Who Reads This and Why?The Crossover Phenomenon in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction

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dc.contributor.author Bubíková Šárka
dc.date.accessioned 2016-11-14T08:19:46Z
dc.date.available 2016-11-14T08:19:46Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.issn 2336-3347
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10195/66507
dc.description.abstract In the field of young adult literature (YA), a new phenomenon is gaining critical attention – the so-called crossover novel, i.e. a novel that attracts both YA and adult readers. The paper explores the difficulties in defining the slippery borders of young adult literature and pays special attention to the concept of the crossover novel. Providing examples from current British and American YA literature the paper illustrates the seriousness of some of the issues addressed by YA titles and claims that their high literary quality is among the main reasons for rising popularity of current YA novels among adult readers. eng
dc.format p. 12-17 eng
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies, volume 2, issue: 1 eng
dc.rights Pouze v rámci univerzity eng
dc.subject children´s literature eng
dc.subject young adult novel eng
dc.subject cross-over novel eng
dc.subject literatura pro mládež cze
dc.subject fenomén tzv. cross-over románů cze
dc.subject čtenářské kategorie cze
dc.title Who Reads This and Why?The Crossover Phenomenon in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction eng
dc.title.alternative Kdo tohle čte a proč? Tzv. cross-over romány pro mládež cze
dc.type article eng
dc.description.abstract-translated Článek se věnuje problematice anglo-jazyčné literatury pro mládež, diskutuje obtíže spojené s definicí žánru a dále se věnuje tzv. cross-over románům, tedy dílům, která byla psána pro dospívající čtenáře, avšak získala si velkou oblibu i mezi čtenáři dospělými. Článek se zamýšlí nad důvody současné širší popularity literatury pro mládež. cze
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus postprint eng
dc.identifier.obd 39874464

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