paper is to compare the efficiency of health care in the individual regions of the Czech Republic. Key consideration is given to the efficiency of hospitals for these subjects account for more than half of the health care expenses. The DEA method, precisely the input-oriented CCR, was chosen for the analysis. This method allows for the evaluation of several inputs and outputs. For the purpose of our research, we utilized one output, i.e. the number of hospitalized patients, and on the other hand, we examined several inputs, i.e. the number of beds, operating costs and the number of physicians. The analysis showed that the Královehradecký region is the least efficient and, on the other side of spectrum, there are 4 efficient regions - Karlovarský, Ústecký, Vysočina and Zlínský. The level of efficiency in other regions varies between 79,4 % and the above-mentioned 100%. Looking at the structure and the number of hospitals in the regions, we cannot see any significant correlation so we cannot say that efficiency is correlated to the number or structure of hospitals in any given region.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Nekalá konkurence a její vliv na výši výdajů obcí na nakládání s odpady(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Soukopová, Jana; Bakoš, EduardThe paper deals with the effect of competition on municipal public expenditure. The impact of competition on municipal waste management expenditure is ambiguous. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the nature of competition in the waste management market and its impact on municipal waste management expenditure in the four regions in the Czech Republic (1962 municipalities) in year 2014. In the past, between years 2008 and 2011, cartel of four companies was proven in the waste management market in the Czech Republic. We suppose that the existence of an unfair competition can lead to higher municipal waste management expenditure. The results confirm our assumption and show that impact of unfair competition is still visible after four years and it could have a notable impact on municipal waste management expenditure.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Nerovnosť finančných položiek hospodárenia slovenských domácností(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Sipková, Ľubica; Sipko, JurajThe paper describes the level and the relative inequality of households' finances by absolute and relative measures. The quantitative analysis covers eight NUTS III regions of the Slovak republic and compares relative inequality of the financial situation according to various subgroups of households. The analysis procedure uses the official individual data of the second wave of the Eurosystem's Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS), which collects household-level data in the year 2014. At the beginning, the paper describes microdata and the methodology. Based on quantitative analysis mainly using quantile methods, what follows is a numerical and graphical comparison of statistical measures of households’ net wealth, total real assets and total liabilities of subgroups of Slovak households. Our study is focused mostly on concentration measurement and provides an inequality analysis of households’ finances with decomposition of Theil T measure of the components of households’ finances according to region, level of household’s reference person’s education and household types based on HFCS microdata of the Slovak Republic.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup „Formulovať pozitívnu víziu“: k debate o súčasnom stave globálnej spoločnosti z politicko-ekonomickej perspektívy(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Sekerák, MariánRapidly changing global economic environment provokes new challenges for scholars as well as politicians throughout the world. Many of them criticize currently dominant capitalist system, the so-called Washington Consensus and its inherently neoliberal nature. In this paper I directly respond to the recently opened Czech debate on this system’s future development. Therefore, two possible “positive visions” are presented as viable, neutral and potentially well-functioning alternatives: the employee participation and the movement of sustainable de-growth. These visions are incorporated into the framework of the so-called social economy. In the case of employee participation, sometimes labelled as economic democracy, four concepts are presented: the German, the Slovak one and two American ones. Widespread degrowth movement is represented by measures such as the taxation of global banking transactions, decentralization of financial institutions, restrictions on tax havens, fair trade, cooperative business, support of local currencies, reducing emissions and the introduction of an unconditional basic income. Some of these proposals are promoted in the current Catholic social teaching.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Hodnocení vlivu rentability na volbu zdrojů financování v podmínkách zemí Visegrádské čtyřky v oblasti energetiky(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Růčková, PetraThe topic of the use of financing sources in business is being dealt with by economists for more than half of century. Searching for suitable combination of own financing sources and debts led to many studies and later theories, which dealt with optimization of capital structure. Focus on power engineering is based on the fact that energy safety of V4 countries is one of priorities of cooperation. The aim of this article is to find out based on reviews of previous studies and elaborated analyses whether achievement of profitability has impact on decision-making as it comes to the use of debt financing and whether the results of the analysis indicates tendency towards dynamic trade off theories of capital structure in the selected countries in the field of energy. Opposite situation is also the subject of interest thus whether higher rate of profitability positively influences the use of debt finances. This article considers the analysis of 417 big and middle-sized companies of V4 group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak Republic). Correlation analysis and panel regression are the main methods being used for testing. Testing is provided by the Eviews programme. Data used in testing were gained from Amadeus database.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Plánování rozvoje cyklistické infrastruktury s využitím metod podpory prostorového rozhodování(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Ruda, Aleš; Floková, LudmilaPlanning the development of cycling infrastructure underlines the importance of suitable and sustainable transportation inside cities. In spite that decision making process implements many statistical tools, proposing new cycle paths is based on both quantitative evaluating and qualitative respecting strategic intent of the city. The main goal of the paper is to extend currently accepted approaches in modelling of cycling infrastructure towards geostatistical analysis. The research documents a comparative study of different interpolation techniques producing raster surfaces for further processing using multicriterial evaluation. To choose an appropriate interpolation method several methods were tested, especially Inverse Distance Weighted, Radial Base Function, Simple Kriging, Ordinary Kriging and Empirical Bayesian Kriging. Besides interpolated data taken from field counting, points of cyclists´ interest have been implemented into the assessment. Considering two strategies (safety and preparedness for cycling infrastructure development) determining weights, two sets of proposals have been also presented. The results were equally reclassified into five classes for possible comparison.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Hodnocení vlivu nákladů kurzového zajištění na výkonnost fondu kolektivního investování (případová studie)(Univerzita Pardubice, 2017) Pfeiferová, Daniela; Kuchařová, Ivana; Prášilová, MarieThe aim of this paper is to evaluate whether the exchange rate hedging costs at collective investment companies affects the performance of these entities. The evaluation is based on a correlation in time series. Exchange rate risk is related to the position of CZK as the reference currency of the target group (households and institutions), to which investment companies sell their securities. The theoretical part of this paper is based on professional studies in the area of performance measurement and risk elimination in collective investment funds. Data were collected on the development of monthly costs to secure exchange risks and on the performance of mutual funds between April 2012 and April 2015. Correlation in time series was used to assess the relationship between the performance of mutual funds and the cost of exchange rate risk hedging. The statistical methods did not prove dependence between exchange rate hedging costs and the monthly performance of selected mutual funds. Correlation coefficients are low and insignificant, so specific information about the costs of the interest rate risk hedging is currently not necessary. This issue has not been researched adequately so far, thus the results may serve as a base for further scientific research.
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