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25 (2019) Scientific papers, Series A

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/74255


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Determination of ethanol in alcoholic drinks using Raman spectrometry
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Šrámek, Jan; Švancara, Ivan; Sýs, Milan
    The aim of this work was to test the applicability of 'Mira DS' handheld Raman spectrometer in food analysis; namely, for the determination of ethanol in selected alcoholic drinks, such as plum brandy, vodka, two types of beer, white rum, and white wine. (Standard) Raman spectra of low-chain aliphatic alcohols and ethyl acetate were used to reveal and identify potentially interfering substances. The results obtained have shown good agreement between the ethanol content determined and the amount declared by producers. However, it was also found out that the portable device tested is not very suitable for monitoring ethanol in beer due to the presence of intensively fluorescent constituents; possible solutions of this problem being discussed and some prospects outlined.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Determination of proline in meads using high performance liquid chromatography
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Klikarová, Jitka; Šebková, Jana; Fischer, Jan; Česlová, Lenka
    This work is focused on the determination of proline in 24 Czech mead samples using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) coupled with fluorescence detector (operating at excitation wavelength λex = 264 nm and emission wavelength λem = 497 nm). Sample pre-treatment including solid phase extraction of mead by Strata SCX SPE column and a derivatization of the extract acquired by dansyl chloride was performed and thoroughly optimised. Derivative of proline was separated using Ascentis Express C18 column (150 × 3 mm, 2.7 μm) in the combination with binary mobile phases that had consisted of 0.1% TEA (pH 3.0) and 100% acetonitrile. The method proposed could be used for evaluation of mead quality and its authenticity.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Practical experience with the ETV-ICP-MS prototype
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Patočka, Jan; Krejčová, Anna; Černohorský, Tomáš
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the commercial instrumental connection of the electrothermal vaporization unit (ETV) GF 5000 and the inductively coupled plasma orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ICP-o-TOF-MS) Optimass 9500, both from the company GBC Scientific Equipment (Braeside, Australia). The prototype of the ETV unit was borrowed by the manufacturer for the purpose of its testing in the connection with the ICP-TOF-MS. Information on this technique instrumental arrangement has not been found in the literature yet. Therefore, the facts summarized in this paper are based mainly on our observations. The analytical performance of this technique achieved in our previous work is discussed and compared to competing spectrochemical methods. The attention was paid to the software and technical shortcomings observed within three years of working with this configuration. The influence of shortcomings of the instrument found during testing has been evaluated from the point of view of potential analytical applicability in its entirety and with respect to the economic impact on routine use.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Development of the magnetic bioaffinity carrier for the anti-amyloid beta 1–42 antibodies detection
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Slováková, Marcela; Murasová, Pavla; Vozandychová, Věra; Palarčík, Jiří; Podzemná, Veronika; Bílková, Zuzana
    In this paper, the development of a new affinity carrier was the key point for the anti-amyloid ß 1–42 antibodies detection in human serum, as the potential marker of the Alzheimer’s disease. Magnetic solid-phase preparation comprised the amyloid ß 1–42 peptide immobilization on the superparamagnetic carboxyl beads that had been modified by bisamino-polyethylene glycol spacer to gain terminal amine groups and subsequently analyzed by the zeta potential measurement. The following immobilization of the amyloid ß 1–42 peptide onto the modified superparamagnetic beads was performed by the carbodiimide chemistry. Nonspecific sorption of serum contaminants was prevented by using of bovine serum albumin. The developed magnetic carrier was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The amyloid ß 1–42 peptide bioaffinity carrier was applied for detection of natural anti-amyloid ß 1–42 antibodies in human serum. A comparison with spacer-free bioaffinity carrier has confirmed a divergent optical density values for control serum sample. The new bioaffinity carrier was applied to the detection of anti-amyloid ß 1–42 antibodies in control serum and in sera of patients with neurodegenerative disorders.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Comparison of loading efficacy and capacity of ovalbumin modified chitosan-based nanoparticles and nanofibers
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Slováková, Marcela; Váňová, Veronika; di Martino, Antonio; Palarčík, Jiří; Munzarová, Marcela
    In this paper, the suitability of nanomaterials for drug delivery systems was studied, including nanoparticle and nanofiber diameters measurement, when using the hydrodynamic light scattering, scanning electron microscopy, the optimization of protein concentration for adsorption, and of protein release assessment. The advantage of nanomaterials is their large surface area. The aim of a series of sorption experiments was to monitor the rate of sorption of ovalbumin (OVA) on three types of chitosan (CS)- based nanomaterial carriers – the nanoparticles of chitosan, the nanoparticles of chitosan-grafted-functionalized copolymer of polyacrylamide with polylactic acid (CS/PLA/PAA), and the electrospun nanofibers. In the nanomaterials, the loading efficacy and loading capacity were calculated and compared.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Perovskite pigments based on SrSn1-xMnxO3
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Hroch, Jan; Dohnalová, Žaneta
    The aims of this research were to monitor the phase composition, colour properties, and morphology of perovskite pigments SrSnO3 in which a part of tin(IV) atoms have been substituted by manganese(IV). The composition of the perovskite powders prepared is described by general formula SrSn1-xMnxO3, where x = 0.1–0.5. Pigments were prepared by solid state reaction at calcining temperature in a range of 1200–1500 °C. The powders of interest have been studied with respect to their use in ceramic industry as the inorganic pigment(s).
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    The effect of calcination on the hydroxyapatite structure
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Šimková, Lenka; Šulcová, Petra
    The main objective of this work is the synthesis of hydroxyapatite powder with a general formula Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 by the precipitation method with the following synthetic conditions: the Ca/P ratio = 1, the range of pH value = 7, where ammonia hydroxide solution was used to adjust the pH, and the rate of precipitation of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate was determined to 2 ml·min−1. Yet another aim of this paper was to characterize the physicochemical properties of the hydroxyapatite phase and subsequently to evaluate the effect of firing temperatures on the hydroxyapatite structure. The synthesized powder was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) in order to identify the phase composition and crystallinity; the morphology of synthesized powder having been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the prepared powder analyzed with respect to the particle size distribution (PSD).
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Preparation of environmentally harmless paints based on self-crosslinking acrylate latexes and assessment their industrial coating properties
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Steinerová, Denisa; Kalendová, Andréa; Machotová, Jana
    This paper describes the properties of environmentally harmless anticorrosion paints based on newly synthesized water-based polymeric acrylate dispersions and containing magnesium oxide nanoparticles at a concentration of 1.5 % relative to the monomers. An aqueous dispersion obtained by the same procedure, i.e. semi-continuous emulsion polymerisation, but containing no MgO nanoparticles, had served as a reference system when evaluating the effect of the nanoparticles. The paints have been studied with respect to the effects of the new binder and of various environmentally harmless pigments possessing different chemical compositions and particle shapes on the anticorrosion efficiency of the paint film. The paint film’s mechanical and chemical resistance was also evaluated because a high mechanical and chemical resistance of the coating is a prerequisite for high anticorrosion efficiency of the paint system. The results of measurements of the mechanical, chemical as well as corrosion resistance of the latex films have demonstrated better protective properties of the new polymeric dispersions with magnesium nanoparticles compared to the reference system that did not contain any nanoparticles.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Diclofenac removal from waste water by UV-A LED-based heterogeneous photocatalysis
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Trousil, Vojtěch; Palarčík, Jiří; Smolný, Marek; Blažková, Zuzana; Machalický, Oldřich; Cakl, Jiri
    Degradation of the active pharmaceutical ingredient diclofenac (DCL) was studied using a laboratory-scale photoreactor equipped with highly efficient UV-A LEDs. Three photocatalysts (Aeroxide P25, Hombikat UV 100 and Precheza AV01) were tested and compared. In addition to deionized water, the other types of water (water matrices), were then tap water, unfiltered surface water, and the primary effluent of a wastewater from the municipal treatment plant. The experimental results indicated that the UV-A LED source operating at a wavelength of 368 nm had been much more efficient when combined with Precheza AV-01 photocatalyst of the microstructured anatase type. A negligible contribution of photolysis was noticed, while UV-A/TiO2 photocatalysis was more efficient in DCL removal in both the tap and the surface water matrices. The removal rate of DCL from the wastewater matrix was more dependent on the matrix itself than on the chemical structure of the micropollutant. The addition of hydrogen peroxide to the photocatalytic system enhanced the removal rates. The results of the algal growth inhibition test revealed a significant reduction of toxicity to Parachlorella kessleri after UV-A LED irradiation of the DCL solution. In addition, the reduction of the 'matrix toxicity' was also observed.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Calculation of terminal falling velocity of spherical particles moving through polymer solutions using a Power-law viscosity model
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Machač, Ivan; Šiška, Bedřich
    The paper deals with the determination of the terminal velocity of solid spherical particles falling slowly in unbounded purely viscous shear-thinning polymer solutions. The relationships are given for calculation of a sphere terminal velocity falling in the creeping flow region using a power-law viscosity model. The comparison is presented for terminal velocities calculated according to the aforementioned relationships with those obtained experimentally by measuring the terminal velocity of spheres in the aqueous solutions of polymers. By considering the shape of the viscosity function of the polymer solutions, it was necessary to use a simple iterative method to estimate the suitable interval of shear rates for determination of the power-law model parameters.