Tin(II) cations stabilized by non-symmetric N,N',O-chelating ligands: synthesis and stability

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dc.contributor.author Novák, Miroslav cze
dc.contributor.author Turek, Jan cze
dc.contributor.author Milasheuskaya, Yaraslava cze
dc.contributor.author Syková, Miriam cze
dc.contributor.author Dostál, Libor cze
dc.contributor.author Stalmans, Jesse cze
dc.contributor.author Růžičková, Zdeňka cze
dc.contributor.author Jurkschat, Klaus cze
dc.contributor.author Jambor, Roman cze
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-24T07:18:46Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-24T07:18:46Z
dc.date.issued 2023 eng
dc.identifier.issn 1477-9226 eng
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10195/83700
dc.description.abstract A series of novel non-symmetric neutral N,N',O-chelating ligands derived from the alpha-iminopyridine 2(C(R-1)=N(C6H3-2,6-iPr(2)))-6-((RRP)-R-2-P-3=O)C5H3N (L-1: R-1 = H, R-2 = R-3 = Ph; L-2: R-1 = Me, R-2 = R-3 = Ph; L-3: R-1 = H; R-2 = Ph, R-3 = EtO; L-4: R-1 = Me, R-2 = Ph, R-3 = EtO; L-5: R-1 = H, R-2 = R-3 = iPrO; L-6: R1 = Me, R-2 = R-3 = iPrO) were synthesized. Ligands L(1-6 )were reacted with SnCl2 and Sn(OTf)(2) with the aim of studying the influence of different (RRP)-R-2-P-3=O functional groups on the Lewis base mediated ionization of SnCl(2 )and Sn(OTf)(2). While all ligands L1-6 provided the corresponding ionic tin(II) complexes [L1-6 ->+ SnCl](+)[SnCl3](-) (1-6), only ligands L-1, L(4 )and L-6 were able to stabilize tin(II) dications [L-1,L-4,L-6-+ Sn(H2O)][OTf](2 )(7-9). The auto-ionized compounds [L3-6-+ SnCl](+)[SnCl3](-) possessing ethylphenyl phosphinate and diisopropylphosphite substituents undergo elimination of EtCl and iPrCl, respectively, yielding compounds 10-13. These can either be interpreted as neutral tin(II)phosphinate chloride (10, 11) and tin(II)phosphonate chloride (12, 13), respectively, containing Sn-O and Sn-Cl bonds, and a P=O -> SnCl2 interaction, or as zwitterionic compounds, where the positive charge of the central tin atom is compensated by an [OSnCl2]- anion. Finally, DFT studies were performed to better understand the steric and electronic properties of the ligands L(1-6 )as well as the nature of the bonds in the resulting products, with a particular focus on complexes 10-13. eng
dc.format p. 2749-2761 eng
dc.language.iso eng eng
dc.publisher Royal Society of Chemistry eng
dc.relation.ispartof Dalton Transactions, volume 52, issue: 9 eng
dc.rights Práce není přístupná eng
dc.subject Tin eng
dc.subject chelating ligands eng
dc.subject NMR eng
dc.subject cín cze
dc.subject chelatující ligand cze
dc.subject NMR cze
dc.subject hemilabilita cze
dc.title Tin(II) cations stabilized by non-symmetric N,N',O-chelating ligands: synthesis and stability eng
dc.title.alternative Cínaté kationty stabilizované nesymetrickými N,N',O-chelatujícími ligandy: syntéza a stabilita cze
dc.type article eng
dc.description.abstract-translated V rámci této práce byla připravena série nových nesymetrických neutrálních N,N',O-chelatujících ligandů odvozených od a-iminopyridinu 2-(C(R1)=N(C6H3-2,6-iPr2))-6-(R2R3P=O)C5H3N (L1: R1 = H, R2 = R3 = Ph; L2: R1 = Me, R2 = R3 = Ph; L3: R1 = H; R2 = Ph, R3 = EtO; L4: R1 = Me, R2 = Ph, R3 = EtO; L5: R1 = H, R2 = R3 = iPrO; L6: R1 = Me, R2 = R3 = iPrO). Tyto ligandy byly následně studovány v reakcích se SnCl2 a Sn(OTf)2 s cílem studovat vliv různých funkčních skupin R2R3P=O na ionizaci SnCl2 a Sn(OTf)2. Zatímco všechny ligandy L1-6 poskytovaly odpovídající iontové cínaté komplexy [L1-6→SnCl]+[SnCl3]- (1 – 6), pouze ligandy L1, L4 a L6 byly schopny stabilizovat cínaté dikationty [ L1,4,6->Sn(H2O)][OTf]2 (7 – 9). Dále se ukázalo, že autoionizované sloučeniny [L3-6→SnCl]+[SnCl3]- obsahující ethylfenylfosfinátové a diisopropylfosfitové substituenty jsou nestabilní a podléhají eliminaci EtCl a iPrCl za vzniku nových sloučenin. Nakonec byly provedeny DFT studie pro lepší pochopení sterických a elektronických vlastností připravených sloučenin. cze
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus postprint eng
dc.identifier.doi 10.1039/d2dt03563d eng
dc.relation.publisherversion https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/dt/d2dt03563d eng
dc.project.ID GA20-10417S/Auto-ionizované kationty nepřechodných prvků jako katalyzátory ROP reakcí eng
dc.identifier.wos 000932428800001 eng
dc.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-85148419623 eng
dc.identifier.obd 39889149 eng

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