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2003/09 Scientific papers, Series C

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38167


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  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Parlamentní volby v roce 1935 a František Udržal
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Charbuský, Miloš
    It was announced that the election into the two chambers of the National assembly would be organized in the year 1935, May 19. The leading Czechoslovak politican and the representative of the Agrarian Party František Udržal wanted to achieve the posibility to defend his deputy mandate. However, the Agrarian Party leadership decided Udržal to candidate into the Senate that had much smaller powers than House of Representatives. Udržal accepted his party leadership decision. He was acting during the following pre-election campaign in the way that enabled the Agrarian Party to achieve the victory in the Parlimentary election.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Tvůrčí psaní a multikulturalitaspolečná východiska a možnosti
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Studený, Jiří
    Creative writing provides its students not only with a set of methods and techniques of self-expression through the medium of text but it also stimulates creative approach to our everyday life which could have its widely innovative ssocial consequences. Multicultural aspect of contemporary global civilization provokes creativity as a way of improving our abilities to face and integrate all the inherent cultural diversity and otherness, the paper itself is then focused on relationship and interaction between creative writting and multicultural education, including some important educational, psychological, philosophical, and spiritual contexts.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Kronika československé vojenské mise v Kanadě (1941-1943)
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Jiránek, Tomáš
    In June 1940 the Czechoslovak military unts were evacuated to great Britain and then their leaders looked for the new sources to complete their numbers. It seemed easy to send a call-up mission to North America because there lived the biggest colony of the Czechoslovaks in those times. In spring of 1941 the group of officers was created and its destination was Canada. They should recruit around one thousand voluntaries there. Montréal became the seat of the mission. The group started to develop different kinds of activities, f.e. they undertook many journeys to the biggest countryman centres, the cooperated with the countryman oragnisations, press and radio. This mission was not so successful because the younger generation of countrymen had lost the personal relationship to their country, the health condition of the voluntaries was unsatisfactory and there were also some administrative troubles to secure the families of recruits etc. If we compare this mission with the same Canadian mission of the other European countries occupied by the Nazi Germany (the Poles, French, Dutch, Norwegean, Belgians etc.) it must be said that the Czechoslovaks were relatively successful.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Deviace náboženské autority
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Štampach, Odilo Ivan
    Unbiased study of religious authority is needed face to face its aberrant exercise in nowdays religious life. In the contemporary Czech environment the idea of a "sect" or "sectarian behaviour" is confused with new religious movemets (NRM) as such. The word "sekta" (sect, cult) has at least four meanings: separated religious community, NRM, authoritarian religious group, destructive cult. It has a derogatory grade. It appears advisable to use this term only for authoritarian communities. This problem ought to be detected and analyzed in both new and old, small and great religious groups. Phenomena of narrow verbal orthodoxy , fundamentaůism and bigotry have something in common with sectarian aberration, but must be correctly diferentiated. Redundance of religious authority is not inscribed in principles of Eastern religions as Hinduism and Buddhism. Only so called "guruism" can be dangerous. Western monotheist prophetic religions emphasize Divine power and human obedience. Religious leaders are deputies of the authority of God himself. Academic religious studies can help educators, advisors, therapists but must not be mistaken for "anti-cultist" or "contra-cultist activities which are often more sectarian (in described sense) than authoritarian "sects" or cults themselves.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Základní problémy teorie spravedlnosti
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Bubík, Tomáš
    This paper focuses on the basic problems relevant for the discussion on the theory of justice. Rather than analyzing theories of justice by different authors, it concentrates on the thematic solution of the problems. Discussing the idea of order as a basic premise for the concept of authority, the introduction deals witch features of justice based on authority. It also analyzes the importance of fysis, language, and law for justice as well as the role of the virtue of justice in the formation of a just commune - polis, an issue already debated by ancient philosophers. The paper compares two typical forms of justice - communicative and distributive - and concludes with the issue of justice as fairness and with the relationship of justice and love.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Působení voršilek v Králíkách v letech 1880-1894
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Macková, Marie
    Der Konvent der Ursulinen kam im Jahre 1880 aus Berlin nach Králíky. Dies geschah aufgrund der veränderten Rechtssituation, die dem Orden eine weitere Tätigkeit in dem neuen vereinigten Deutschland unmöglich machte. In Králíky errichteten die Ursulinen eine acht Klassenstufen umfassende Schule, verschiedene Fortbildungskurse, eine Schule der Handarbeiten, einem Kindergarten und ein Internat. Der Unterricht wurde in all diesen Einrichtungen auf Deutsch gehalten. Das offensichtliche Problem aller dieser Einrichtungen war die niedrige Anzahl an Schülerinnen. In dem Internat kamen Mädchen sowohl aus der näheren Region als auch aus weiten Teilen Mitteleuropas zusammen. Ein Aufenthalt in dem Internat wurde unabhänging von seiner Dauer unter anderem als Prestigeangelegenheit angesehen. Dem entspricht auch die Herkunft der Internatsschülerinnen, die vor allem der gehobenen und der höheren Mittelschicht entstammten. Ein Aufenthalt in dem Internat dauerte häufig zwei Jahre und die Mädchen absolvierten ihn überwiegend zwischen ihrem 13. und 15 Lebensjahr. Es wurde hier änliche Fächer wie an einer normalen Bürgerschule unterrichtet. Allerdings wurde ein größeres Gewicht auf Fremdsprachen, Musik, Kunsterziehung jeder Art und offenbar auch auf Handarbeiten gelegt. Zu Beginn des Jahres 1895 verlegten die Ursulinen ihren Sitz nach Liberec . Im Zuge dieser Sitzverlegung wurde auch sofort ein Umzug des Internats, der Fortbildungskurse und der Schule der Handarbeiten nach Liberec vorgenommen. Die acht Klassenstufen unfassende Mädchenschule wurde dagegen erst im Jahre 1896 aus Králíky nach Liberec verlagert. Der Kindergarten wurde schon zuvor wegen des geringen Interesses geschlossen.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Rosenbergica 3.mezi hlavní městskou a venkovskou rezidencíkomunikace Petra Voka z Rožmberka s pražskými hospodáři (1594-1611)
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Kubeš, Jiří
    This article deals with the relationship between the last lord Rožmberk and his housekeepers in Prague in the times when Petr Vok spent only a few month a year in Prague or he did not travel to his main town residence in Prague at all (after 1603). In those times the housekeeper became a real head of Rožmberk administrative in Prague. Between 1594 and 1611 we know about 7 such officals. These were mostly men who tried to enrich from the Rožmberk's incomes. Petr Vok knew about the problems with his too much "independent" housekeepers and tried to find a way to make them fill all his orders. But the article shows that he did not succeed in his efforts because the position of his official bureaucracy was very strong and even an execution of one of the Prague housekeepers did not help him. At the end of his life he could only hope that the next hosekeeper would be more "faithful" and would follow his instructions. This "dream" was realized in a personality of Jan Libra who became the Prague housekeeper between 1605 and 1609.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    La naissance de la Tchécoslovaquie vue par les journalistes français
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Lenderová, Milena
    Události spojené se zdrojem Československé republiky jsou ve studii nahlíženy očima několika francouzských novinářů, současníků převratných událostí posledních válečných a prvních mírových měsíců. Jedná se především o autory kolem časopisu L'Illustration, v Čechách dobře známého již od posledního desetiletí 19. století. Optiku L'Illustration doplňují vzpomínky novinářky Louise Weissové, kterou Milan Štefánik roku 1918 inspiroval k založení revue Europe Nouvelle, jejímž cílem bylo přispět k nezávislosti národů Rakouska - Uherska.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Výchova šlechtice v první polovině 19. století
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Budíková, Alena
    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der adeligen Erziehung in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jh. Der Untersuchung liegt ein Studium jener persönlichen Nachlässe zugrunde, die in den Familienarchiven der Adelsgeschlechter von Deym zu Střítež sowie von Schwarzenberg aufbewahrt sind. An diesen zwei Beispielen werden die wichtigsten in der Literatur aufgeführten Theorien und Grundsätze adeliger Erziehung und ihrer Ziele nachgezeichnet. Die Diskussion der Role deradeligen Familie bei der Erziehung ihrer Nachkommen sowie die Veränderungen in der Familienbeziehungen am Anfang des 19. Jh. bildet dabei einen speziellen Schwerpunkt. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Analyse des Tagebuchs der Gräfin Josefine Stackelberg, geborene von Brunswick und verwitwete von Deym, eine Vielzahl an interessanten theoretischen Ansicht en über den Erziehungs un Ausbildungsverlauf sowie über die Rolle des Erziehers und des Lehrers in den adeligen Familien auf. Die Kapitel über die Erziehung der Söhne des Karel I. von Schwarzenberg erarbeiten anhand einer Synthese der vorzufindenden Archivquellen - hierzu zählen insb. die Briefwechsel, Tagebücher, Lehrhefte und Zeugnisse- ein realitätsnahes Bild der adelige Erziehung im 19 Jh.
  • Článekpeer-reviewedpublished
    Sídla Jana Jiřího Jáchyma hraběte Slavaty z Chlumu u Košumberka (1634/37-1689) v proměně
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2003) Kubeš, Jiří
    According to the life style, historians can divide baroque nobility in the Habsburg lands into four main groups. These are dukes, courtly oriented noblemen, landlords and gentry. One of the main criteria of such a dividing is the chosen career of each nobleman. In fact no one of them lived all his life having only one office or function. This is a result which can show also Jan Jáchym Slavata, count of Chlum and Košumberk. At first he tried to become a member of some court office in Vienna, but from 1673 he was a senior of his house and he spent the rest of his life in the land offices in Prague. Each carrer created the different space frame to his life style. Till 1673 he moved between his only northbohemian estate and Vienna. After 1673 he travelled each year between Prague and his family estates in South Bohemia and South Moravia. This article tries to answer, if the different space conditions of both his careers influenced his attitude to concrete country and town residences and if it changed his life style and his individual thinking. Slavata, as it was usual in the second half of 17th century, spent often more than two thirds of every year in his town residences and he had to respect it in his attitude to his castles and palaces. Due to his bad financial situation he could not create special residential plan before 1673. Then he became very rich and powerful after the death of his brother. During his land career he hought of a new residential possibilities but his plans were completed only partly. At first he wanted to build a new, more representative palace in the place of his career, in Prague. He tried to enlarge his family palace and he created a new suburban residence including a large baroque garden that had not be seen in Prague yet. In the second phase of his plan he focused on his country estates. He hid not think of any new naroque castle because he wanted to rebuild present interiors only. He tried to follow modern requirements for more pleasant living and for better representating of his relations to the Habsburg house and to the Kingdom of Bohemia. In his main country residence in Jindřichův Hradec he built a central early baroque representative rooms, mainly so called Spanish hall. In Nová Bystřice he placed a large collection of the paintings and engravements that showed chosen scenes from the Bohemian history. In Červená Lhota and Chlum u Třeboně he owned small hunting castles that were used only for several days during each year. So he created very private life conditions there. The interiors of his palaces and castles tell us about the nobleman whose life and thinking moved between Catholic cosmopolitism and Bohemian lan historism and patriotism.