03/2008 Theatrum historiae
Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38101
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Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Procesy s katolickými duchovními a členy řádů projednávané Krajským soudem v Ústí nad Labem v letech 1953-1960(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Hrachová, IvanaNegotiations between the state and the church began immediately after the communist takeover in February 1948. The negotiations should have resulted in an agreement of the position of church in Czechoslovakia. However, the negotiations were later precluded by various state imposed anti-clerical precautions. In 1949, the state’s real intention was unambiguously revealed – to subjugate or destroy the church in Czechoslovakia. The internment of top representatives of the catholic church and arrests of ordinary priests took place at that time together with state organized anti-clerical actions aimed against the church unity. These aspirations culminated by the politically motivated trials against the church. The Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem tried members of various churches and religious societies together with former members of the Czechoslovak People's Party. This paper is concerned with six selected cases in which Catholic priests were prosecuted. All of them were sentenced to confinement and their spiritual activities were interrupted or even precluded.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Matkami opuštěných? Působení Kongregace Školských sester de Notre Dame v sirotčincích(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Jakšičová, DanaThe School sisters de Notre Dame focused on upbringing and education of not only the girl´s youth. They were the most widespread school congregation that worked in the Czech lands of 19 and 20 centuries. Their primary aim was to establish and run girl´s general schools (Trivialschule) and later burgess schools too. These were usually connected with boarding establishment. The author summarizes the results of her probe that should analyse the orphanages that were run by the School sisters de Notre Dame on the territory of the České Budějovice diocese. The first orphanage that was administred by the congregation was the town orphanage in Tábor in 1880. In 1920 they already controlled 44 orphanages in Bohemia. In the České Budějovice diocese they worked in 14 orphanages. There lived children between 6 and 13 (exceptionally 14) years and there were between 10 and 30 children per one establishment. The author analyses everyday life in these orphanages (daily activities, board, financial subvention, etc.) and she deals also with the topic of education of „troubled“ children and the rigorous style of upbringing that was practiced by the School sisters de Notre Dame.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Voršilky v Čechách a jejich pojetí veřejné prospěšnosti(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Macková, MarieUrsulines were one of two women regular orders admitted as publicly convenient at the times of the restriction of monasteries in Bohemia during the reign of Josef II. However, their public convenience was not based on the enlightened principles. They were allowed to provide education at the end of the 16th century. Ursulines should follow the decrees of Trent and work on internal restoration of catholicism. These ideas were transformed in the second half of the 18th century and then in the 19th century. In fact, the Ursulines continued to be a religious order that ran girl schools. The slowly changing social conditions perceived this kind of service and accepted it differently during the course of history.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Řeholní kongregace v Čechách na přelomu 19. a 20. století v kontextu proměn náboženského milieu(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Novotný, MiroslavOpening part of this article presents the transformation and character of religious milieu in Central and Western Europe in 19th and at the beginning of 20th century (especially the processes of de-ethatization of religion, secularization and de-christianization, respectively the so-called second confesionalization). With regard to the focus of this work, the main attention is paid to the processes running inside the Catholic Church. It deals more precisely also with the similar development in the western part of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. It views complex situation in Czech lands in a wider context of transformations and creation of the modern European industrial society in the second half of the 19th century, which also strongly mirrored in the activity of individual Churches and led, among others, to the “religious renaissance” and to the search for new or renewed forms of religious activities, as well as spiritual life and also to the formation of new regular communities (men and especially women congregations) together with lay confraternities (Marian communities, in the first place). Second part of the work demonstrates the processes on the model example of the mostly agrarian and traditionally conservative South Bohemia. Beginning of the new times is in the Budweiser diocese, the traditional catholic bulwark in Bohemia, connected first of all with the episcopacy of Jan Valerian Jirsik. It is also thanks to his commitment and work that the status of Catholicism in the whole region significantly improved and that in the second half of the 19th and first half of 20th century, the South Bohemian diocese became the place of foundation or activity of quite a number of regular and lay religious communities.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Saint-Cyr : a “useful” school for girls?(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Picco, DominiqueThe aim of this paper is to present, very shortly, Saint-Cyr - an exceptional school in France, which was completly different from other convents where the girls of the social elite used to be educated during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. I choose to use the utility prism to study Saint-Cyr, as a conceptual tool, but one has to bear in mind that this term wasn’t used by the founders, Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon. I base my work on the intendant’s report and first I will wonder if Saint-Cyr was a “national school” or a “royal one”. Then I will present the objectives of this institution, and more particularly its utility as an educational institution since, as Astruc said, Saint-Cyr’s goal was to “récompenser les enfants des parents qui ont bien mérité de la patrie” and to form goods mothers in every possible social situation.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Poznámky ke vnímání řeholního života mezi barokem a osvícenstvím(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Mikulec, JiříThe article deals with the development of attitudes to monasteries, regulars and nuns that can be observed in the minds of the members of baroque society (1650-1750) and of the leaders of intellectual elite in the times of Enlightenment at the end of the 18th century. At the beginning, the author attempts to analyse certain negative „enlightened“ attitudes to regular life in the Habsburg monarchy. He uses several promotional and publicist works showing that damnatory relation to monasteries occured together with the dissolution of monasteries in 1780. The author explains that the attitude of the Enlightenment to regular life was caused by the change of religious life merits. The rationalization of devoutness effected the new view on monasteries – the „enlightened“ people thought that only practical social activities of some monasteries were acceptable. For example, they appreciated the care of the ill, charity activities, education and upbringing of youth, and scientific activities. On the other hand, baroque society highly appreciated religious activities of monasteries, promotion of baroque spirituality among the seculars, and also the regular life as such. The author concludes that, in the Czech lands of the baroque times, we can also find some people who perceived monasteries and their inhabitants in a rather negative way. These opinions created a mental fundament to help in re-interpretation by the „enlightened“ critics of regular life.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished „Horlivost jejich v kázání slova Božího…“ Církevní řády a rekatolizace(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Čornejová, IvanaThe process of counter-reformation in the Czech lands after the Bílá hora battle (1620) was made more difficult not only for the resistance of non-catholics, but also for the lack of priests in the ecclesiastic administration. It was caused by the religious situation in the times of the Hussite revolution and then during the process of reformation in 16th century. That is the reason why the counter-reformation was as long as to the end of the 17th century mainly organised by the members of different religious orders. The so called old orders – Benedictins, Premonstratensians, Cistercians, etc. were renovated; and there also existed a strong influence of the new orders. Amongst the most successful we can find Jesuits and Piarists – both orders profiled as educational orders. Education of the youth in catholic doctrine is believed to be one of the key instruments that helped the counterreformation to succeed. It was also very important that the members of religious orders worked in many parishes as vicars. Comparing the particular regions of the Czech lands, the process of counter-reformation and the influence of religious orders differed; the position of non-catholics was stronger in Silesia only.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Profesoři Hermenegild a Karel Škorpilové působící v Bulharsku(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Skružný, LudvíkХерменгилд Шкорпил е шестото от 13-те деца на Вацлав Шкорпил старши и Анна родена Иречекова. Произхождал от Високе Мито, завършил природни науки в Прага и Лайпциг. Специализирал минералогия и етнология, неговите изследовател- ски интереси обаче са били много по-широки. През 1880 г. заминал за Източна Руме- лия, за да създаде, заедно с други чешки педагози, основата на средното образование в младата българска държава, която през 1878 г. се освобождава от турска власт. Шкорпил е работил в мъжките и девическите гимназии в Пловдив (1880-1881), Сливен (1881-1886), София (1886-1894), Пловдив (1894-1900), Русе (1900-1904) и Варна (1904-1906), където по собствена молба е пенсиониран. В гимназиите е пре- подавал различни естествени науки, създавал е към тях природонаучни и археологи- чески сбирки. Основател е и на няколко природонаучни, археологически и музейни сдружения. От идването му в България работи върху учебник по география на Бълга- рия, прави изследвания на пловдивските води, работи върху геологическата карта на Южна България, обръща внимание и на спелеологията, природните загадки (вкаме- нената гора край Варна, движещите се пясъци, наречени Златни пясъци) и други. Резултатите от неговите проучвания и наблюдения публикува сам, или заедно със своя брат Карел. По време на престоя си във Варна е бил първи председател на Вар- ненския археологически клуб (1905-1923), управлявал публикационната дейност на клуба и на Варненския музей, където е бил музеен управител , и е водил лекции за резултатите от своите археологически и исторически изследвания. Погребан е до ранно християнската базилика на Змийски връх (Илан Тепе и Джанавара тепе) край село Джанава (днес част от Варна).Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished „Člověk nestojí za nic, nenadchne-li ho blízkost velkého muže.“ Personifikace významového prostoru národních oslav 60. a 70. let 19. století(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Šima, KarelThe paper deals with the problem of symbolic personification within Czech national festivals in 1860s and 1870s. This period represents the peak of the Czech national upheaval in 19th century in form of mass public action of representatives of the national movement. During this identity-building and identity-inventing process the organisation of national festivals played one of the most important mobilizing roles. Symbolic context of Czech nationality was being re-invented by performing the festive culture as a space for communication and confrontation of new and old meanings. The process comprised the multi-level overlaying of different identities, e.g. regional, local, class, professional, religious, within the national frame. One aspect of these ritual enactments was integration of different important persons that were celebrated – creation of national Pantheon. The analysis in this article focuses on these perfomative acts (J. Butler) using historical and anthropological approaches based in concept of culture as “web of significance” (C. Geertz). Main goal is to show how meanings transfer from symbolic national frame to celebrated persons and vice versa. The analysis is done in four steps. Firstly, the symbolic personification is analysed in the case of celebrating Czech patriots active in pre-1848 period – "awakeners of dying Nation". Among these ones particular significance was given to František Palacký whose role as "the father of Nation" is interpreted in Christian context of family metaphors. Third section is dedicated to the personification of Hussite historical context with Jan Hus, Jan Žižka and Prokop Holý as main actors. Last part shows the examples of (mostly unsuccessful) attempts of introducing Catholic symbolism and identity in to the national frame during the saint´s-days of Slavic saints Cyril and Method.Článek Otevřený přístup peer-reviewedpublished Emanuel Salomon z Friedbergu – Mírohorský a jeho Paměti z mého žití(Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Jiránek, TomášField-marshal (Feldmarschalleutnant) Emanuel Salomon of Friedberg – Mírohorský (1829- 1908) was not only a soldier, but also a Czech patriot, artist and writer. He contributed to our knowledge of the life in Austrian army of „long 19 century“. He was one of few Czechs who gained very important position in Austrian army in 19 century. He left behind a large manuscript under the title Memoirs of my life (Paměti z mého žití). It has more than 6500 pages and it is a valuable source to the political, social and cultural history of 19 century.