Influence of climate conditions on stresses in CWR on the bridges in Serbia

Show simple item record Popović, Zdenka Lazarević, Luka Mirković, Nikola Vilotijević, Milica 2018-09-11T13:55:30Z 2018-09-11T13:55:30Z 2018
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-7560-152-0
dc.description.abstract Vehicle/track/bridge interaction causes additional stresses in CWR on the bridge, which include stress in rails due to temperature changes in the bridge deck, vertical bending of bridge deck, and braking/acceleration of railway vehicles on the bridge deck. Critical analysis of additional tensile stresses in CWR on the bridge using Smith diagram was performed and presented in this paper. Furthermore, results of rail temperature measuring at several monitoring locations in Serbia were presented. The influence of the local climate conditions and neutral rail temperature on the temperature stress in CWR was analysed. The paper points out that the prescribed values of additional stresses in CWR have to include influence of real local climate conditions on track stability on the bridge. en
dc.format p. 200 - 207
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pardubice en
dc.rights open access en
dc.subject railway en
dc.subject bridge en
dc.subject CWR en
dc.subject temperature en
dc.subject stress en
dc.title Influence of climate conditions on stresses in CWR on the bridges in Serbia en
dc.type conference proceeding en
dc.event 7th International scientific conference of the Faculty of transport engineering: Through efficient transport to sustainable mobility (September 6th - 7th 2018, Pardubice) en
dc.peerreviewed yes en
dc.publicationstatus published en

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