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2018/44 Scientific papers, Series D

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/71984


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Possible solutions to dual quality of products in the European union
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Bartková, Lucia; Veselovská, Lenka; Zimermanová, Katarína
    This paper focuses on the dual quality of daily consumption products sold in the European Union. The views and opinions of Slovak consumers on the existence of the dual quality of products on the European market are analyzed, moreover, their attitudes and personal experiences with this problem in Slovakia and other EU countries, especially in Western Europe are examined. As a conclusion, possible solutions to the problem are identified in order to prevent possible mistakes in purchases and even more importantly, to avoid the existence of dual quality of products produced by the same manufacturer assigned to different markets and selling them as identical - in the same package and without any notice of different composition or content.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Supplier evaluation: a comparison of the approach of czech and german industrial companies
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Benediktová, Dagmar; Žižka, Miroslav
    The present article deals with supplier evaluation in Czech and German companies. It addresses the question of whether there are differences in evaluation criteria and methods between Czech and German companies. The article consists of three interconnected parts. The first part presents the results of a literature review that focused on the current trends in supplier evaluation. The subsequent part describes the research methodology. The research was conducted through a questionnaire survey of a sample of 180 Czech and 70 German companies operating in the automotive and related industries. The next part presents the results of the research. The research results have shown that the completeness and timeliness of deliveries is the most important criterion for companies in both countries. Compared to German companies, Czech companies put more emphasis on the price level, the openness of calculations and the supplier’s communication. German companies attach greater importance to quality, indemnity insurance and soft criteria such as an ethical approach. In terms of evaluation methods, it can be concluded that companies in both countries apply rather simpler approaches. In both countries, the same three evaluation methods are most commonly used – scoring model, ABC method and point evaluation.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    K etické politice vysokých škol v České republice
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Bohatá, Marie; Žák, Milan
    The article presents principal features and three main pillars of an effective ethical policy, i.e. instruments, processes and structures. Under instruments, mainly ethical codes, risk management and whistleblowing are introduced. The part dealing with processes focuses on four areas: conceptualisation and design, communication and implementation, monitoring and assessment, and revision. Ethical commissions, ethics officers and ethics and compliance departments, as well as communication channels serve as examples of supporting structures. Through the experience of enlightened private and public organisations, some leading universities world-wide, as well as their own experience from the public administration, the authors provide recommendations how to develop a systemic approach to ethics management of universities in the Czech Republic. Some first elementary empirical findings on ethical codes and ethical commissions existing in the Czech Republic are also presented.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    What encourages households to sort waste: externally enabled conditions, internal incentives or economic enforcement?
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Butkus, Mindaugas; Laurinavičiūtė, Vėjūnė; Matuzevičiūtė, Kristina
    Municipal waste formation and management are contemporary issues in a modern world. Residents’ participation is very important trying to utilize and recycle it because municipal waste is mainly generated by households’. For this reason, waste collection and sorting at home becomes crucial starting point solving problems created by waste. Aiming to examine what encourages households to sort waste we analysed following: (i) is it enough to create waste sorting system to encourage households to sort waste or (ii) waste sorting habits depend on lifestyle, environmental awareness and socio-demographic characteristics, or (iii) there is a need to introduce economic incentives to stimulate waste sorting. Theoretical analysis revealed that the main factors potentially affecting sorting habits are infrastructure at municipal level, economic instruments, socio-demographic characteristics and individual motivation. Empirical survey of Siauliai city households grounded on chi-square statistics and estimations of logistic regression showed that internal incentives and externally enabled conditions highly impact households’ waste sorting behaviour. Moreover, results of the research clearly show that economic incentives embedded into existing waste management system are not strong enough to shape households’ behaviour.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Sectoral and international diversities in the perception of bank financing: evidence from Slovak and Czech SMEs
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Civelek, Mehmet; Ključnikov, Aleksandr
    Banks’ approaches in SMEs financing, being aware of loan conditions and transparency of credit terms are significant facts to improve ability of SMEs to manage their financial and credit risks and to reduce obstacles in their bank credit access. In this context, the research not only aims to compare different sectors in country level but also purposes to make comparison between countries that SMEs’ operate in same sector, regarding their perceptions of these facts. 972 Slovakian and Czech SMEs are analysed by Chi-square and Z score statistics to find the differences between selected groups and individual responses. The results of the research confirm that more trade firms positively perceive the selected facts than service firms in Slovakia, however, aspects of Czech service and trade firms do not differ. Moreover, Slovakian trade firms are more agree that they have knowledge about loan conditions than Czech trade firms do. On the other hand, more Slovakian firms negatively perceive banks’ approach to them than Czech SMEs. Regarding to entrepreneurs’ knowledge about lending terms, no significant differences exists between the Czech and Slovakian service firms. Furthermore, loan conditions are not transparent for more Slovakian service firms than Czech service firms.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Budgeting and czech companies: connected concepts or two different worlds?
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Dokulil, Jiří; Dvorský, Ján; Popesko, Boris
    The presented article is focused on the traditional managerial accounting tool, budgeting, and its application into field of the Czech firms. The study examines the parameters of the budgets in the enterprises operating on the Czech market and investigates factors which influence the usage of the budgeting in these firms. While the first part of this paper summarizes the level of the knowledge in the particular field, the research process is defined in the following step. The main part of the article consists of questionnaire-survey results and hypotheses testing by P-value test.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Are product innovation-oriented firms prepared for effective product customization?
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Chlebovský, Vít; Schüller, David; Škapa, Stanislav
    Growing demand for customized solution offers instead of standardized products is reality in many business sectors on both B2B and B2C markets. While this approach is well developed in some B2B sectors it is not that often in majority of B2C markets. Rapid technology development within past years gives more possibilities to increase production flexibility in wider range of production sectors. This will lead in increasing level of product customization shortly. Purpose of this article is to summarize the research on how the product innovation oriented companies are prepared in terms of their internal infrastructure for effective customized product solution development and delivery to their customers. Two interlinked researches were performed through Czech, Austrian, German and Swiss product innovation oriented manufacturing companies. Quantitative research compares whether and how customized product offer is communicated by companies to their market. Qualitative research was performed in form of five case studies to deeper observe and study internal technical and production infrastructure of the selected companies. Results of performed quantitative research were statistically evaluated and tested. Outcomes of qualitative research gives deeper knowledge of the infrastructure used in selected companies for development and production of customized products. The research proves increasing focus of the companies on offer individualization.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Vliv struktury závislostí na přesnost měr tržního rizika
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Jeřábek, Tomáš
    Knowledge the dependence between risk factors is very importance in risk management. The failure of traditional approaches to market risk measure motivates to investigate the relationship between financial markets. The aim of this paper is to examine the dependence between stock index returns and foreign exchange rate returns for six selected economies. In this context, it is detected evidence of dynamic and asymmetric dependence. It is empirically demonstrated that application of asymmetric dynamic copula improves the Value at Riks as well as Expected Shortfall estimates. Overall, the results show that the dependence structure of international financial markets is more complicated than the structure predicted by the traditional approaches to market risk measure.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Data analysis of european union states: youth behavior in digital world
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Kašparová, Miloslava; Barva, Jan
    The paper deals with data analysis of young people behaviour (in age from 16 to 29 years) in digital world living in the European Union States. For this analysis, ten selected indicators from the area of digital world (focused for example on working with Internet, on social networks, on the Internet banking, on searching of information about travelling, about goods and services, e-mail communication and calls) and two economic indicators (gross domestic product per capita and unemployment rate) were chosen. Derived attributes were calculated in the data pre-processing phase. Selected algorithms of the agglomerative hierarchical clustering (as are the nearest neighbour method, the furthest neighbour method, the centroid clustering, the median clustering and the Ward method etc.) were used to find groups of similar objects (individual states of the European Union) based on the chosen indicators. Values of average coefficients of growth were used for clustering. The best results of clustering were achieved by the Ward‘s method; the data was divided into three clusters. Identified groups of European Union States were described by mentioned indicators.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Business model research proposal: novel business model concepts based on sustainable multiple customer value creation in a selected country
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Kita, Peter; Šimberová, Iveta
    The article’s objective is to propose a research framework that could describe an industry, structured by the industry’s specific performance indicators, through the lens of its business models as well as identify the specific features of novel business models. The approach is based on combining various approaches to business model research and propose a methodology which examines an selected industry, in this case a sector of the Czech chemical industry, through the lens of its business models and aims to provide novel business model concepts based on sustainable multiple customer value creation. The framework connects the theoretical concepts of business models, sustainable value added, and multiple customer value creation. The framework appropriates environmental and social aspects of the business model’s value proposition to the underlying strategy and gauges it by sustainable value added. The resulting business model concepts serve as an overview and incentive to further develop novel business model designs within the selected industry.