Tearing down the statues, building up the values. Discrepancy between built and lived environment

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dc.contributor.author Kohoutová, Aneta
dc.contributor.editor Pereira Martins, Constantino
dc.contributor.editor Alves, Vítor
dc.date.accessioned 2023-07-12T13:08:38Z
dc.date.available 2023-07-12T13:08:38Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.isbn 978-989-54-6388-6
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/10195/81140
dc.description.abstract In my paper I reflect on discrepancy between built and lived environment, as introduced by Hannah Arendt, in her terms the public realm and space of appereance. According to that I will ask what values and emotions public spaces, namely in this paper, the monuments and public art placed in the shared areas, evoke. My study question could be outlined as follows: What role do monuments and public art play in our lives and how do they shape and influence our identities and the ways we perceive the world? In my presentation I will work with the thoughts of Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler and Sandra Shapshay who promotes an aesthetic category called “monumental” in which she finds a link between the political and the aesthetic function of public art. eng
dc.format p. 119-127 eng
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Ordem dos Arquitectos Secção Regional Norte eng
dc.relation.ispartof Visão, Possibilidade, Virtualidade = Vision, Possibility, Virtuality eng
dc.rights bez omezení cze
dc.subject statues eng
dc.subject public spaces eng
dc.subject built environment eng
dc.subject lived environment eng
dc.subject sochy cze
dc.subject hodnoty cze
dc.subject žitý prostor cze
dc.subject materiální prostor cze
dc.title Tearing down the statues, building up the values. Discrepancy between built and lived environment eng
dc.title.alternative Sochy versus hodnoty. Propast mezi žitým a materiálním prostorem cze
dc.type ConferenceObject eng
dc.description.abstract-translated V návaznosti na nedávné události strhávání soch po celém světě, vyvstali i otázky týkající se nemateriálních hodnot, jež umění ve veřejném prostoru představuje. cze
dc.event FILARCH 2021 - Filosofia e Arquitectura (05.11.2021 - 06.11.2021, Porto) eng
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus published eng
dc.relation.publisherversion https://ucpages.uc.pt/site/assets/files/775244/2021_visao_possibilidade_virtualidade_vision.pdf
dc.project.ID SGS_2022_013/Podpora vědeckých aktivit studentů doktorského a magisterského programu Filosofie eng
dc.identifier.obd 39887256

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