Structural, vibrational, and electronic behavior of two GaGeTe polytypes under compression

Show simple item record Bandiello, E cze Gallego-Parra, S cze Liang, A cze Sans, J. A cze Cuenca-Gotor, V cze da Silva, E. Lora cze Vilaplana, R cze Rodriguez-Hernandez, P cze Munoz, A cze Diaz-Anichtchenko, D cze Popescu, C cze Alabarse, F. G cze Rudamas, C cze Drašar, Čestmír cze Segura, A cze Errandonea, D cze Manjon, F. J cze 2024-08-25T15:18:06Z 2024-08-25T15:18:06Z 2023 eng
dc.identifier.issn 2590-0498 eng
dc.description.abstract GaGeTe is a layered topological semimetal that has been recently found to exist in at least two different polytypes, a-GaGeTe (R3m) and b-GaGeTe (P63mc). Here we report a joint experimental and theoretical study of the structural, vibrational, and electronic properties of these two polytypes in high-pressure conditions. Both polytypes show anisotropic compressibility and two phase transitions, above 7 and 15 GPa, respectively, as confirmed by XRD and Raman spectroscopy measurements. Although the nature of the high-pressure phases could not be confirmed, comparison with other chalcogenides and total -energy calculations allow us to propose possible high-pressure phases for both polytypes with an in-crease in coordination for Ga and Ge atoms from 4 to 6. In particular, the simplification of the X-ray pattern for both polytypes above 15 GPa suggests a transition to a structure of relatively higher symmetry than the original one. This result is consistent with the rocksalt-like high-pressure phases observed in parent III-VI semiconductors, such as GaTe, GaSe, and InSe. Pressure-induced amorphization is observed upon pressure release. The electronic band structures of a-GaGeTe and b-GaGeTe and their pressure dependence also show similarities to III-VI semiconductors, thus suggesting that the germanene-like sublayer induces a semimetallic character in both GaGeTe polytypes. Above 3 GPa, both polytypes lose their topological features, due to the opening of the direct band gap, while the reduction of the interlayer space increases the thermal conductivity at high pressure. & COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( eng
dc.format p. 100403 eng
dc.language.iso eng eng
dc.publisher Elsevier Science BV eng
dc.relation.ispartof Materials Today Advances, volume 19, issue: August eng
dc.rights Práce není přístupná eng
dc.subject raman-scattering eng
dc.subject phase-transition eng
dc.subject high-pressure eng
dc.subject semiconductors eng
dc.subject selenide eng
dc.subject ge eng
dc.subject ramanový rozptyl cze
dc.subject fázový přechod cze
dc.subject vysokotlaký cze
dc.subject polovodiče cze
dc.subject selenid cze
dc.subject ge cze
dc.title Structural, vibrational, and electronic behavior of two GaGeTe polytypes under compression eng
dc.title.alternative Strukturální, vibrační a elektronické chování dvou polytypů GaGeTe při kompresi cze
dc.type article eng
dc.description.abstract-translated GaGeTe je vrstvený topologický semimetal, který byl nedávno nalezen nejméně ve dvou různých polytypech, a-GaGeTe (R3m) a b-GaGeTe (P63mc). Zde podáváme zprávu o společné experimentální a teoretické studii konstrukčních, vibračních a elektronických vlastností těchto dvou polytypů ve vysokotlakých podmínkách. Oba polytypy vykazují anizotropní komprimovatelnost a dva fázové přechody nad 7, respektive 15 GPa, což potvrzuje měření XRD a Rámanské spektroskopie. I když charakter vysokotlakých fází nemohl být potvrzen, srovnání s jinými chalkogenidy a výpočty celkové -energie nám umožňuje navrhnout možné vysokotlaké fáze pro oba polytypy s in-creázou v cze
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus postprint eng
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.mtadv.2023.100403 eng
dc.relation.publisherversion eng
dc.identifier.wos 001046886600001 eng
dc.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-85164659721 eng
dc.identifier.obd 39889267 eng

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