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2007/13 Scientific papers, Series B

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38184


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Renovace kolejnicového materiálu pro městskou dopravu
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Schmidová, Eva; Beneš, Libor
    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou renovace nejexponovanějších částí profilů tramvajových kolejí, odlitých z nově vyvíjené bainitické nízkouhlíkové oceli. Obsahuje návrh dvou variant materiálů a odpovídajících technologických parametrů pro případnou reprofilaci navařováním. Pro oba popsané experimenty hodnotí vyhotovené návary z hlediska dosažené tvrdosti, mikrostruktury a promíšení a na základě jejich výsledků usuzuje na možné směry dalšího výzkumu.
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    Outsourcing - opportunity or threat
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Chlebíková, Darina; Kolenčík, Juraj
    Outsourcing is a tool that can be used to making life easier and also running businesses and other enterpirses profitably. This tool can be used by anyone. It is not restricted to businesses and companies alone. Outsourcing can be used to one´s advantage so that the business gets time and can use its staff efficiently in more important activities related to the business. A company that does not specialize in the specified type of work would benefit from outsorucing the work as manpower then is not wasted. Outsourcing represents very effective opportunity of competence delegation to correspondent and possibility to concentrate on core-business. This service is effective only in case, that all three sides are satisfied. Outsourcing partner have to obtain due reward for rendered service, buying company have to increase profit from core business and cut costs and the customer have to be satisfied with the level of services. Outsourcing brings many advantages, but also many plumbless risks. Security and quality of services are main attributes, that especially in financial sphere, have to be provided in high level. Limitations and mistakes of outsourcing partner don’t have coverage only to its person, but also to goodwill and market stance of the buying company and can directly influence.
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    Relationship of transport and environment in the Czech Republic and possibilities of its economic evaluation
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Kampf, Rudolf; Švadlenka, Libor; Becková, Helena
    The paper deals with the problems of transport impacts on environment, namely with a view to the Czech Republic. At first, it evaluates state and development of transport capacity in the Czech Republic and characterizes impacts of particular kinds of transport on environment, as well. Furthermore the paper attends to possibilities of economic evaluation of transport impact on environment and definition of environmental effectiveness. The article is published within the research proposal „Transport systems theory“, which is being solved at Jan Perner Transport Faculty of the University of Pardubice.
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    Strategic control - performance management tool for increasing company competitiveness
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Strišš, Jozef; Vodák, Josef
    This paper briefly characterize construction of management control and then focuses on Critical Success Factor and Balanced Scorecard method. Article compare mentioned methods and possibility to use it both for strategic performance management of the company. This paper discusses the possibility of co-action of mentioned two approaches as effective tool for increasing company competitiveness on high dynamic markets .
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    Meaning of information management within the company providing postal services
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Buko, Jacek; Porada - Rochoń, Małgorzata
    The improvement of information safety is in the interest of The Polish Post Office and is compatible with its customers’ needs and postal market regulator. Positive trends in the field of safety improvement will definitely influence its reliability in public opinion. The main and crucial activities connected with the improvement of information safety in postal public sector in Poland should include the following: • Improving supervising function aimed at the improvement of the analysis of negative symptoms in particular sectors in order to locate places where irregularities can occur, appropriate workers’ selection, as well as current monitoring and forecasting the postal turnover safety index • Specialist workers’ training and the improvement of workers’ motivation • Investments in safety-related teleinformatics technology To accomplish the first two aims the support from the state is needed to make the professionalization of The Polish Post Office management possible. As regards to the technological investments it is crucial for the State Treasury to ensure effective financial support.
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    The system of transport costs and prices
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Ježek, Jindřich
    The cost access to pricing comes out from the idea that the price should cover the costs on realization and sales of transport service and consequently enable the carrier to get the adequate profit. It comes from the principle of social justice or maximization of private or social welfare. The economic of the welfare looks at the pricing at a wider view: price is a method of distribution of resources which maximizes the social welfare rather then the carriers welfare. In some cases, when the service is provided by a public transport company, the social welfare may be equal to the minimization of the carriers welfare. The pricing of transport service is one of very important planned decisions which influence the profit and the prosperity of transport company. It is complicated and complex problem because the price fixation is not only the question of cost calculation (and relevant surcharge calculation) but also the question of demand and competitors price.
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    The usage of benchmarking in the logistic centres
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Kampf, Rudolf; Roudná, Jana
    This paper deals with the topic using benchmarking for logistic centers. Nowadays the company’s surroundings is changing quickly. The logistic centers are forced to react quickly on these changes for achieving competition advantage. The on line benchmarking tests enables gathering objective information on the base quantified indexes. Thanks accessibility on the web the benchmarking test enables to the company (logistic centre) whenever gain necessary information for decision making about increasing efficiency, productivity, total economic prosperity etc.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Logistic centre and information technology
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Hruška, Roman; Průša, Petr; Franssila, Tommi
    This article deals with the logistic centres and information technology. A logistic centre is the hub of a specific area where all the activities relating to transport, logistics and goods distribution – both for national and international transit – are carried out, on a commercial basis, by various operators. The operators may be either owners or tenants of the buildings or facilities (warehouses, distribution centres, storage areas, offices, truck services, etc.) built there. In order to comply with free market rules, a Logistic Centre must be accessible to all companies involved in the activities set out above. A Logistic Centre must also be equipped with all the public facilities necessary to carrying out the above-mentioned operations. If possible, it should also include public services for the staff as well as users’ equipment. In order to encourage intermodal transport for goods handling, a Logistic Centre should preferably be served by a variety of transport methods (roads, rail, sea, inland waterways, air). Today, thanks to technology, many distribution operations are computerized, automated, and equipped with state-of-the-art material handling equipment and information systems.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    The leveling
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Průša, Petr; Schacherl, Lucie
    Nowadays a company has to face up a tough competition. In order to strenghten its position in the market, it has to adopt modern methods in the production management, stock management, new lean processes in logistic transfers, etc. There are various new methods in the production management, one of them is leveling. The orders from the customer often fluctuate and these variations are stochastic. The changes in the orders have negative influence on the production planning. The production line utilization is not regular, the situations on line stop, overproduction or lack of capacity occur. In order to soften the negative effects of stochastic changes, a company can implement leveling as a tool of a production planning. Leveling relate to other tools of lean system – consumption managed inventory, quick change over, internal and external milkrun. The tool are to be introduced paralel. There is recommended action plan when a company decides to implement leveling. At the beginning it has to clasify the products whether they are runners or low sales parts. It has to define what is our leveling period (a period where all the production spectrum is planned to be produced). The responsible persons for the leveling and organization of the process have to be defined. All members of the leveling process are to be trained. When creating the leveled plan we split the customer orders regularly in the whole leveling period, which is fixed. We produce the runners every leveling interval in the same order. We use the empty windows to produce low sales parts (according to up-to-date customer needs). The visual management is to be prepared – we talk about heijunka tool. We put production kanbans into a heijunka and after the production a card of the heijunka is taken and stuck to the packaging unit of the final product. When a final product is sold, the kanban card is returned to heijunka. The production line utilization after leveling implementation is regular and the production process is stable. We can adopt standardized work in all work places and the production lead times are shortened. The positive effects occur not only in the production process. We see the effect also in the logistics – mainly in the reduction of stock, regular orders to the suppliers and so better utilization of the transport means. The flexibility towards the customer is increased.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Support of transport services in the Czech Republic
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Melichar, Vlastimil; Drahotský, Ivo
    The article aims about support of transport services in the Czech Republic. Public transport is an important part of social policy, sustainable development of capital agglomerations, but also of balanced regional development. We must solve problems relating compensations for the sphere of public transport, funding of public transport vehicles reconstruction, funding of transport infrastructure maintenance for public transport, investment funding of the public transport roads building and modernization. The solution of all mentioned problem must be consistent with Transport Policy and legislation of Czech Republic and European Union. This report is a partial outcome of the Research Project MSM 0021627505 the Theory of Transport Systems, carried out at Jan Perner Transport Faculty, University of Pardubice.