Digitální knihovnaUPCE

1998/03 Scientific papers, Series D

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38200


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  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Informačný systém FHI EU Bratislava
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Závodný, Peter; Russev, Stojan
    The contribution is dealing with questions related to the building of the information system of the Faculty of Economics Informantics in Bratislava. The information system will provide relevant information for the management of the educational process, registration of students for educational and creation of individual study programmes of students. For its realization the client/server architecture and intranet technology will be used.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Future of small enterprises and small enterprises in futurethe indian scenario
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Raju, U. B.
    The spate of reforms storming the economies of the world is sweeping the small enterprise sector as well in one way or the other. The only way for small enterprises all over the globe to survive, sustain and swim in swirling waters of ever growing competition is to transform themselves into lean, mean, fighting machines standing on their own with networked architecture. Towards this, end, the Abid Hussain committee report an small enterprise reforms is both crucial and timely. Accordingly, small enterprises should seek seismic shifts on several dimensions such as technological and organisational ones while according primacy to the customer. The recommendations can be classified into first order, second order reforms depending upon the scale and scope of the reform impact. The paper addresses the issues, concerns and implications of the three categories of reforms on Indian small enterprises. Further, the significant attributes of small enterprises in future are outlined. Clearly, small enterprises are left with the Hobson's choise of shaping up or shipping out of the battlefield sooner or later.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Hodnotenie likvidity podniku
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Bobáková, Viktória
    The organization of the company clearance is a very important field of management, that is why it is important to give attention to it. These can be grouped into factors that influence the income (receipts, financial possession, short term lialibities, reserves) and into factors that influence the expenses (material, personal expenses, interest, investment expenses, short-term, lialibilities). On organization of the company clearance decide also indicators that we use for its planning, inspection and evaluation.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Využití pravděpodobnostních rozdělení v pojišťovnictví
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Linda, Bohdan
    Without a knowledge of probability distributions of insurance tariffs or insurance margins, distribution of insurance against various risks, claims, life insurance, distribution of average etc., these institution would be severely limited in the inferences they could make. There is stated the short survey of probability distributions of discrete and continuous random variables in this contribution, which are in the most often way exploited in insurance.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Strukturální problémy transformace ČR
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Pešta, Josef
    There are decelerate tendencies of growth and stagnacy in the second half of ninetieth in the Czech economics. The main causes are : - inefficiently operating microregion - unfinished restructuralization, untransparent capital market - low ability of Czech products to compete on the western markets. The correction ways will be not simple and efficiency of adopted changes is not expected immediately. The Czech economics has all presumptions become comparable with other economics of European Union.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    European integrationthe development of ideas and their implementation
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Lacina, Karel
    Článek pojednává o rozhodujícícch etapách vývoje úsilí o rozvoj integračního procesu na evropském kontinentu v 19. a ve 20. století. Hlavní pozornost autor přirozeně soustředil k objasnění procesu formování Evropských společenství a následně Evropské unie.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    The Physical model of transportation flow
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Cenek, Petr
    Článok ukazuje kinematickú teóriu dopravného prúdu založenú na modeli dynamiky pohybu dopravného prostriedku a na hypotézách správania vodiča. Odvodené výsledky ukazujú, že kinematický model podľa očakávaných hypotéz správania dáva výsledky súhlasné s experimentálne zistenými hodnotami a preto môže slúžiť ako prostreidok pre skúmanie chovania dopravného prúdu pre rôzne stupne zaťaženia dopravnej komunikácie.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Podnikové obligace - rozvíjející se finanční zdroj
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Tetřevová, Liběna
    This article deals with the corporate bonds as a developing source of funds. The corporate bonds are long-term debt securities issued by entrepreneurial subjects. These securities obligation of issuers to make payments of interest and principal on specific dates to the holder of the bond. The item also contains reasons for low usage of the corporate bonds as a source pf funds in the Czech Republic , defines main terms which are connected with this topic, mentions advantages and disadvantages of corporate bonds and informs about the situation on the bond market in the Czech Republic.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Analýza úrovně marketingového plánování v podnicích chemického průmyslu
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Kohoutová, Martina; Lošťáková, Hana
    This paper deals with marketing planning of enterprises and its strategic business units in present changing marketing environment. It summarises the results of research of content and methods of marketing planning in conditions of chemical industry.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Člověk 3. tisíciletí - biologický druh ohrožený vlastním životním stylem
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 1998) Marboe-Hrabincová, Marcella
    Mankind is standing lax towards the harmfulness of current life style of society and man as individual is standing lax even towards his own responsibility for the population of the planet upon which the existence of life on the Earth is dependent. The lenght of human life on the Earth, the endurance of mankind would be substantially extended only by accepting a radical solution - i. e. by a system change of culture from the antropological view towards the biofil, by the creation of a new philosophical policy and legislation. But is it possible to realize this radical solution in practice by warving a magic wand ? We are striving to suggest the first gradual step in this article : i. e. the systematic education of people towards the change of the life style of society. But it is necessary to precede this with change of individual life style. And this is just the task and content of the new subject, which is implemented at the University of Pardubice and which is called Wellness - the art of living.