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Univerzita Pardubice

Stálý URI pro tuto komunituhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/1


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  • Bakalářská práceOtevřený přístup
    The inclusion of the teaching of pronunciation at lower secondary level in the Czech republic and Ukraine
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Bulanova, Anastasiia; Keplová, Kateřina; Reimannová, Irena
    The bachelor thesis aims to compare English pronunciation teaching at the lower secondary level in the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part, with a focus on comparative analysis of curricular frameworks for lower secondary education in both countries. The practical part aims to investigate the general aims of primary education, foreign language objectives, and expected outcomes, with a specific emphasis on pronunciation teaching at the lower secondary level. The research seeks to identify commonalities and disparities within the curricular frameworks of the two countries, without seeking to establish a hierarchical determination of the "superior" educational system. The study employs a structured comparative research approach, utilizing content analysis to examine the general objectives and contents of lower secondary education, foreign language learning, pronunciation learning, and expected outcomes in the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the educational systems in both countries and their approach to English pronunciation instruction, contributing valuable insights to the field of education.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Early care/ intervention: startof social and educational inclusion in the Czech Republic
    (2023) Šándorová, Zdenka
    This article provides theoretical information about the concept of the social model of early care in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to expand the theoretical base of these issues and justify the topicality and importance of early care in its extensive reference field. Besides, it intends to emphasise its practical impact. Methodologically, at the theoretical level, the design of this article is based on the analysis and comparison of scholarly literature, legislative documents, methodological materials, and other relevant written sources.
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    Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    The Effects of Demand-Side Policy on Firm Innovation: The Mediating Role of R&D Activities
    (Academic Conferences International Limited, 2023) Sein, Yee Yee; Prokop, Viktor
    Today, innovation is seen as the engine of economic growth. As a result, governments foster innovation activities in both the public and private sectors by using policy tools such as measures, regulations, and incentives. There are two main approaches in government innovation policy: supply-side policy and demand-side policy. Supply-side policy instruments primarily stimulate technological development and diffuse innovation capabilities. On the other hand, demand-side policy supports specific demand and minimizes technological and trade uncertainty at all stages of production. Moreover, a demand-driven procurement policy is one of the main drivers of high-tech industries. At the same time, in line with the growing importance of the knowledge economy and societal concepts, knowledge or technology has become the major determinant of innovation. In this way, companies are encouraged to undertake research and development activities in order to create innovation and advance their technologies. Moreover, the government’s support for investing in research and development (R&D) activities has become an effective solution for the firm’s innovation outputs. These R&D activities are of particular importance in transition and catch-up economies such as the Czech Republic. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the impact of demand-driven policy on business innovation through R&D activities in the Czech Republic. Data from the Community Innovation Survey and partial least squares structural equation modelling are used to achieve the purpose of this article. Our findings show that demand-driven policy (procurement for innovation) significantly and positively affects firm product and process innovation through R&D activities. The findings of our research also have practical implications for firms and policymakers in the Czech Republic. These results could also apply to Central and Eastern Europe, where we can observe similar characteristics of firms, for instance, because of their innovation performance.
  • ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Differences in Employee Motivation in Wood-Processing Enterprises in Selected Countries of Central Europe
    (2023) Hitka, Miloš; Ližbetinová, Lenka; Lejsková, Pavla; Nedeliaková, Eva; Sydor, Maciej
    The human factor is still an irreplaceable element bearing a competitive advantage in the changed conditions of the wood-processing industry created by Industrial Revolution 4.0. Their sophisticated use and motivation result in the company's higher performance potential, and satisfaction is reflected in higher employee loyalty. The study aims to evaluate the level of motivation of employees working in the wood-processing industry in selected Central European countries (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Ukraine) from the point of view of groups of motivation factors and then to compare them between countries in terms of gender and age. Differences in the mean values of the compared groups were tested, taking into account the confidence interval. The research was conducted at the beginning of 2021 when Ukraine has not been in a military conflict yet. The result of our findings is the knowledge that the most important motivation factors for Slovak employees in the wood-processing industry are those related to finance and employer-employee relationships. Czech employees also prefer the same motivation factors but place less emphasis on them. Employees of the wood-processing industry in Ukraine prefer motivation factors related to finance and career aspiration. From the point of view of motivation, the input qualitative parameters of rawwood material and its assessment in forest stands are also important. In globalization, the findings of our study can serve as insights for managers within the wood-processing industry. These insights can be particularly beneficial in enhancing the quality of human resource management, with a particular emphasis on bolstering employee motivation.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    (Editura ASE, 2023) Jedlička, Vít
    Tax planning is part of modern financial management worldwide, and the countries of Central Europe are no exception. Tax havens provide opportunities for managers to increase companies' profits through tax reduction. Naturally, there are differences in ownership structures; therefore, the management of companies also has specific approaches, especially in family companies. Due to events in Czech history, the owners of family companies in that nation can have different priorities than those in Western ones. This article focuses on ownership structure specification and its impact on the tax burden of Czech companies. It uses data from the 233 most influential companies in the Czech Republic, covering 2009-2018. While the study aims to assess the ownership structure as a determinant of the tax burden, it adopts the regression of panel data as a method. The study contains pooled OLS and regression with random effects. Family companies are not less aggressive about tax planning in the Czech Republic. Historical development has caused a different approach among family companies than in Western countries. The ownership connection with foreign parent companies has not impacted Czech companies' tax burdens. On the other hand, tax burden determinants differ not only between family and non-family companies, but also between domestic-owned and foreign-owned companies. Indebtedness seems to be the critical factor that can help companies avoid paying taxes, regardless of their ownership structure. Companies often use intragroup loans to lower their tax burden, and this study shows that Czech companies are no exception. On the other hand, only companies with foreign parent companies can use tax planning schemes involving intangible assets and royalties. As for family companies, the variability of the tax burden is not fully explained by the usual determinants; therefore, further research should also consider the types of managers as a determinant.
  • Konferenční objektOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Cloud computing services – emerging trends during the times of pandemic
    (IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023) Kopáčková, Hana; Htoo, Sann Thawdar
    Cloud computing services offer virtualization, meaning that users can access applications and services from any location with an internet connection. Different studies predicted and some reports confirmed that the adoption of cloud computing was neither slowed down nor sustained but accelerated during the covid-19 pandemic. This paper aims to find out if these conclusions are valid in the environment of the European Union and especially in the Czech Republic. We answer our main research question based on the data gathered by Eurostat within Digital economy and society surveys. Did the growth before the pandemic sustain, accelerate, or slow? We also focus on particular types of cloud computing services and compare results according to different sizes of companies and the domain they work.
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    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint
    Economic Discontent and Anti-System Political Parties in the Czech Republic
    (2023) Kuba, Ondřej; Hudec, Oto; Stejskal, Jan
    Study examines the results of the 2017 elections to the Czech Chamber of Deputies based on the administrative districts of municipalities. Beta regression and Seemingly Unrelated Regression models identify main determinants of voting for anti-system parties and/or voter absenteeism. The results show that the greatest electoral dissatisfaction occurs in regions dominated by agriculture and mining industries, particularly the former Sudetenland. This territory, emptied after the WWII, was often inhabited by people who either were looking for an easy way to gain the property left by the displaced Germans or were forced to move there by the former communist regime.
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    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    The effect of institutional quality on innovativeness of firm in emerging economies
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Osei, Kwaku; Gyamfi, Solomon; Prokop, Viktor
    The aim of the study was to assess the institutional quality and infrastructural base of the state on the innovativeness of firms in emerging economies. The study considered key institutional arrangement and their propensity to affect the innovativeness of firms leading to economic growth. The specific research objectives were to examine the impact of foreign direct investment net outflows on institutional quality and the innovativeness and economic growth of Emerging economies, to evaluate effect of government effectiveness on the institutional quality and the innovativeness and economic growth of Emerging economies, and to assess the influence of rule of law on the institutional quality and innovativeness of economic growth of Emerging economies. The study found that the impact of foreign direct investment outflows on firm innovativeness is mixed. In some countries, such as Romania and Poland, foreign direct investment outflows have a positive impact on firm innovativeness. However, in other countries, such as the Czech Republic and Greece, foreign direct investment outflows have a negative impact on firm innovativeness. The study also found that the impact of government effectiveness on firm innovativeness is mixed. In Hungary and the Czech Republic, there is a statistically significant negative relationship between government effectiveness and firm innovativeness. The study found that Rule of law has a strong positive impact on firm innovativeness. The study found that countries with stronger rule of law tend to have more innovative firms. The study found that this was because stronger rule of law provides a more stable and predictable environment for businesses, which allows them to take risks and invest in innovation.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Between Strangeness and an Alternative Buddhist Lifestyle: An Expression of Religious Non-Conformity in Consumer Culture
    (2022) Bártová, Zuzana
    This study contributes to the sociological understanding of the social perceptions of religious engagement and its self-presentation in consumer culture. Drawing on three years of comparative ethnographic research on the Buddhist lifestyle in five different organisations in France and the Czech Republic, it reveals that Buddhist engagement, through its practices, is considered peculiar or even potentially dangerous by the participants’ environment. Remarks of the people surrounding them reflect typical features of the popular understanding and the literature on sects, cults and new religious movements and express social pressure to respect different social norms. They also partly represent social demands to adopt a conformist lifestyle because of their often individualised and activity-centred character. At the same time, Buddhist practitioners’ self-presentation of their engagement is in line with alternative lifestyle discourses since it challenges different social practices, forms of sociability, ethics and other values. The importance, diversity and positive image associated with this alternative stance can be considered an expression of the value of non-conformity that reflects the individualism and disdain of conformism typical of consumer culture.
  • Náhled
    ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    R&D as bridge to sustainable development? Case of Czech Republic and Slovenia
    (Wiley-Blackwell, 2022) Hojnik, Jana; Prokop, Viktor; Stejskal, Jan
    Prior studies revealed that government is key factor influencing firms' decisions about the implementation of environmental innovations and pursuit of sustainable development as well as shaping their environmental orientation. However, the role of firms' R&D within these processes remains unclear. This paper explores the relationship between firms' environmental regulation, R&D, environmental orientation, and environmental outputs to better understand the relationships and dynamics among them. We used the World Bank Enterprise Survey 2019 data on 737 firms from the Czech Republic and Slovenia and employed structural equation modeling. The results indicate that environmental orientation positively influences R&D and environmental outputs. Moreover, environmental regulations spur firms' environmental orientation as well as environmental outputs. On the other hand, the findings reveal that R&D is neither a key factor nor plays a key role as a mediator of environmental regulations and environmental orientation affecting environmental outputs based on the sample of selected countries pertaining to Central and Eastern Europe.