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2000/06 Scientific papers, Series B

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38177


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  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Světový vývoj managementu ve vztahu k dopravě
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Řezáč, Jaromír; Lejsková, Pavla
    Present-day progress of management of entrepreneur's subjects is characterized by turbulent and discontinuous enivirons, to which rapid and fierce changes correspond on condition of indeterminatennes and risk. Generally and also in transport this progress trends from functional management to process management. It is consequence of radical advance of paradigm of management (turn of industrial paradigm, into information paradigm, if you like knowledge society). The paper reminds of fact, that executive and decision sphere of Czech enterprises does not anticipate the progress of world management.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Konkurence dopravních firem z pohledu globalizace a regionalizace
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Bauer, Romuald; Marciszewska, Elżbieta
    The globalization and regionalisation processes involve almost all the cultural, social and economic sphere of life. They have owned promoters and adversaries both of these frends. The globalisation as an economic process come through three levels:¦the firm level, ¦the branch level, ¦the world economics level. The presented trends will have the basic sense for the Poland and Poland's firms including the transport firms. Process has an objective character and there is the way to find their utilisation for the benefit of all society. The EU integration, the economics transformation and the transformation of the firm complicate species interaction between the globalisation and regionalisation.The article deals with globalisation and regionalisation process on the level of transport firm and transport branch level. At judge of mentioned process in the Poland's conditions, there is pay attention to the air, road and railway firms. Authors of the article started from the official document "The Purpose of the Poland State Policy of Transportation in the 2000-2015 Period" partly.In the air transport is the globalisation enterprise admittance of PLL LOT, a.s. to the Qualiflyer alliance. It is possible rate as a building element of the carrier global strategy. Together with it is needed to build up the net of regional airports too. Concerning the railway transport (PKP), there obtained the regionalisation tendency. This is the outcome of the railway attribute and the process of transformation. On the other site the European integration process in the railway area must take ento account the globalisation requirements. In the road transport there is the problem of the large number of the carriers with the mentioned view. There enacted the differeniation of the firms on the regional and European trasport market. Will dominate the tendency to the regionalsation in the road transport too.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Marketing a logistika
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Řezníček, Bohumil; Šaradín, Pavel
    The article describes the interaction between marketing and logistics from the point of view of company sphere. The field of common incidence of marketing and logisitics it a selling place (distibition) and customer service. The aim of marketing is the maximisation of long-term company profitability. The aim logistics is the minimisation of total logistical firm costs with achievement of requested quality of customer service. Both disciplines have to develop and advance together in the unity the firm strategy as a marketing logistics. Management logistics is important field. Management processes connected with system organization of firm. Instead of functionally specialized organizations is starting to use process organisation. Characteristic of this type organization:¦from function to process, ¦from profit to efficiency, ¦from product orientation to customer orientation, ¦change of vertical structure to virtual. Marketing logistics will be influence by news trend and posibilities in field of conception management.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Computation accuracy of electromagnetic wave propagation over irregular terrain
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Schejbal, Vladimír
    The computer model and computation accuracy for propagation over irregular terrain are presented. Special attention is paid to computation accuracy considering integration and step size. The effect of integration step selection for various wavelengths and terrain profiles is demonstrated using numerical simulations.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Analýza vstupu ČR do EU z hlediska dopravy
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Kampf, Rudolf
    Republic by means of the matrix SWOT and sets strategic aims and principles for successful integration into the European Union. There are also emphasized priorities of the whole sector of transport. Mathematical methods were used for a sketch of the optimalization of the regional-transport service by public transport. There is also elucidated present-day transport politics of the Czech Republic. For this reason the contribution includes some tables and graphs which reflect well the development of the investments in transport. At the end of the article the author states, using the analytic method SWOT, that the advantages of the integration into the EU predominate over the disadvantages owing mainly to the increasing of the competition.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Cestovní ruch na Pardubicku z hlediska programů regionálního rozvoje
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Becková, Helena
    Present comparatively unfavourable development of the travel industry in the regions og the Czech Republic has been caused among ohters by the fact, that general regional conceptions of travel industry development have not existed up to this time. With forming them it is necessary to take into account the basic conceptual documents concerning regional develepment in the Czech Republic. Above all the Stratehy of Regional Development of the Czech Republic and also the Regional Development Plan for Years 2000 - 2006 must be taken into consideration. The article deals with the regional parts of these documents, whose component the Pardubice district is, and defines travel industry development in this area from the standpoint of major territorial units. Finally, in connectin with int the article focuses also on tourist marketing regions, created by the Czech Tourist Authority, and characteristizes the region of Eastern Bohemia, to which the district of Pardubice belongs.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Využití teorie vázaných mechanických systémů k tvorbě simulačních programů
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Sála, Pavel
    Příspěvek se zabývá využitím teorie vázaných mechanických systémů k tvorbě simulačních programů. Tato teorie je aplikována na výpočet velikosti deformace ve vazbách. Článek popisuje odvození matematického aparátu k výpočtu velikosti deformace ve vazbách a aplikace tohoto aparátu na konkrétní simulační výpočet dvounápravového vozu.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Analýza přerozdělení uhlíku strukturně heterogenního svarového spoje po tepelné expozici
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Schmidová, Eva; Beneš, Libor; Stránský, Karel
    Práce se zabývá analýzou strukturních změn heterogenních svarových rozhraní pod vlivem tepelných působení. V návaznosti na simulační výpočty vychází z provedených experimentů, založených na žíhání reálných vzorků svarových spojů. Obsahuje metalografické analýzy, podepřené naměřenými hodnotami mikrotvrdosti experimentálních návarů žlábkových kolejnic, dále pak kvantitativní vyhodnocení odpovídajících lokálních změn obsahu uhlíku použitím dostupných termodynamických závislostí. Na základě souboru a s ohledem na sledované použití aplikované technologie pak na případné změny vlastností a provozní odolnosti spojů.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Programmable simulation of load torque with frequency controlled induction machine
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Novák, Jaroslav; Gregora, Stanislav
    The paper describe the device for the testing of the drive machines - the electromotors or the engines. This dynamometer is realized with the frequency controlled asynchronous motor. The torque of the dynamometer is set up with the simulation program. This system enables the variable modeling of the various load types.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Adhezní limity procesu trakce a brzdění
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2001) Čáp, Jaroslav
    The paper deals with significant differences, dissimilarities and operating influences during the traction and braking process of railway vehicle. The mentioned factors are displayed in the reached values of adhesion coefficient as well as relative slip. The possibilities of theoretical and experimental investigation of adhesion mechanism and mutual correlation of both these processes are in search.