Analysis of crystal growth and viscosity in Ge-Sb-Se-Te undercooled melts

Show simple item record Barták, Jaroslav cze Košťál, Petr cze Málek, Jiří cze 2020-03-19T12:47:14Z 2020-03-19T12:47:14Z 2019 eng
dc.identifier.issn 0022-3093 eng
dc.description.abstract A comprehensive analysis on crystal growth and viscosity is presented for the Ge2Sb2Se5-xTex (x = 0.5 and 1) undercooled melts in this article. Temperature dependence of the measured viscosities (10(7.5)-10(12.5) Pa.s) can be described by a simple exponential Arrhenius type equation in the relatively narrow temperature region in which the measurements were performed. Fragility of the measured materials are all roughly equal to 43, which means that these materials belong to the so called ""intermediate"" liquids (lying in the middle between strong and fragile liquids) and cannot be described by simple Arrhenius type equation if the temperature region is expanded from glass transition to melting, which is important for description of crystal growth. Therefore, MYEGA equation is used to extrapolate the viscosity data into the temperature region of studied crystal growth. Nucleation and crystal growth started on a surface of studied samples. The isothermal growth rate of the formed surface crystalline layer was measured at various temperatures. Analysis of the growth data revealed a crystal growth driven by liquid-crystal interface kinetics. Therefore, the standard crystal growth models were used for description of crystal growth rates in the studied systems. eng
dc.format p. 1-8 eng
dc.language.iso eng eng
dc.publisher Elsevier Science BV eng
dc.relation.ispartof Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, volume 505, issue: February eng
dc.rights open access eng
dc.subject Crystal growth eng
dc.subject Viscosity eng
dc.subject Chalcogenide glass eng
dc.subject Ge-Sb-Se-Te eng
dc.subject růst krystalů cze
dc.subject viskozita cze
dc.subject chalkogenidová skla cze
dc.subject Ge-Sb-Se-Te cze
dc.title Analysis of crystal growth and viscosity in Ge-Sb-Se-Te undercooled melts eng
dc.title.alternative Analýza růstu krystalů a viskozit v Ge-Sb-Se-Te podchlazených taveninách cze
dc.type article eng
dc.description.abstract-translated Je prezentována rozsáhlá analýza krystalizačního a viskozitního chování podchlazených tavenin Ge2Sb2Se5-xTex (x = 0.5 a 1). Standardní modely růstu krystalů jsou použity pro popis krystalizačního procesu. cze
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus This is a postprint of an article published in Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. The final authenticated version is available online at: or eng
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.10.048 eng
dc.relation.publisherversion eng
dc.identifier.wos 000459643000001 eng
dc.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-85055975849
dc.identifier.obd 39882823 eng

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