Voltammetric determination of Arbutin on carbon paste electrode

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dc.contributor.author Libánský, Milan
dc.contributor.author Zima, Jiří
dc.contributor.author Barek, Jiří
dc.contributor.author Dejmková, Hana
dc.date.accessioned 2012-03-07T08:41:54Z
dc.date.available 2012-03-07T08:41:54Z
dc.date.issued 2011
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-7395-434-5 (printed)
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-7395-435-2 (on-line)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10195/42529
dc.description.abstract Arbutin (hydroquinone- -D-glukopyranoside) belongs among the most frequent active substances in skin-whitening cosmetics. In this matrix, its content does not require sensitive, but rather simple, quick and cheap methods of determination, which can be supplied by electrochemical methods. Method for determination of Arbutin was developed using differential pulse voltammetry at a carbon paste electrode in Britton-Robinson buffer (pH 2). The concentration dependence proved a linear response in the concentration range of 4-100 mol L–1 with the limit of quantification of about 2.4 mol L–1. The practical applicability of the method was tested on the determination of Arbutin in cosmetic cream "Unitone4 -Arbutin". The content found (20.4 ± 1.1) mg g–1 Arbutin is in very good agreement with the declared value of 20 mg g–1. cze
dc.format p. 281-288
dc.language.iso eng
dc.publisher Univerzita Pardubice cze
dc.relation.ispartof Sensing in electroanalysis. K. Kalcher, R. Metelka, I. Švancara, K. Vytřas (Eds.).2011, Volume 6.
dc.rights open access
dc.subject voltammetry cze
dc.subject carbon paste electrode cze
dc.subject Arbutin cze
dc.subject determination cze
dc.subject skin-whitening cosmetics cze
dc.title Voltammetric determination of Arbutin on carbon paste electrode cze
dc.type Article cze
dc.peerreviewed yes
dc.publicationstatus published

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