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2013/29 Scientific papers, Series D

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/54012


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  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Cultural destinations as one of the most important generators of tourism
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Zedková, Alena; Kajzar, Patrik
    The paper deals with cultural destination as one of the most important generators of tourism. The primary objective of this paper is to show the meaning of cultural destinations. From this reason, first we focus on explanation of concepts of cultural tourism and cultural destinations and then we perform a correlation analysis, which aims to find the intensity of dependence between the number of selected cultural destinations in the individual regions of the Czech Republic and the number of their visitors. The objective of the analysis is to verify the hypotheses about whether between number of these cultural destinations and the number of their visitors there is a statistical dependence. The number of Prague sights’ visitors compared with attendance in other Czech regions is extreme. Therefore, it is interesting to see how the results of the analysis change when we exclude the data of the number of the Prague sights and visitors.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Identifikace datových struktur pro podporu metod štíhlé výroby
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Šimonová, Stanislava; Farkač, Pavel
    Customer requirements force producers to manufacture still wider portfolio of products and at the same time to improve in categories such as production efficiency, product quality and customer delivery abilities. In order to maintain long-term prosperity and for successful competing on the market, lean principles and methods supporting these principles are applied. The lean production methods focus on various areas and features while they often complement or even overlap. It is always a question which method should be applied in which situation. At the same time, even implementation of these methods has certain limits such as insufficient machinery capacity when even maximal utilization of a machine cannot fully satisfy customer requirements. The article deals with the topic of selecting the most suitable lean production method and the way of objective evaluation of current needs of the monitored sub-process based on identification of indicators and monitoring these. The proposed solution focuses on determining the appropriate area of measuring and identification of such data structures which have a significant relation to the monitored categories (availability, performance, quality). Monitoring and subsequent evaluation of such indicators serves as objective support for decisions on lean method implementation.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Dynamický model lokalizačních efektů
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Sobotková, Lucie; Sobotka, Martin
    The article deals with the characteristic of agglomeration effects which are perceived as ones of the factors of development of a certain area (region or municipality). Especially, the article is concerned with localization effects for which the general dynamic model on the basis of system dynamics is created here. Further, this model is simulated for the interval of twenty years. The supposed impact of localization effects on the development of region or municipality is indicated this way. The advantage of this approach is including not only of localization economies into the development of region or municipality but also localization diseconomies. These diseconomies express especially with the growth of costs (e. g. infrastructure costs, wage costs, rents etc.). This situation is characterized by contrary process when the development of region or municipality itself is reduced. The system dynamics so enables to catch all the processes of reinforcing and balanced character at the same time.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Inovace managementu
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Slinták, Karel
    World of organizations has changed as well as sense of management. Organizations based on industrial model can´t accelerate pace of strategist self-renewal. The key of success lies in innovation. However organizations innovate only in selected function areas. Each innovation is bound by rules for their possible research and application. The shift from bureaucrat to innovator requires innovation of management. The article deals with innovation of management in practice of two companies, Apple and Google. Case studies described managing approaches in these companies represent suitable areas for innovation of industrial management. It was found out that these organizations assert meritocracy, adhocracy, culture of trial and error and lateral communication. Both of them provide their people deeper sense on the basis of the organization purpose which has higher value than only making money. The operating practices of these companies created a base to the program for innovation of management. This program says that leadership is better than management, community is better than bureaucracy and shared vision is better than external motivation. On based our research, we modified genome of the management which appreciates diversity, allocation flexibility, contradiction and opposites, passion, revelatory moments and happiness.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Proposal of economic diversification in algeria - way to fiscal policy effectiveness increasing
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Rouag, Abdelwalid; Stejskal, Jan
    The hydrocarbon impact on an oil economy has been tackled by many economists over the years and demonstrates that oil and gas revenues have many benefits if the countries have utilised them successfully. However, many of these countries have found out that these windfalls, based on exhaustible (non-renewable) resources, become more a curse than a blessing particularly in the developing countries, which have suffered from a poor institutional system, and this is of great interest to some economists. In addition many researchers have found that there is a relationship between resources and rent seeking, particularly when the country depends heavily on these resources and is perceived as lacking in political maturity. Several fiscal policies have been adopted by resource exporting countries mainly for addressing the negative adverse of the so called resource curse, among those policies, diversification seems to be the most important on dealing with the dependence of such economies on the export of their resources. This paper deals with the economic diversification and fiscal policy orientation in Algeria. It contains the novel suggestions for diversification rules applied in Algerian economy.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Fuzzy analýza ukazatele výkonnosti zákaznické dimenze
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Pokorný, Miroslav; Keprt, Aleš; Menšík, Michal
    Mathematical approaches of calculation of quality evaluation of systems involving human factors do not reflect a significant feature of the processed data - their natural uncertainty – vagueness. Data that have their origin in human assessment of phenomena using integer numerical values are a typical example of such a vague information. Unconventional methods of soft computing are able to formalize this uncertainty and complete information about the size evaluation also its degree of uncertainty. Appropriate theoretical background for the formalization of vagueness data is fuzzy set and fuzzy logic theory. In this paper, these approaches are presented and applied to one of the key performance indicators – Balanced Scorecard CSI Customer Satisfaction Index. Uncertainty resulting criteria is new information leading to increased efficiency in their use in decision making processes.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Explicit data of internet users: validity and deception disclosure
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Pokorná, Jitka; Balcarová, Tereza
    This study is focused on validation of the explicit data provided by Internet users for the prediction of required on-line content. Content prediction represents the core of on-line personalization process. Whether explicit data quoted by users reflect the reality analyze this research. Research participants (n = 32) filled the electronic questionnaire in and were monitored to validate questionnaire data. The frequencies of overall weekly on-line time and doing particular on-line activity are measured. Evaluated on-line activities are: on-line communication including sharing, reading on-line news, on-line entertainment and information search. Frequency of Internet use was determined as the respondents estimation of the time spent on-line in hours per week. Five zero hypotheses were proposed and tested with Wilcoxon non-parametric paired test. Hypotheses were accepted in cases of total frequency of Internet usage, on-line communication, entertainment and information search. Respondents mostly differ in estimation of reading on-line news frequency. Frequency of reading on-line news the null hypothesis was rejected. In all cases of difference, respondents overestimated frequency weekly.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Energetická politika Ruska se zaměřením na „holandskou nemoc“
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Mrlinová, Monika
    After 2000, the Russian economy gradually achieved high rates of economic growth exceeding 7 %. A favorable economic performance enabled Russia to repay foreign debts, create high foreign exchange reserves and reduce country’s poverty. Nevertheless, this economic performance was not created through an economic efficiency, nor reflected the quality of the tax system or a low level of corruption, which would attract foreign investors, but was driven by the export of raw materials and by the favorable development of the world prices of these commodities. The long-term persisting favorable conditions enabled the Russian economy to presents itself as a world-energy superpower. However, during 2008, when the global financial crisis accompanied by an enormous drop in raw materials prices shook the global economy, the Russian economy suffered a gradual slowdown and a consequent decline in the economic performance. The Russian economy, which experienced an enormous pace of economic growth in the previous period, began to collapse. Given these facts, the ambition post is to clarify the formulation of energy policy of Russia and then focus an attention on negative economic phenomenon so-called Dutch Disease. The basic method is a quantitative method, regression namely time series analysis.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Potenciál internetového trhu na Slovensku
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Kubíková, Jana
    The technological development and the growing rate of using the internet in the population brings intensifying competition and increasing customer demands. The current customer is very unstable, as well as his varying requirements. Therefore it is important so that every company is prepared for daily changes in its activities. This article deals with using of internet and on-line shopping on the market of the Slovak republic. The first part is a theoretical explanation of the basic issues related to e-business. The second part deals with the use of internet in shopping process by customers in Slovak republic. At work were used methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis of theoretical knowledge of literature, articles and other publications about e-business and Customer Relationship Management and statistical methods for the examination of secondary sources.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Metodologie měkkých systémů a rozhodování v systému komunitního plánování
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Křupka Jiří; Kašparová, Miloslava; Jirava, Pavel; Mandys, Jan; Ferynová, Lenka; Duplinský, Josef
    A model of community planning was defined in this paper. The model was designed for the city of Pardubice and works with real questionnaire research data sets in its evaluation phase. Questionnaires were submitted to fill users, providers and sponsors of social services. When creating the model was used Checkland’s soft system methodology. Also soft computing methods and decision trees were used to create the model. The model was implemented in the data mining tool IBM SPSS Modeler 14.