A comparison of the stock exchanges of the central and Eastern Europe stock Exchange Group

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dc.contributor.author Novotný, Josef
dc.contributor.author Sejkora, František
dc.contributor.author Hrneček, Michal
dc.date.accessioned 2016-06-15T12:53:22Z
dc.date.available 2016-06-15T12:53:22Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.issn 1211-555X (Print)
dc.identifier.issn 1804-8048 (Online)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10195/64698
dc.description.abstract This article deals with an evaluation of the stock exchanges of the Central and Eastern Europe Stock Exchange Group (CEESEG), which comprises four stock exchanges. The individual stock exchanges of the CEESEG are characterized using the main stock indicators and we also compare their development and achievements. The stock exchanges are evaluated in terms of their market capitalization, liquidity and volatility. Correlation coefficients are used to express the dependence of the indices of the monitored stock exchanges with the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50, which is an important indicator of the European capital market. The obtained results complement the knowledge of this interesting segment of the European capital market and can be used by both retail and institutional investors. eng
dc.format p. 89-100 eng
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Univerzita Pardubice cze
dc.relation.ispartof Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice. Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration. 35/2015 eng
dc.rights open access eng
dc.subject securities eng
dc.subject share eng
dc.subject stock exchange eng
dc.subject CEESEG eng
dc.subject market capitalization eng
dc.subject yield eng
dc.subject risk eng
dc.title A comparison of the stock exchanges of the central and Eastern Europe stock Exchange Group eng
dc.type Article eng
dc.peerreviewed yes eng
dc.publicationstatus published eng
dc.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-84971006565
dc.identifier.scopus 2-s2.0-84971006565
dc.identifier.obd 39875523
dc.subject.jel G12

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