01/2006 Theatrum historiae
Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38103
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Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup A. S. Neill a jeho škola svobodné výchovy v Summerhillu(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Prokop, JiříAll who positively perceive the Summerhill school, celebrated in the year 2003, 120 years from the birth and 30 years from the death of its founder A.S. Neill (1883-1973). This school refers to the boarding school which has been in existence continuously until today since 1924. From the beginning, the Summerhill School was opened for children having educational problems, later on, its creator himself classified the school as a therapeutic school for normal children. The school is based on the principle of confidence and partnership between boarders and adults, Neill left the children freedom and created conditions for self-education within the framework of self-governing organisation of the school life. Neill is an author of many publications in the field of children´s pedagogy and psychology. The influence of this institute upon the present education has always been incomparable to the number of school-leavers. This an oldest running school having an almost unchanged autonomy offering optional presence in lessons.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup České menšinové školy v rumunském Banátě – od jejich založení do vypuknutí 2. světové války (historickokomparativní studie)(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Moravcová, IlonaThe submitted contribution deals with education of the Czech minority in Romania. The article monitors the period when the first Czech colonists came to Romanian Banat concentrating on their struggle for enlightment and improving the school system up to the establishment of first Czech schools. It aims to show the legal background of Czech school system in Romania. The contribution also deals with the problems that the author processed for the collection of papers about the role of Czech schools abroad (with regard to the former Eastern block).Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Charles Maurras – osobnost a l´Action française(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Vrbata, AlešThe author in his article introduces into life, political ideas and ideology of Charles Maurras as a person and as a head of l‘Action française. He is considered to be one of those who helped to prepare ideological basis of the french fascism of 30‘s and 40‘s. The autor explains origins of his thinking showing his childhood and background in the french province of Provence where Maurras himself experienced the french tradicionalism, monarchical upbringing and where his studies of literature, philosophy, history and other subjects helped him to define the first of his attitudes. Later on, in Paris, his attitudes will get clearer and will get monarchical and integralist aspect. Maurras collaborates with Félibrige de Paris, with tradicionalist press, publishes his first books and specifies his definition of french culture and civilization which is connected with his criticism of the french revolutionary tradition. In the end of 19th century enters l‘Action française which was originally republican movement. Maurras makes it monarchical. The movement participated in Drefyfus affair and as highly nationalistic called for revenge against Germany. The author explains the importance of connection which existed between l‘Action française, Maurras and the catholic church – ideologically and politically – and the importance of break up that occured in 1926 and which caused number of problems both for l‘Action française as movement and ideological current and weakened its force on the french political scene. The author mentions also importance of other members of Action française as for example Léon Daudet, Jacques Bainville and others, activity of this movement during Vichy regime and attempts to restore this movement (or journal of Action française) after the Second world war.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Druhý, tzv. Gibišův transport československých legií z Ruska do Francie (1917-1918)(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Jiránek, TomášIn autumn of 1917 two groups of the Czechoslovak legionaries were sent from Russia to France. They should reinforce the combat power of the „agreement“ armies on the western front. More and more they should sustain the political efforts of the leaders of the Czech and Slovak exile resistance because they needed some visual arguments for their conception of the government of the independent Czechoslovak state. Initially, the French officers watched the legionaries with suspicion and they did not trust them because the legionaries had come from the country where the Bolshevists were taking over the public power. The suspicion that the newly come soldiers were ideologically influenced by the Bolshevists was rather based upon the specific relations among the legionary troops. The officers in these forces did not create tight walls between them and their rank and file and they did not demand tough discipline as it was ordinary in the French and other armies. But the very excellent results in the training and in the fight persuaded the French commanders to change their initial opinion. They discovered that the legionaries were perfect soldiers with the high combat morals which originated from the clear aim: they wished to destroy the Habsburg monarchy and create the independent Czechoslovakia.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Bejlisova aféra. Antisemitismus a ruský politický život v letech 1911-1913(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Vydra ZbyněkBeilis Affair (1911-1913) was the biggest anti-Semitic affair in Russia before World War I. The background of the affair was primarily political. Russian radical right wanted to use it in their campaign against political liberalism. The old primitive ritual murder accusation, a traditional element of Christian anti-Semitism, became a pretext for this affair. The so-called „blood accusation“ became more common in Russia in second half of 19th century, and the state power was ambivalent towards it. In this case, the situation was similar. Although the relations between the tsarist government and the Jews in Russia was very tense and full of suspicion and in fact, the government policy remained very repressive, government was reluctant to support this sort of accusation. The fabricated judicial trial against the Jew Mendel Beilis was actually imposed on the government by the radical right in Kiev and in the State Duma. The government was pressed by radical political parties such as the Union of Russian People, which had emerged during the first Russian revolution in 1905-1906 and was originally sponsored by the governmenal circles. Apparently, the government feared the power of popular anti-Semitic movement and pogroms which could result in political disturbances. Therefore it risked the trial against Beilis, which ended in October 1913 with a liberation verdict, in spite of manipulation and forgery of evidence. The affair demonstrated how unbalanced the tsarist Jewish-policy was and proved the authorities unprepared for the methods of modern political struggle. Another important feature of this affair was the fragmentation of the political right. Some of its members did not agree with the „blood accusation“ and believed that such „medieval superstition“ only discredited the modern anti-Semitic movement. The reaction of liberal and socialist political parties was also very important. They used the affair for defending their own position in Russian politics against the radical right and the tsarist regime.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Pěstování tabáku v rámci rakouské státní tabákové režie po roce 1867(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Macková, MarieDer Tabakanbau für die industrielle Verarbeitung in Cisleithanien war beschränkt auf einen Teil von Galizien und einige Grenzgemeinden in der Bukowina nach 1869, auf Dalmatien allmählich nach 1884 und auf ein traditionelles Anbaugebiet in Südtirol, wo die österreichische Legislative aus dem Jahre 1828 an die napoleonischen Regelungen aus dem Jahre 1810 anknüpfte. Ungarn und Bosnien und Herzegowina, wo Tabak in viel größerem Maße angebaut wurde, wurden diesbezüglich als vollkommen selbständige Gebiete behandelt. Dalmatien war für den Tabakanbau von den cisleithanischen Gebieten am günstigsten. Dortige Landwirte beteiligten sich darüber hinaus auch an der ersten Phase der folgenden Materialverarbeitung – an der Trocknung; in Galizien und Bukowina sogar teils auch an der Fermentation der abgeernteten Blätter. In Südtirol verlief die Tabakernte ganz anders, hier wurden nicht die einzelnen Blätter nach ihrer Reife geerntet, sondern immer alle Pflanzen aus dem ganzen Feld gleichzeitig. Die Trocknung und die folgende Fermentation wurden schon außerhalb des Gutes durchgeführt. Der beste Tabak wurde im Süden Dalmatiens angebaut. Der Tabakanbau war für die Landwirte aus allen genannten Gebieten deswegen günstig, weil der Ankauf des ganzen zur Verarbeitung verwendbaren Materials vom Staat garantiert wurde. Die unbrauchbaren Reste mussten kommissionell vernichtet werden und wurden nicht bezahlt. Der Tabakanbau für die industrielle Verarbeitung brachte in dieser Zeit Geld in die Gebiete Cisleithaniens, die einen stark landwirtschaftlichen Charakter hatten, und half teilweise zur Stabilisierung der sozialökonomischen Situation dieser.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: Moje bádání o běhu přírody ve vývoji lidského rodu(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Kiehlborn, AlenaDas Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, den bedeutenden Pädagogen und Reformatoren Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi aus der Sicht seiner weniger bekannten philosophischen Ansichten und Theorien darzustellen. Die Autorin geht von einer Analyse Pestalozzis Schrift Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur in der Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechts (1797) aus und diskutiert seine grundlegenden philosophischen Themen. Pestalozzis Anthropologie widmet sich der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen der „sinnlichen“ und der „höheren“ Natur des Menschen. Sowohl die „höhere“ als auch die „niedere“ Natur des Menschen kommen bei Pestalozzi zu ihrem vollen Recht. Er definiert drei Zustände der menschlichen Entwicklung – der Naturzustand („unverdorben“ und „verdorben“), der gesellschaftliche und der sittliche Zustand – und zeigt ihre gegenseitige Verbindung. Die tierische Natur des Menschen sowie das gesellschaftliche Existieren versteht Pestalozzi als Voraussetzungen und Bedingungen für die sittliche Existenz des Einzelnen. Die Sittlichkeit des Menschen ist nur als eine dem Individuum gewährte Möglichkeit zu sehen. Sie beruht auf einer ganz selbständigen, vom Tierischen und Gesellschaftlichen unabhängigen, inneren Kraft des Individuums. In Pestalozzis philosophischen Ansichten sind vor allem die Einflüsse von J. J. Rousseau und I. Kant zu finden. Im letzten Teil dieses Artikels werden die wichtigsten Gemeinsamkeiten sowie Unterschiede der einzelnen philosophischen Auffassungen behandelt.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Od porodní báby k porodní asistence(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Lenderová, MilenaFrench enlightment came with new conceptions of physiological processes. It included also a childbirth that was relieved of magic and irrationality. One of the products of this ideology was populationism with its idea of the state organisation of health service. Attention to a mother and a child created its basics. Medicine focused on pregnancy and childbirth and it led to establishing of obstetrics as a special medical field. Later, gynaecology and pediatry were emancipated. Although medicalisation of childbirth was not direct and definite, medicine doctors took control over obstetrics in Europian countries from the middle of 20th century. Midwives were originally only a product of woman solidarity; it was institutionalized because every society tried to protect a beginning human life. Therefore the midwives became the first non-productive professional group that was reglemented by public authority. Suzerain, municipal, parish authorities and also some forward-looking individuals called for their competence during early modern times. On July 24th 1753 Maria Theresia published General health order for the Bohemian Kingdom that included the ordinance about the education and exams of midwives. In 1770 it was followed by such an order for all the monarchy which laid the fundamentals to modern health service. After these orders precise instructions for midwives were published; in the same time it was started with publishing of the textbooks for them. Some dozens of them are preserved up to this day and they are an important source to the history of this medical field and also to the history of this profession. We can reconstruct the genesis of social position of midewives and settle the requirements that were imposed on their professional ability and moral qualities. We can also use topographic and statistic manuals that say us a lot about the rate of midewives in concrete regions and about their efficiency. Very valuable but seldom preserved resources are also the booklets in which the midewives wrote about the course of concrete childbirths. This article is based upon four such booklets that come from Týn nad Vltavou, Choltice, Výpravy near Hradec Králové and Hořice (1870s-1930s). Current time has again rehabilited the personality of midewife. We can say that the development of obstetrics in the industrial countries reminds a circle: from the monopoly of midewife to the monopoly of medical doctor and from this one back again.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Nepomucká sousoší v Olomouci a v Žarošicích a jejich východočeské paralely. Příspěvek k poznání barokního sochařství na Moravě(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Panoch, PavelThe paper deals with a baroque visual tradition of the two themes of the St. John of Nepomuk´s iconography in the baroque sculpture of Bohemia and Moravia: martyr´s dropping from the Prague´s Charles Bridge to the river and St. John as a beadsman. It finds the inspiration of these fully narrative themes in the literary tradition of martyr´s official hagiography, in the writings of the patriotic Jesuit Bohuslav Balbinus (Vita B. Joannis Nepomuceni, 1670-1671), in baroque homiletics and in the contemporary graphic prints. There are two most effectual repeats of our topics within the Moravian Baroque sculpture production: the statue in Žarošice and the statue in Olomouc. The paper newly ascribes the piece in Žarošice, anonymous until today, to the work of Jan Jiří Schauberger and it puts its dating to the turn of 1730s and 1740s. The paper further newly interprets the unusual configuration of St. John´s statue in Olomouc standing in front of the Hradisko monastery, which was executed by Josef Antonín Winterhalder. St. John of Nepomuk is presented here as the heavenly protector of all ages of human generations which are represented by three suppliants: infant, juvenile and old man. The paper gives the new interpretation of the unique scene, which has no iconography parallel in the baroque sculpture of Bohemia and Moravia.Článekpeer-reviewedpublished Otevřený přístup Fragmenty písemností z kavalírské cesty hrabat z Clary-Aldringenu z roku 1727(Univerzita Pardubice, 2006) Kubeš, JiříThe paper is a contribution to the history of noble travelling and its change in the first half of 18th century. Recent literature has come to the conclusion that deep changes in grand tour (Kavalierstour) of young nobles passed in 1720s and 1730s. Much more attention was newly devoted to the time consuming specialized education and the attraction of the European courts decreased. This hypothesis was compared with the travelling of young noble brothers Franz Wenzel and Johann Anton of Clary-Aldringen. Their journey started in 1727 and it could be reconstructed thanks to several pieces of their diary. The Clary-Aldringens belonged to the wealthy Czech noble families whose ancestors had come to Bohemia as successful soldiers during the Thirty Years´ War. They created a large dominion mainly in northern Bohemia with the centre in well known spa Teplice. The rise of the family reached its peak in 1767 when Franz Wenzel got a statute of prince (Fürst). His and his brother´s grand tour led to the western Europe at the end of 1720s. The fragments of their diary show that they travelled with their hofmeister and one servant from Prague via Nuremberg, Erlangen, Bamberg and Würzburg to the Netherlands. Their stay had two basic aims. They visited the court of the governor of the Austrian Netherlands in Brussels and then they studied at the famous university in Leiden in the United Provinces. They devoted their time to the course of Jus publicum by the well known teacher Johann Jakob Vitriarius. They also made some trips through the Netherlands and they observed the most important towns and ports (Amsterdam, the Hague, Rotterdam, Utrecht, etc.). Finally, the paper comes to the conclusion that this journey reminds much more the old style of grand tours. The Clary-Aldringens studied in Leiden indeed but their course was short (approximately 2 months only) and the fragments of their diary speak rather about the court stays and visits of different monuments. That means that they did not study to obtain the academic degrees. The paper includes also an edition of the fragments of the diary.