Learning from Examples. The Human and the Non-Human

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dc.contributor.author Beran, Ondřej cze
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-24T07:29:57Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-24T07:29:57Z
dc.date.issued 2023 eng
dc.identifier.issn 2939-0826 eng
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10195/83820
dc.description.abstract The paper argues that examples are not only used as rhetorical support for a presented general thesis but also circulate without explanation (whether or not with a hidden agenda). We often encounter particulars (persons, cases, situations, stories, etc.) that only with time assume the meaning of an example of something. Learning from so encountered examples is a lengthy process, based on recognizing serious and significant stakes (often related to essential structures of human life) reflected within them, resulting in i) the ability to trace significant connections to other particulars and ii) acting upon this recognition. It is disputable whether i) and ii) are intrinsically connected. The elusive nature of learning from examples – the difficulty of deciding whether learning has taken place – is illustrated using the example of environment-related actions. eng
dc.format p. 59-84 eng
dc.language.iso eng eng
dc.relation.ispartof Distinctio : Journal of Intersubjective Studies, volume 2, issue: 2 eng
dc.rights Pouze v rámci univerzity eng
dc.subject Examples eng
dc.subject Learning eng
dc.subject The Particular eng
dc.subject The Human eng
dc.subject příklady cze
dc.subject učení se cze
dc.subject konkrétní cze
dc.subject lidské cze
dc.title Learning from Examples. The Human and the Non-Human eng
dc.title.alternative Učení se z příkladů. Svět lidský a mimo-lidsky cze
dc.type article eng
dc.description.abstract-translated Článek diskutuje roli příkladů v učení se (dozvídání se), se zvláštním důrazem na příklady z environmentálního kontextu cze
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus postprint eng
dc.identifier.doi 10.56550/d.2.2.3 eng
dc.relation.publisherversion https://www.distinctio.net/index.php/home/article/view/46 eng
dc.project.ID GA22-15446S/"EKEZÚZMHT". Špatný pocit ohledně klimatu atd. a jeho různé formy eng
dc.identifier.obd 39889488 eng

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