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2012/25 Scientific papers, Series D

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/49513


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  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Uplatnění fuzzy modelování v oblasti výzkumu dopadů ekonomických nástrojů internalizace negativních externalit v České republice
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Zimmermannová, Jarmila
    The paper focuses on the methodology which was used in the Czech and foreign research papers and studies dealing with the impacts of economic instruments connected with the internalization of negative externalities. Precisely, the main target is to find such studies which are dealing with both the internalization of negative externalities and fuzzy modelling. Firstly, the paper presents different theories regarding the internalization of negative externalities. The second part presents the methodology: the author used the method of scientific database search, particularly in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. The next part is focused on the results of the search. In the Czech Republic, analyses using various qualitative and quantitative methods were found; however, fuzzy modelling has not been used in the internalization of negative externalities yet. Regarding the foreign studies, there are studies dealing with both the internalization of negative externalities and fuzzy modelling. These studies are focused mainly on carbon or energy taxation and also on the CO2 emission trading scheme. Based on these findings, the discussion part of the paper includes also recommendations for the follow-up research.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Assessment of communication of socially responsible activities in selected companies
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Stříteská, Michaela; Bartáková, Kateřina
    Significance of socially responsible business activities has been growing constantly in recent years, mainly in the context of increasing competitiveness and gaining of goodwill. The companies pay bigger and bigger attention to the area of social responsibility and spend more and more financial funds on it. However, the specialists in theory and practice agree that companies do not know how to communicate these activities efficiently. And communication of CSR activities towards stakeholders is one of the key steps of successful introduction and efficient development of corporate social responsibility. Therefore the main aim of this paper is to analyse and assess how socially responsible companies fulfil and communicate their CSR activities towards their stakeholders. In this respect, responsible companies are considered to be the entities which were acknowledged as regards application of social responsibility. A basic precondition is the fact that these companies are active in the area of social responsibility, they communicate their responsibility towards their stakeholders in a certain way and they try to publish their CSR activities.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Vliv institucionálního sektoru na vývoj vybraných ukazatelů
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Roubíčková, Michaela
    This article aims to analyze and evaluate the potential impact of inflows of foreign capital and membership in the institutional sector in the development of profitability and corporate debt from the construction industry. There are compared the development of enterprises with foreign owned and domestic companies from early 2007 until mid-2011. This interval was chosen because of efforts to maintain continuity and comparability of data (the data are analyzed according to the methodology of classification CZ- NACE) in order to capture the development of the financial situation of enterprises in selected sector before and during the crisis period. The selected industry has become construction industry, just for two reasons. First, clearly this is a sector with a higher degree of cyclical developments, and second it has an impact on a number of important macroeconomic indicators. Data for the industry are then compared with data representing the GDP in order to assess whether some foreign-owned sector responds to the development of stronger business cycle or, conversely, whether they are sensitive companies that have home owner.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Analýza klíčových faktorů soudobé „finanční krize“ a jejich vlivu na vývoj světové ekonomiky
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Rejnuš, Oldřich
    The paper deals with key factors of contemporary „financial crisis“ and their impacts on the development of world economy. First of all, the most important factors that caused the crisis are identified and their share on formation of contemporary negative development trends of financial system is analyzed. Afterwards, their consequences on the development of world economy are assessed both from practical and theoretical points of view. Pursued analysis is focused on two basic spheres. First of all, it deals with negative economic factors that are explored from the point of view of all sorts of economic subjects – it means households, companies and states. And what is especially important, it is focused on man himself (or herself) as he or she has “primary” influence on the development of world economy and thus the whole human society. Finally, the matter of effectiveness of up-to now used anti-crisis measures are discussed, where possible negative impacts that can be caused by their long-term use are assessed. Last of all, possibility of global financial crisis that might cause collapse of world economy is outlined.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Modelování katastrofických škod
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Pacáková, Viera; Kubec, Lukáš
    Catastrophe modelling is a risk management tool that uses computer technology to help insurers, reinsurers and risk managers better assess the potential losses caused by natural and man-made catastrophes. The models use historical disaster information to simulate the characteristics of potential catastrophes and to determine the potential losses cost. The aim of this paper is to describe parametric curve-fitting methods for modelling extreme historical losses. Article summarizes relevant theoretical results above Extreme value theory (EVT) and Excess over Threshold Method (EOT) and provide example of their application to Danish data on large fire insurance losses. Application of these methods is not possible without appropriate software packages. Article refers to these options too.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    The real convergence of selected countries to the euro zone average economic level
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Kovářová, Jana; Šulganová, Monika
    The convergence of the economic level occurs when a converging country approaches to the economic level of another country, respectively group of countries. This process is generally known as the catching - up and it is mostly measured via the gross domestic product per capita. The aim of this paper is to research the convergence/divergence of the Euro zone countries and the Czech Republic to the average economic level of the Euro area. The determined goal is solved helped by a panel data analysis.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Cost benefit analýza regionálního inovačního systému Jihomoravského kraje
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Koťátková Stránská, Pavla; Maťátková, Kateřina; Stejskal, Jan
    The knowledge and innovation have the important role of regional economics at present. It can be said that innovation are the cornerstone of economic growth. Each region is trying to encourage innovation by certain tools. There is no universal access, how to effectively create a suitable environment for the emergence and spread of innovation. In this context, regional innovation systems were developed and regions are become centers of innovation. Innovation arises at the regional level through regional innovation network of innovative companies, and local industrial clusters with significant contributions from academic institutions in the region. This paper will focus on evaluation of the usefulness of the funds spent on the creation of regional innovation system in the South Moravian region. To evaluated CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis method was chosen. The paper of course includes graphical interpretation of results. Input data for the application of the CBA are obtained from public statistical yearbooks.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Health and safety at work – part of corporate social responsibility
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Kornfeldová, Martina; Myšková, Renáta
    Corporate Social Responsibility (further in the text only „CSR“) is a concept which is very used in current time and it has become a tool which helps to differentiate from other companies. It shows that in something „we are better“. It can help to strengthen a company image, competitiveness but also it can lead to reduce costs and increase in competitiveness. The aim of this text is to describe problematic of health and safety which belong among principles of CSR. In general, this topic is so important that each company should pay a great attention to it. This article focuses on companies which are active in the sector of construction.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Aplikace scoring-modelu pro hodnocení nových dodavatelů
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Chytilová, Ekaterina; Jurová, Marie
    Nowadays increasing attention is paid to flexibility, elasticity of the supply chain. An essential part of building a solid but flexible supply chain is establishing and maintaining close cooperation with the supplier in the first stage. The position of customers in the relationship is affected by competition in the supply market, often taking the size and consistency of strategic of enterprises goals. Therefore, this article the authors pay attention to the evaluation of new (potential) suppliers in the first stage. The research is intended primarily for small and medium-sized enterprises making to order. The aim of this article is a sample application of MCE (The method of complex evaluation, scoring model) for the election of a new supplier in the first stage. Presentation of MCE application will be presented as single illustrative case study. In the article “The universal evaluation of new suppliers for small and medium sized companies” from authors Sutormina, E., Jurova, M. can be found the theoretical description of this methodology. The data presented in the article are real. The company wished to remain anonymous. MCE is oriented to properties of mediumsized enterprises.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublishedOtevřený přístup
    Ohodnocení přínosu investice z environmentálního hlediska
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2012) Honková Irena
    The aim of this article is to evaluate the investment from an environmental point of view because a trend to look at investment from a non-economic perspective is increasing. The analysed investment is a painting cabin with an efficient filter reducing pollution by 97,9 %. The impact of the painting cabin is calculated from the company itself and also for population of the village where the company operates. Two kinds of method are used: market and non-market evaluations. The market evaluation is based on estimation of saving of pollution fees and the non-market evaluation means a value of air quality for residents. In this work two non-economic evaluation methods are used: Willingness to pay (WTP) and Willingness to accept (WTA). The conclusion deals with the results of these methods and especially with a difference between them and gives a recommendation how to estimate the value and investment from an environmental point of view by using WTA/WTP methods.