Cooperation as a strategy to overcome firm´s innovation barriers – the case of German manufacturing firms

Show simple item record Odei, Samuel Amponsah cze Prokop, Viktor cze Stejskal, Jan cze Hájek, Petr cze 2019-05-22T08:05:28Z 2019-05-22T08:05:28Z 2018 eng
dc.identifier.isbn 978-960-9416-21-4 eng
dc.identifier.issn 2411-5320 eng
dc.description.abstract The main aim of this paper is to analyze the probability of firms collaborate with other partners as a means to overcome their innovation barriers. Firm’s encounter numerous obstacles in their quest to be innovative and competitive, these innovation barriers prevents them from introducing new services and products to the market, adopting new technologies, and obstructs firms overall competitiveness. Firm’s internal and external collaborations can help them to overcome difficult business challenges and barriers such as shortage of skilled personnel, and high cost of accessing new markets etc. For this kind of analysis, the probit regression model is mostly used. Our results have pointed out that those barriers to firm’s innovation push them to collaborate in the market environment. Firms encountering innovation barriers valued their cooperation within the enterprise group, with clients and customers and with other competitors than with institutions such as universities and public research institutions. Our paper contributes to the burgeoning literature on innovation as it examines how firms put in cooperation strategies to mitigate those barriers. An important contribution of our research is the definition of the role of public institutions, public policy and public funding to remove barriers to innovative activities in a market environment. eng
dc.format p. 21-28 eng
dc.language.iso eng eng
dc.publisher Publications Management: ARTION Conferences & Events eng
dc.relation.ispartof Proceedings Book from ICEIRD 2018 eng
dc.rights pouze v rámci univerzity eng
dc.subject Cooperation eng
dc.subject strategy eng
dc.subject overcome eng
dc.subject firm´s eng
dc.subject innovation eng
dc.subject barriers eng
dc.subject the eng
dc.subject case eng
dc.subject German eng
dc.subject manufacturing eng
dc.subject firms eng
dc.subject Spolupráce cze
dc.subject jako cze
dc.subject strategie cze
dc.subject překonání cze
dc.subject inovačních cze
dc.subject překážek cze
dc.subject firmy cze
dc.subject případ cze
dc.subject německých cze
dc.subject výrobních cze
dc.subject firem cze
dc.title Cooperation as a strategy to overcome firm´s innovation barriers – the case of German manufacturing firms eng
dc.title.alternative Spolupráce jako strategie k překonání inovačních překážek firmy - případ německých výrobních firem cze
dc.type ConferenceObject eng
dc.description.abstract-translated Příspěvek popisuje spolupráci jako klíčový prvek strategie firmy pro překonávání překážek a to na německých zpracovatelských firmách. cze
dc.event 11th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (29.10.2018 - 31.10.2018, Doha) eng
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus published eng
dc.identifier.obd 39881800 eng

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